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정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스1031

Busan's red-light district survives Korea's 2004 sex trade ban - 홍등가, 2004년 성매매특별법 도입에도 존속 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/11/742_340416.html?utm_source=CU Busan's red-light district survives Korea's 2004 sex trade ban Short-staffed, under-funded police grapple with crackdowns on brothels 경찰, 인력 및 예산 부족으로 업소 단속에 어려움 겪어 www.koreatimes.co.kr BUSAN — Prostitution is illegal in Korea. The country's ban on the sex trade was introduced in March 2004 and went into effect later t.. 2022. 11. 24.
89-year-old knitting artist proves age is just number - 89세 뜨개질 작가, 나이는 숫자임을 증명 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/11/745_340307.html?utm_source=CU 89-year-old knitting artist proves age is just number Late-bloomer Seo Yoon-nam holds 10th exhibition with clothes for BTS dolls 대기만성형 서윤남 작가, BTS 인형 옷을 포함한 10번째 전시회 개최 www.koreatimes.co.kr Late-bloomer Seo Yoon-nam holds 10th exhibition with clothes for BTS dolls 대기만성형 서윤남 작가, BTS 인형 옷을 포함한 10번째 전시회 개최 knitting 뜨개질, 뜨.. 2022. 11. 22.
Korean firms seek to capitalize on Qatar World Cup - 한국 기업, 카타르 월드컵 활용 시도 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/11/743_340246.html?utm_source=CU Korean firms seek to capitalize on Qatar World Cup Hyundai Motor, Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics and other Korean companies are trying to capitalize on this year's FIFA World Cup. 현대자동차, 삼성전자, LG전자와 다른 한국 기업들은 올해 열리는 FIFA 월드컵을 활용하기 위 www.koreatimes.co.kr Hyundai Motor, Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics and other.. 2022. 11. 22.
Hong Kong becomes battlefield for Shine Muscat grapes among Korea, Japan, China - 홍콩, 한중일의 샤인머스캣 승부처가 되다 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/11/741_340239.html?utm_source=CU Hong Kong becomes battlefield for Shine Muscat grapes among Korea, Japan, China HONG KONG - Shine Muscat grapes - developed in Japan - are popular in Hong Kong. 홍콩 - 일본에서 개발된 샤인머스캣은 홍콩에서 인기가 많다. www.koreatimes.co.kr HONG KONG ― Shine Muscat grapes ― developed in Japan ― are popular in Hong Kong. Despite their high pric.. 2022. 11. 21.
Differences still remain - [사설 읽기] 차이점은 여전히 존재 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/11/761_340072.html?utm_source=CU Differences still remain Biden, Xi show signs of thawing strained ties www.koreatimes.co.kr Biden, Xi show signs of thawing strained ties 바이든 대통령과 시 주석, 긴장관계 해빙의 조짐 보여 show signs of = show symptoms of ~의 조짐이 있다, ~의 징후를 보이다 sign = indication = signal = omen = portent = symptom = manifestation = hint = prelude = foretoke.. 2022. 11. 19.
K-pop meets K-literature - K팝, 한국문학을 만나다 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/11/745_339992.html?utm_source=CU K-pop meets K-literature 'Collaboration of K-pop, K-literature is a win-win for both' 'K팝과 한국문학의 콜라보, 서로에게 윈윈’ www.koreatimes.co.kr 'Collaboration of K-pop, K-literature is a win-win for both' ‘K팝과 한국문학의 콜라보, 서로에게 윈윈' literature 문학, 문헌, 인쇄물 literary 문학의, 문학적인, 문학에 심취한 collaboration = cooperation = joint venture = coope.. 2022. 11. 17.