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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

166. Perfunctory - Formal English - Perfunctory / Perfunctorily

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 12.

Perfunctory : 형식적인, 의무적인, 습관적인

Perfunctorily : 사무적으로, 형식적으로


Means with little interest

They treat the things as a routine, obligation

They do it without interest or without enthusiasm

They do it becuase it's boring obligations

They don't put their heart and soul into it

Give a perfuctory hello

lacking enthusiasm 

You are quite superficial and careless about how you do it

The receptionist at the hotel provided that the perfunctory courtesy necessary but no more

Perfunctory thanks, Perfunctory comments

Do it routinely without interest

Perfunctory tone of voice

Perfunctory greeting without any strong feeling

Without enthusisma, Without interest , bored are synonyms that might be used in informal conversation

Very formal vocabulary


Formality : 6.5 - 7







