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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

167. Desultory - Formal English Vocabulary

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 12.

Desultory : 실망스러운, 두서없는, 종잡을 수 없는, 산만한, 주제를 벗어난, 일관성이 없는

In a desultory way : 산만하게, 일관성 없이, 두서없이


Something that is disappointing

It's poor quality

It's not very good progress

We made desultory progress, we made a little bit of progress



It can also mean, not connected with the subject

Desultory comment that were nothing to do with what we were talking about


It can also means, jumping from ont thing to another

Not methodical, not connected

He wrote a very desultory report, the report wasn't organized and he suddenly talk about one thing and then suddernly talk about another and then go back to the first one, there is no pattern, no organization, no structure 

Desultory speech, wasn't connected

Disorganized / haphazard / not methodical


disappointing / random / disconnected, those are more used in informal conversation


Formality : 7




