728x90 반응형 정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스1031 Goryeo-era celadon found underwater put on display - 바다서 나온 고려청자, 박물관에 전시 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/11/742_340862.html?utm_source=CU Goryeo-era celadon found underwater put on display It was May 2007 when a fisherman working off the coast of Taean’s Daeseom Island in South Chungcheong Province caught in his fish trap a webfoot octopus grabbing onto what appeared to be a celadon bowl from the Goryeo period (918-1392). www.koreatimes.co.kr It was May .. 2022. 12. 1. Korean American attorney wants to become voice of voiceless - 한국계 미국인 변호사, “목소리 없는 이들의 목소리 될 것” https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/11/742_340804.html?utm_source=CU [INTERVIEW] Korean American attorney wants to become voice of voiceless Growing up in California as the son of Korean American immigrants, David Kim is all too familiar with the vicious circle of poverty. 한국계 미국인 이민자의 아들로 캘리포니아에서 자란 데이비드 김은 가난의 악순환에 매우 www.koreatimes.co.kr Growing up in California as the son of Korean .. 2022. 11. 30. Music producer explains why he dove into K-pop world - 음악 프로듀서, K팝의 세계에 빠진 이유 설명해 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/11/745_340684.html?utm_source=CU Music producer explains why he dove into K-pop world 'K-pop format allows limitless musical experimentation' 'K팝 구성 방식은 제한 없는 음악적 실험을 가능하게 한다' www.koreatimes.co.kr 'K-pop format allows limitless musical experimentation' ‘K팝 구성 방식은 제한 없는 음악적 실험을 가능하게 한다' music producer 음악 프로듀서 explain = explicate = expound = elucidate =.. 2022. 11. 29. Abortion remains stuck in legal gray area in Korea - 낙태, 한국에서 법 회색 지대에 머물러 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/11/742_340680.html?utm_source=CU Abortion remains stuck in legal gray area in Korea Pro-choice advocates call for insurance coverage of abortion, while doctors oppose it 임신 중절 합법화 찬성파, 낙태에 보험 적용 촉구하며 의사들과 대립 www.koreatimes.co.kr Pro-choice advocates call for insurance coverage of abortion, while doctors oppose it 임신 중절 합법화 찬성파, 낙태에 보험 적용 촉구하며 의사들과 대립 .. 2022. 11. 28. Stop siding with North Korea - [사설 읽기] 북한 편들기를 멈춰야 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/11/761_340561.html?utm_source=CU Stop siding with North Korea China, Russia hit for opposing more sanctions 중국과 러시아, 추가 제재 반대로 비판 받아 www.koreatimes.co.kr China, Russia hit for opposing more sanctions 중국과 러시아, 추가 제재 반대로 비판 받아 side with = take sides = take sb's side = take sb's part = be on sb's side ~의 편을 들다 hit = trounce = pommel = beat = pounch = str.. 2022. 11. 25. Korea to build Antarctica's 6th inland station by 2030 - 한국, 2030년까지 세계 6번째 남극 내륙기지 건설 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/11/742_340482.html?utm_source=CU Korea to build Antarctica's 6th inland station by 2030 The government will build an inland research station in Antarctica by 2030. 정부가 2030년까지 남국 내륙기지를 구축할 계획이라고 밝혔다. www.koreatimes.co.kr The government will build an inland research station in Antarctica by 2030, as part of a long-term plan to elevate the country's sta.. 2022. 11. 24. 이전 1 ··· 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 ··· 172 다음 728x90 반응형