728x90 반응형 정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스1030 Toughened measures on trade, tariffs challenge Korean firms - 무역 관세 강화 조치에 국내 기업들 촉각 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/10/743_316904.html Toughened measures on trade, tariffs challenge Korean firms Toughened measures on trade, tariffs challenge Korean firms www.koreatimes.co.kr A series of toughened international measures on cross-border trade and tariffs are posing challenges for major Korean companies that rely heavily on exports. 무역과 관세에 대한 일련의 강화된 국제적 조치들로 수출에 크게 .. 2021. 10. 14. Lina Korea extends term of 1st female CEO - 라이나생명 첫 여성 대표이사 연임 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/10/743_316748.html Lina Korea extends term of 1st female CEO Lina Korea extends term of 1st female CEO www.koreatimes.co.kr Lina Korea has extended the term of CEO Cho Jee-eun for another year until the end of 2022, the insurer's CEO recommendation committee said Thursday. 목요일 라이나생명 임원후보추천위원회는 조지은 대표이사의 임기를 1년 연장해 2022년까지 연임할 것이라고 전했다. extend the term.. 2021. 10. 12. Local governments conduct fight against smell of ginkgo nuts - 지자체들, 악취를 유발하는 은행나무 열매 집중 정비 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/10/742_316784.html Local governments conduct fight against smell of ginkgo nuts Local governments conduct fight against smell of ginkgo nuts www.koreatimes.co.kr Local governments here are collecting nuts from roadside ginkgo trees before they fall naturally, following continuous complaints every autumn about the pungent stench released when they are .. 2021. 10. 12. 26th BIFF opens with Im Sang-soo's 'Heaven: To the Land of Happiness' - 제26회 부산국제영화제 개막작 임상수 감독의 '행복의 나라로’ https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/10/745_316745.html 26th BIFF opens with Im Sang-soo's 'Heaven: To the Land of Happiness' 26th BIFF opens with Im Sang-soo's 'Heaven: To the Land of Happiness' www.koreatimes.co.kr BUSAN – The 26th Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) kicked off Wednesday for a 10-day run with director Im Sang-soo's "Heaven: To the Land of Happiness." 부산 – 10일 간 진행.. 2021. 10. 11. Exhibition of products with fonts developed by 5 elderly women marks Hangeul Day - 칠곡할매서체 5종으로 만든 전시회, 한글날을 빛내다 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/10/742_316729.html Exhibition of products with fonts developed by 5 elderly women marks Hangeul Day Exhibition of products with fonts developed by 5 elderly women marks Hangeul Day www.koreatimes.co.kr An exhibition has opened displaying products inscribed with fonts developed by five elderly women in Chilgok County, North Gyeongsang Province, who hav.. 2021. 10. 10. MMCA publishes 'Korean Art 1900-2020' as overview of country's art history - 국립현대미술관, 한국 미술사를 조명하는 '한국미술 1900-2020’ 발간 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/10/744_316664.html MMCA publishes 'Korean Art 1900-2020' as overview of country's art history MMCA publishes 'Korean Art 1900-2020' as overview of country's art history www.koreatimes.co.kr The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary, Korea (MMCA) has released a new publication called "Korean Art 1900-2020" that sheds light on the country's modern .. 2021. 10. 9. 이전 1 ··· 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 ··· 172 다음 728x90 반응형