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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

161. Resplendent - Literary Vocabulary

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 11.

Resplendent : 눈부시게 빛나는, 눈부시게 멋진

Resplendently : 휘황찬란하게, 눈부시게

Resplendence : 광휘, 찬란함, 빛남


It means it looks really bright and beautiful

The king was dressed in a resplendent ermine robe

She looks resplendent, really beautiful appearance 

Attractive, impressive, rich colors, splendid, brillient, dazzling 

She looks radiant and glowing

There is a resplendent shining sun coming over the horizon

be resplendently dressed

Glorious / luminous / lustrous / refulgent / glittering / sublime / superb

A resplendent person

A resplendent character

Resplendent quetzal, a beautiful latin American bird

Resplendent can be usually particulary for clothes or jewelry

Often used metaphorically - shiny / glorious / luminuous / lustrous etc


Formality : 5




