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Expanding diplomatic horizons - [사설 읽기] 외교적 지평 확장

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 6. 18.



Expanding diplomatic horizons

Expanding diplomatic horizons




NATO summit offers both opportunities and challenges
나토 정상회의는 기회인 동시에 도전이다


diplomatic horizon 외교적 지평, 외교적 시야

be on the horizon = be imminent = be impending = be close at hand = be in the offing 임박하다, 일어 날 것이다

opportunity = chance 기회

challenge = defiance = difficulty = hardship 도전, 어려움, 저항


President Yoon Suk-yeol's plan to attend a NATO summit will mark a turning point in South Korea's multilateral diplomacy. The gathering, scheduled for June 29 and 30 in the Spanish capital of Madrid, will provide a rare opportunity for Yoon to expand the country's diplomatic horizons by stepping up security cooperation with the regional alliance.
윤석열 대통령의 북대서양조약기구(NATO) 정상회의 참석 계획은 한국 다자외교의 전환점이 될 것이다. 오는 6월 29~30일 스페인 수도 마드리드에서 열리는 이번 회의는 윤 대통령이 이 지역 동맹과의 안보 협력을 강화해 외교적 지평을 넓히는 흔치 않은 기회가 될 것이다.


NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 나토, 북대서양 조약기구

turning point = watershed = watershed moment = crossroads 전환점, 전기, 기로

transition period 과도기, 전환기

milestone = landmark 중요한 단계, 획기적인 사건

breakthrough 돌파구

tipping point 티핑포인트(작은변화들이 쌓여, 이제 작은 변화만 일어나더라도 큰 영향을 초래할 수있는 단계)

big step 큰 도약

multilateral 다자간의

bilateral = mutual = reciprocal = both 쌍방의, 양자간의, 상호간의

trilateral = triangular = tripartite = three-way 3자간의, 3국간의

unilateral = lopsided = one-sided 일방적인, 독자적인, 편무적인

diplomacy = diplomatic skill 외교, 외교술

diplomat 외교관

rare opportunity 드문 기회

step up = fortify = consolidate = beef up = strengthen = reinforce = enhance = ramp up = aggrandize = shore up = bolster = firm up 강화하다, 증가시키다, 늘리다

security cooperation 안보 협력

military cooperation 군사 협력

economic cooperation 경제 협력

trade cooperation 통상협력

cooperation with ~와의 협력

regional alliance 지역 동맹

alliance = partnership = union = federation = coalition = league 동맹, 연합, 연립, 연방, 협회


He will be the country's first president to take part in a summit of NATO, which was created in 1949. Yoon's participation will come as the leader of a NATO partner country, as Korea is not a member of the transatlantic organization. The upcoming summit is drawing much attention as the leaders of Asia-Pacific partners such as Japan, Australia and New Zealand are expected to get together with those of the 30 NATO members.
그는 1949년 창설된 나토의 정상회의에 참석하는 한국 최초의 대통령이 된다. 윤 대통령의 참석은 한국이 이 대서양 조약기구의 회원국이 아니기 때문에 나토의 동반자(partner)국 지도자 자격으로 이루어지게 된다. 이번 정상회의는 일본, 호주, 뉴질랜드 등 아시아-태평양지역 정상들이 나토 30개국 정상들과 한자리에 모일 것으로 예정되어 있어 많은 관심을 끌고 있다.


take part in = participate in = engage in ~에 참석하다, ~에 관여하다, ~에 참가하다

partner country 동반자 국가, 협력국가

transatlantic 대서양 횡단의, 대서양 연안 국가들의, 대서양 건너편의

organization = apparatus 조직체, 기구, 단체

upcoming = forthcoming = in the wind = pending = impending 곧있을, 다가오는

draw attention = attract attention = catch one's attention 주의를 끌다, 주목을 끌다

catch the public eye 대중의 관심을 끌다, 대중의 이목을 끌다

get together = gather = congregate = flock together 모이다, 뭉치다


Particularly, the meeting carries significance as NATO is likely to adopt a new strategic concept to expand its role beyond the North Atlantic region to better cope with threats from China in the Asia-Pacific region. This concept is certainly in line with U.S. President Joe Biden's push for an international coalition to counter Beijing's growing regional and global influence.
특히 이번 회의는 나토가 북대서양을 넘어 아시아-태평양 지역에서 중국의 위협에 더 잘 대처하기 위해 새로운 전략적 개념을 채택할 것이라는 점에서 의의가 있다. 이 개념은 확실히 조 바이든 미국 대통령이 중국의 증가하는 지역 및 세계적 영향력에 대항하기 위해 국제적 연합전선을 추진하려는 것과 맥락을 같이 한다.


particularly = especially = notably = in particular = specially 특히, 특별히

carry significance 의의가 있다, 중요성의 띈다

adopt = take up on = accept = choose = embrace 쓰다, 취하다, 채택하다

strategic concept 전략적 개념

beyond the region 지역을 넘어서, 범위를 넘어서, 경계를 넘어서

North Atlantic region 북대서양 지역

Asia-Pacific region 아시아-태평양 지역

cope with = deal with = manange = treat = handle = react 다루다, 대처하다, 해결하다

threat = intimidation = blackmail = menace 위협, 협박

suppress = oppress = repress 억압하다, 탄압하다, 억누르다

suppression = oppression = repression = crackdwon 억압, 탄압, 진압

in line with ~와 함께, ~에 따라, ~의 방침에 의거하여, ~와 연결되도록, ~의 일환으로

certainly = for sure = surely = definitely = undoubtedly = unquestionably 확실히, 틀림없이, 반드시

push = drive = move = pursuit 추진, 계획, 추구

international coalition 국제적 연합

counter = confront = face up to = stand up to = tackle = counteract = stand against 대응하다, 맞서다

global influence 세계적 영향력

influence = clout = leverage 영향력


The meeting will also be held against the backdrop of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. NATO is expected to reaffirm its collective security commitments, realign its military preparedness and find a new role in the Asia-Pacific region. Biden has already emphasized the importance of strengthening the U.S.' alliances and partnerships with like-minded democracies to promote a rules-based international order.
이번 정상회의는 러시아의 우크라이나 침공 배경 하에 열리는 것이기도 하다. 나토는 집단안보 공약을 재확인하고 군사 대비 태세를 재정비하며 아시아-태평양 지역에서 새로운 역할을 모색할 것으로 예상된다. 바이든 대통령은 이미 규범에 기반한 국제 질서를 촉진하기 위해 같은 생각을 가진 민주주의 국가들과의 동맹과 파트너십을 강화하는 것이 중요하다고 강조해 왔다.


against the backdrop of ~의 배경하에, ~한 배경에서, ~한 상황에서

reaffirm = reassert = redeclare 재단언하다, 재천명하다

assure 장담하다, 확언하다, 확약하다

reassure = set one's mind at rest 안심시키다

collective security commitments 집단 안보 공약

collective = communal = joint 공동의, 집단의, (공동체 내의)집단들이 관련된

realign = reorgnaize = restructure = rearrange 재편성하다, 재구성하다, 변경하다

military preparedness 군사 대비태세

preparedness = preparation = provision = readiness = readiness posture = preparatory postion 대비태세, 준비태세, 대비

emphasize = stress = underscore = underline = highlight = put an emphasis on 강조하다

alliance = partnership = union = federation = coalition = league 동맹, 연합, 연립, 연방, 협회

like-minded = congenial 생각이 비슷한, 뜻이 비슷한

comrade = like-minded person 동지, 전우

democracy 민주국가, 민주주의, 평등, 민주적인 대우

rule-based 규범에 기반한, 룰기반의

international order 국제 질서


NATO's invitation of President Yoon to the summit is a testament to Korea's rising international status and its strategic value in the Asia-Pacific. It is also a thinly veiled call on South Korea to join the U.S.-led efforts to check the rise of China. Thus, the summit will also put Yoon to a major diplomatic test. That is why Yoon needs to take a cautious approach to avoid a new Cold War confrontation with China, Russia and North Korea.
나토가 윤 대통령을 정상회의에 초청한 것은 한국의 높아진 국제적 위상과 아태 지역에서의 전략적 가치를 입증하는 것이다. 중국의 부상을 견제하기 위한 미국 주도의 노력에 한국이 동참해야 한다는 은근한 요구이기도 하다. 따라서 이번 정상회담은 윤 대통령에게도 중대한 외교적 시험대가 될 것이다. 그렇기 때문에 윤 대통령은 중국, 러시아 및 북한과의 신냉전 대결을 피하기 위해 신중한 접근을 할 필요가 있다.


invitation 초대, 초청, 초대(하거나 받는것), 초대장, 초청장

testament = testimony = evidence = proof 증거

prelude 서곡, 전주곡, (다른 중요한 일으)서곡, 서막

pretext = good excuse 구실, 핑계

good excuse 좋은 구실, 좋은 핑계거리, 좋은 변명

international status 국제적 위상

statute 법규, 법령, 규정, 학칙

statue 조각상

status 지위, 높은 지위, 신분, 자격

national prestige 국위선양, 국가의 위상

strategic value 전략적 가치

thinly-veiled 얄팍한, 아주 은근한, 얇은 베일에 가린

thinly veiled = shallow = transparent 얇은 베일에 가린, 은근한

thinly-veiled threat 아주 은근한 협박

U.S.-led 미국주도의

check = curb = contain = head off = obstuct 억제하다, 막자, 저지하다

thwart = foil = stymie = frustrate (계획등을)좌절시키다, 방해하다

diplomatic test 외교적 시험대

cautious = prudent = discreet = carful = heedful = thoughtful 조심스러운, 신중한, 주의를 기울이는

new Cold War 신냉전, 새로운 냉전

confrontation = conflict = collision = strife = friction = clash = feud 불화, 충돌, 대립


Yoon's attendance in the summit will be his first overseas trip since his May 10 inauguration. A presidential official said that the meeting will be "an important opportunity to strengthen cooperation with NATO allies and partners to maintain the values- and rules-based international order and our country's role as a global pivotal nation." Yoon can ask for NATO's cooperation in coping with North Korea's continuing launches of ballistic missiles including ICBMs and a possible seventh nuclear test.
윤 대통령의 이번 나토 정상회의 참석은 지난 5월 10일 취임 이후 첫 해외순방이다. "이번 회의는 가치와 규범에 기초한 국제 질서와 글로벌 중추국가로서의 우리나라의 역할을 유지하기 위해 나토 동맹국 및 파트너국과의 협력을 강화하는 중요한 기회가 될 것"이라고 대통령실의 한 관리가 밝혔다. 윤 대통령은 북한의 ICBM을 포함한 탄도미사일 발사와 7차 핵실험 가능성에 대처하기 위해 나토의 협력을 요청할 수 있다.


attendace = attendance 참석

presence 있음, 존재, 참석, 주둔

absence 부재, 결석, 없음

appearance 출연, 모습을 모임, 나타남, 도착한

emergence 떠오름, 부상, 출현, 부각

advent 도래, 출현

inauguration 취임, 취임식

inaugurate = take office = be inaugurated = be sworn in 취임하다

strengthen = step up = fortify = consolidate = beef up = reinforce = enhance = ramp up = aggrandize = shore up = bolster = firm up 강화하다, 증가시키다, 늘리다

ally = allied nation = friendly nation = partner 동맹국, (정치적)협력자, 우방국, ~을 지지하다, 편들다

maintain = sustain = keep = support = shore up =  prop up 유지하다, 지키다, 지탱하다

value-based 가치 기반의, 가치에 기초한

rule-based 규범 기반의, 규범에 기초한

pivotal = central = leading = key = core 중심이 되는, 중심 축이 되는

cope with = deal with = manange = treat = handle = react 다루다, 대처하다, 해결하다

continuing = continuous = continual = continued 계속되는, 거듭되는, 반복되는, 지속되는

ballistic missile 탄도미사일

intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBMs) 대륙간 탄도 미사일

short- and medium-range baliistic missile 단거리*중거리 탄도 미사일

submarine launched ballistic missile 잠수함 발사 미사일

nuclear test 핵실험

military provacation 군사도발


Yoon can hold multiple bilateral summits with the participating leaders. There is also the possibility of his one-on-one meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. If such a meeting takes place, it could pave the way for a breakthrough in Seoul-Tokyo ties, which have hit the lowest level since the 1965 diplomatic normalization. It is necessary for the two leaders to narrow their differences over historical issues such as wartime forced labor and sex slavery. We hope Yoon will produce successful results out of the NATO summit.
윤 대통령은 회의 참가국 정상들과 복수의 양자 정상회담을 가질 수 있다. 그가 기시다 후미오 일본 총리와 일대일 회담을 할 가능성도 있다. 이런 만남이 성사되면 1965년 국교정상화 이후 최저 수준으로 악화한 한일 관계의 돌파구를 마련할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 전시 강제징용과 일본군 성노예 등 역사 문제를 놓고 두 정상이 이견을 좁힐 필요가 있다. 윤 대통령이 나토 정상회의에서 성공적인 결과를 거두길 기대한다.

muliple = many-sided = multilateral 많은, 다수의, 다양한, 복합적인, 다각의

bilateral summit 양자 정상회담

possibility = potential = probability = likelihood = chance = prospect 가능성, 공산, 가망

one-on-one = one-to-one 1대1의 , 단 두사람 사이의, 1대1로 상응하는

face-to-face 마주보는, 대면하는

in person 직접, 몸소

take place = occur = happen = break out = open = be held 일어나다, 발생하다, 열리다

pave the way = lead up to 길을 닦다, ~에 대해 준비하다, ~에 이르다

breakthrough 돌파구

hit the lowest level 최저 수준이다

diplomatic normalization 국교정상화, 외교정상화necessary = essential = indispensable = vital = important = crucial 필수적인, 중요한narrow the differences 이견을 좁히다, 차이를 좁히다bridge the gap = bridge the gulf = bridge the divide 간극을 메우다, 공백을 메우다, 차이를 메우다historical issue 역사적 문제, 역사 문제wartime 전시, 전시의forced labor 강제징용sex salvery 성노예Japanese occupation 일제강점기result = outcome = fruit = consequence = product = performance  성과, 결과, 실적








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