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Public outraged by yet another stalking murder - 또 다른 스토킹 살인사건에 대중 분노

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 19.



Public outraged by yet another stalking murder

A murder case of a female subway worker by a male ex-colleague, which was committed one day before he was to be sentenced on charges of stalking the victim, has triggered public fury over the government’s poor response to repeated stalking murders. 전



Yoon vows to enhance protection for stalking victims
윤 대통령, 스토킹 피해자 보호 개선 약속

outrage = infuriate = enrage = exasperate = fly into a fury[rage/temper] = rage = rail = get indignant 격분, 격노, 잔학행위, 잔인무도한 일, 격분하게 만들다, 격노하게 만들다

stalking 남을 따라다니며 괴롭히다, 스토킹

stalk (공격 상대에게)몰래 접근하다, 쫒아다니며 괴롭히다, 스토킹하다, (식물의)줄기, 대

stalking horse (진짜 목적을 숨기기 위한)구실, 위장, 허수아비 입후보자(정당 대표에 대한 지지도를 가늠하기 위해 그의 상대 후보로 나서는 사람)

murder = homicide = manslaughter 살인, 살해

vow = swear = promise = pledge = make an oath 맹세하다, 약속하다

victim = target 피해자, 희생자, 제물, 희생물

casualty 사상자, 피해자, 응급실

perpetrator = assailant (범행·과실·악행을 저지른) 가해자, 범인

perpetrate = commit = make = do (범행·과실·악행) 저지르다, 자행하다

perpetuate 영구화 하다, 영속화하다

perpetual = continuous = continual 끊임없이 계속되는, 종신의, 빈번히 계속되는


A murder case of a female subway worker by a male ex-colleague, which was committed one day before he was to be sentenced on charges of stalking the victim, has triggered public fury over the government's poor response to repeated stalking murders.
전 직장 동료 남성에 의한 여성 역무원 A씨 살해 사건이 살인범이 A씨를 스토킹한 혐의로 선고받기 하루 전 발생해 반복되는 스토킹 살인에 대한 정부의 미흡한 대응에 국민의 분노를 촉발했다.


murder case 살인 사건

colleague = co-worker = fellow worker = associate = peer = workmate = officemate 동료, 직장동료

commit = perpetrate = make = do (범행·과실·악행) 저지르다, 자행하다

sentence 형벌, 형, (형의)선고, 선고하다

death sentence 사형 선고

life sentence 종신형

charge = allegation = accusation = indictment = report = arraignment 혐의, 기소, 고발

fury = rage = anger = resentment = infuriation = enragement = indignation = wrath 분개, 화, 극노

public fury = public anger 대중의 분노, 국민의 분노

repeated = frequent 반복되는, 되풀이되는, 잦은, 빈번한


The 31-year-old former Seoul Metro employee, identified only by his surname Jeon, allegedly stabbed the 28-year-old woman multiple times with a weapon in a restroom at Sindang Station on Seoul Metro lines 2 and 6, around 9 p.m., Wednesday. The victim was immediately taken to a nearby hospital, but was pronounced dead after two hours.
서울교통공사 전 직원인 피의자 전모씨(31)는 14일 오후 9시경 서울메트로 2·6호선 신당역 화장실에서 A(28)씨를 칼로 여러 차례 찌른 혐의를 받고 있다. A씨는 곧바로 인근 병원으로 옮겨졌지만 2시간 만에 숨졌다.


employee = worker = staff = personnel 직원, 사원

allegedly = supposedly 추정상, 아마, 제기된 바로는

stab = knife = pierce (칼같이 뾰족한 것으로) 찌르다

jab = prod = poke (손가락/막대 등으로)찌르다

prick (작은 구멍이 나도록 뾰족한 것으로)찌르다

restroom = public lavatory = pulbic toilet = comfort station = washroom = the john = the can (공공장소의)화장실

bathroom = loo = toilet (가정의) 화장실

nearby = close = vicinal = in the vicinity of = in the neighborhood of = in the environs of = neighboring = adjacent = contiguous = adjoining 인근의, 근처의, 부근의, 인접한

pronounce = announce = inform = proclaim = declare = make public = confirm = identify = verify 알리다, 표명하다, 선언하다, 공식화하다


Wearing a disposable sanitary cap, Jeon waited for over an hour in the subway station for the victim to show up and followed her as she entered the women's room to patrol the facility. He later told police that the act was premeditated and he had prepared the weapon in advance.
전씨는 일회용 샤워캡을 쓰고 지하철역에서 A씨가 나타날 때까지 1시간 넘게 기다리다가 여자화장실에 들어가 시설을 순찰하는 A씨를 따라갔다. 그는 나중에 경찰에 자신의 범행이 계획적이었고 미리 흉기를 준비했다고 말했다.


disposable = throwaway = single-use 일회용의, 사용후 버리게 되어있는

sanitary = hygienic = clean 위생의, 위생적인, 깨끗한

sanitize = disinfect 불쾌한 부분을 제거하다, 위생처리하다, 살균하다

sterilize = disinfect 멸균하다, 살균소독하다, 불임이 되게하다, 불임시술을 하다

fumigate 훈증소독하다, 연막소독하다

hygiene = sanitation = cleanliness 위생, 청결

patrol 순찰을 하다, 순찰, 순찰대, (특히 위협적으로)돌아다니다

a police car on patrol 순찰 중인 경찰차

raid 습격, 급습, (경찰의)현장 급습, 불시에 들이닥치다, 불시 단속을 벌이다, 급습하다, 습격하다

premeditate 미리 숙고하다, 미리 계획하다, 미리 꾀하다

meditate 명상하다, 묵상하다, ~을 꾀하다, ~을 계획하다

in advance = beforehand 사전에, 미리


The two used to be colleagues after joining the city's metro operator in 2018, until Jeon was forced to quit in Oct.13, 2021, after facing allegations of stalking, harassment and voyeurism against the victim.
두 사람은 2018년 서울교통공사에 함께 동기로 입사했지만 전씨가 A씨에 대한 스토킹, 성추행, 관음증 등의 혐의를 받아 2021년 10월 13일 강제 퇴사를 당했다.


be forced to = be compelled to = be obliged to 어쩔수 없이 ~하다, 강제로 ~하다

quit = stop = pull up stakes = pull up sticks 그만두다, 멈추다, 직장을 그만두다, 이사가다

allegation = charge = accusation = indictment = report = arraignment 혐의, 기소, 고발

stalking 남을 따라다니며 괴롭히다, 스토킹

harassment 괴롭힘, 성희롱

voyeurism 관음증voyeur 관음증이 있는 사람, 남의 사생활을 지켜보기를 즐기는 사람


The woman filed a police report against Jeon on Oct. 7, 2021. But a court ended up rejecting a request for an arrest warrant, citing a low risk of him fleeing or destroying evidence.
A씨는 2021년 10월 7일 전씨를 경찰에 신고했다. 하지만 법원은 도주나 증거인멸 가능성이 낮다는 이유로 구속영장을 기각했다.


file a police report 경찰에 신고하다

end up = finalize = finish = complete = end = close = conclude = wind up = wrap up 결국 ~하다, 마무리짓다

reject = decline = turn down = refuse = say no = scorn = dismiss = pass up 거절하다, 거부하다

arrest warrant 체포영장, 구속영장

flee = run away = escape 달아나다, 도망가다

on the run = on the loose = at large 도주중인, 잡히지 않은

destroy evidence 증거를 인멸하다


However, Jeon continued harassing the victim even as the police investigation was ongoing, forcing the woman to file another complaint on Jan. 27 of this year.
그러나 전씨는 경찰 조사가 진행되는 동안에도 A씨를 계속 스토킹해 A씨는 올해 1월 27일 전씨를 또 고소해야 했다.


harass = harry = trouble = distress = torment = plague = hound 괴롭히다, 희롱하다, 반복 공격하다

hassle = bother = irritate = vex = ride = nag = pester = badger 귀찮은 상황, 이러쿵 저러쿵 따지기, 재촉하다, 들볶다다, 성가시게하다

police investigation 경찰 조사

ongoing = on progress = afoot = underway 진행중인

file a complaint = protest = complain 이의를 제기하다


The tragic incident came just one day before Jeon's sentencing hearing. Prosecutors had sought a nine-year prison term for Jeon.
이 비극적인 사건은 전씨의 선고 공판을 하루 앞둔 시점에서 일어났다. 검찰은 전씨에게 징역 9년을 구형했다.


tragic = terrible = horrible = brutal = inhumane = miserable = wretched = pitiless = merciless = cruel = lamentable = regrettable = deplorable = appalling 비극적인, 처참한, 잔인한, 개탄스러운

sentencing hearing 선고공판, 양형심리

prosecutor 검찰, 기소검사, 검찰관, 소추자

prison term = jail term = term of imprisonment 형기

seek (필요한 것을 얻으려고)구하다, 추구하다, (법적)청하다, 구하다

seek a sentence of ~ 몇년의 형을 구형하다


This is not the first time Korea has seen stalking crimes result in the death of the victim. In November 2021, a woman in her 20s was murdered by her ex-boyfriend, Kim Byung-chan, in Jung District, Seoul, after he had been stalking her for several months following their breakup. In March of that year, Kim Tae-hyun brutally killed a woman whom he had stalked, along with her mother and younger sister who were present at the time. Public anger is mounting over the government's repeated failures to prevent stalking murders despite the legislation of an anti-stalking bill last October.
한국에서 스토킹 흉악 범죄로 인한 피해자 사망은 이번이 처음이 아니다. 작년 11월 서울 중구에서 한 20대 여성이 전 남자친구 김병찬에게 헤어진 뒤 몇 달 동안 스토킹을 당하다 살해당했다. 같은 해 3월 김태현은 자신이 스토킹하던 여성과 함께 있던 어머니, 여동생을 무참히 살해했다. 정부가 지난해 10월 스토킹 방지 법안을 통과시켰지만 또 다시 스토킹 살인 사건을 막지 못한 데 대해 국민의 분노가 고조되고 있다.


result in = cause = lead to = come to = end in ~을 초래하다, ~로 이어지다, ~로 끝나다

breakup 분산, 붕괴, 파괴, (부부 등의)불화, 이별, (학기 말의)종업, 해산

brutally = cruelly = heinously = without mercy = pitilessly = horribly = terribly = appallingly 잔혹하게, 야만스럽게, 끔찍하게

public anger = public fury 대중의 분노, 국민의 분노

mounting = increasing = growing = burgeoning = mushrooming = rising = incremental 증가하는, 커지는

legislation = enactment = lawmaking = legalization 입법
anti-stalking bill 스토킹 방지 법안

railraod (결의안/법률 등을 압력을 가해)전격 통과시키다, (서둘러/강압적으로 무엇을 하도록)몰아붙이다









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