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162. Enclave vs Exclave - English Vocabulary - Enclave / Exclave

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 11.

Enclave : (다른 국가나 도시에 둘러쌓여진) 소수 민족 거주지, 이문화 집단, 그룹, 커뮤니티

It is a country that is completely surrounded by another countiries

The Vatican is an enclave, it's completely surroundded by Italy

It doesn't jsut have to be a country, it could be political entity, cultural entity, social entity

In a city, you have an enclave of people from anothe country

In London, there are inclaves various of nationalities 

Greek enclaves / Jewish enclaves / Turkish enclaves 

You can use it metaphorically

Having kids is a lifestyle enclave because if you have kids, you nearly always only related with other people that have kids


Formality : 6.5



Exclave : 고립 영토 (본국에서 떨어져서 다른 나라의 영토에 둘러싸인)

A place that is seperated from the main body 

It is not completely surrounded enclave but it is separated from there is no direct bridge, you have to pass through another country if you wnat to get there

This word is much more technical


Formality : 7 - 7.5





