Hidebound : 완고한, 지독히 보수적인, 편협한, 변통이 없는
hideboundness : 편협함, 피골이 상접함
If you describe somebody or system as hidebound
Fixed opinions
Fixed way of doing things
It is not willing to change, It is not looking for new ideas
Somebody or something are stuck in the past
Ultra conservative / reactionary / super conventional / super orthodox / inflexible
His politics are so hidebound that nothing is going to change
Hidebound methodology
Stubborn / narrow-minded / inflexible / rigid / puritan / straight[strait]-laced / set in your ways
Bigoted / close-minded / intolerant
Opposite to liberal, flexible, unconventional, unorthodox
Restricted by petty rules and by conservative traditionalist attitudes
You can call a book as hidebound
Leather-bound book is a hidebound
Use for animals or tree that are stuck to the skin or stuck to the internal skin, cf) hidebound disease
Formality : 6 - 6.5