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Broadening alliance - [사설 읽기] 한미 동맹 확대

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 5. 24.



Broadening alliance

Broadening alliance



Allies vie for economic, technology partnership
한미, 경제 기술 파트너십으로 경쟁


broaden = widen = become wider[broader] = expand = extend = enlarge 넓히다, 넓어지다

alliance 동맹, 연합, 동맹단체, 연합체

ally = allied nations 동맹국, 협력자, 지지하다, 편들다

vie for ~을 위해 겨루다, 경쟁하다ㅏ

vie = compete = contend = battle  (어떤것을 차지하기 위해)다투다, 경쟁하다

vie - vied - vied - vying 

partnership (사업의)동업자관계, 동반자관계, 동업관계, 파트너쉽


President Yoon Suk-yeol and his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden have committed to expanding the two countries' military alliance into a "global comprehensive strategic alliance" to deepen their cooperation in economy and technology. This new meaning of an alliance is set to open a new horizon in bilateral relations to ensure peace, stability and prosperity not only on the Korean Peninsula and in East Asia, but also across the globe.
윤석열 대통령과 조 바이든 미국 대통령은 한미 간 군사 동맹을 ‘글로벌 포괄적 전략 동맹'으로 격상시켜 경제와 기술 분야에서 협력을 확대하기로 약속했다. 이 새로운 동맹의 의미는 한반도와 동아시아뿐만 아니라 전 세계 평화와 안정, 번영을 보장하기 위해 한미 관계의 새로운 지평을 열어나가기로 했다.


counterpart = opposite number 동일한 지위나 기능을 갖는) 상대, 대응 관계에 있는 사람[것]

commit 저지르다, 범하다, 자살하다, 약속하다

commission 위원단, 수수료, 의뢰, 주문, 의뢰하다, 주문하다, 임관시키다, (범행/과실)저지름, 범함

commitment 약속, 전념, 헌신, 약속한 일, 책무

a total commitment = a thoroughgoing commitment 완전한 몰두

expand into ~로 확대하다

military alliance 군사동맹

strategic alliance 전략적 동맹, 전략적 제휴

comprehensive = far-reaching = inclusive = complete = full = overall = all-around = exhaustive = broad = wide = widespread = wide-ranging = far-ranging = extensive = long-range = wide scope 포괄적인, 광범위한, 넓은

encompassing 둘러싸는, 아우르는, 망라하는

all-encompassing 모두를 아우르는

deepen = consolidate = solidify = make strong = thicken 깊어지다, 깊게하다, 더 깊어지다, 악화되다, 악화시키다

be set to = be ready to = be about to = be going to = be on the point of = be on the brink of = be on the verge of ~할 예정이다, 막~할 예정이다, ~하기 직전에 있다, ~하려는 찰나에 있다

horizon 수평선, 지평선, (욕구·지식·흥미의 범위를 나타내는) 시야, 지평
open (up) a new horison 새로운 지평을 열다, 새로운 시야를 열다

bilateral relation = reciprocity = reciprocal relation = mutual relation 양자관계, 쌍무관계, 상호관계

ensure = guarantee = insure = make sure = assure 보장하다

peace 평화

prosperity 번영, 번성, 번창

prosper = thirve = flourish 번영하다, 번청하다, 번성하다

prosperous = thriving = flourishing 번창한, 번영한

stability 안정, 안정성

instability = destabilization = insecurity 불안정


In this sense, the two leaders' first summit, held in Seoul on Saturday, was considered to have produced successful results. They deserve credit for going beyond the security alliance to cover everything from strategic goods ― such as semiconductors and batteries ― to a united front to respond to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic.
이런 점에서 토요일 서울에서 열린 두 정상 간의 첫 정상회담은 성공적인 결과를 만들어낸 것으로 보인다. 두 정상은 안보 동맹을 넘어 반도체와 배터리와 같은 전략 품목에서부터 러시아의 우크라이나 침공, 기후 변화, COVID-19 팬데믹에 대응하기 위한 연합 전선에 이르기까지 모든 것을 망라한 것에 대해 평가 받을 만하다.


in this[that] sense = in this[that] respect = in this[that] regard 이런 점에서, 그런 점에서, 그 점에 있어서

be considered = be regarded = be deemed ~로 간주되다, ~로 여겨지다, ~인것으로 고려되다

produce successful results 성공적인 결과를 도출하다, 성공적인 결과를 만들어 내다

deserve credit for ~한 칭찬 받을만 하다, ~한 칭찬을 받을 자격이 있다

go beyond = exceed ~을 넘어서다, ~을 초과하다, 한도를 넘다, 도가 치나치다

security alliance 안보동맹

military alliance 군사동맹

strategic alliance 전략적 동맹, 전략적 제휴

strategic goods 전략물자united front 연합전선, 공동전선, 통일전선invasion of ~의 침략, ~의 침해climate change 기후변화


Biden started his three-day visit to South Korea by visiting Samsung Electronics' semiconductor factory in Pyeongtaek, south of Seoul. It is unusual for any U.S. president to go to such a factory first before visiting major U.S. military bases here. He also wrapped up his stay by meeting with Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Chung Euisun.
바이든 대통령은 평택 삼성전자 반도체 공장을 방문하며 3일간의 한국 방문 일정을 시작했다. 미국 대통령이 국내 주요 미군 기지를 방문하기 전에 이 같은 공장을 먼저 방문한 것은 이례적이다. 바이든 대통령은 또 정의선 현대자동차그룹 회장과 만나는 것으로 체류 일정을 마무리했다.


three-day visit = three days visit 3일간의 방문

visit to South Korea 방한, 한국방문

visit South Korea 한국을 방문하다, 방한하다

semiconductor factory 반도체 공장

factory = plant = mill = work 공장

unusual = uncommon = rare = unique = strange = peculiar = exceptional = out of the ordinary 드문, 이색적인, 낯선

U.S. military base 미군 기지

wrap up = wind up = finish = end = complete = round off 마무리짓다, 끝을 내다

round off ~을 잘 마무리 짓다, ~을 잘 마무리하다, 반올림하다, (날카롭게 거친부분을)깎아내다, 다듬다

meet with = have a meeting with ~와 만나다, ~을 겪다


All these show how important it is for him to attract investments from Korean firms and step up technology cooperation with Asia's fourth-largest economy. He thanked Samsung for investing $17 billion in building a chip-making plant in Texas. He also received a promise from Hyundai to invest $5 billion in the U.S. for robotics and autonomous driving software development, in addition to a $5.54-billion investment to build an electric vehicle and car battery factory in Georgia.
이 모든 것은 바이든 대통령이 한국 기업들로부터 투자를 유치하고 아시아 4위의 경제대국인 한국과의 기술 협력을 강화하는 것이 얼마나 중요한지를 보여준다. 바이든 대통령은 삼성이 텍사스에 반도체 공장을 건설하는 데 170억 달러를 투자하는 것에 대해 감사를 표했다. 바이든 대통령은 또 현대로부터 조지아주에 전기차 공장 및 자동차 배터리 공장을 짓는 데 55억 4천만 달러를 투자하고 로보틱스와 자율주행 소프트웨어 개발에 50억 달러를 투자하겠다는 약속을 받았다.

attract investment 투자를 유치하다

set up = build up = forge = establish = form 세우다, 구축하다, 만들다

technology cooperation 기술 협력

economy 경기, 경제, (경제주체로서의)국가, 경제대국, 절약, 아끼기

thank = express one's thanks = give thanks to = express one;s gratitude 감사하다, 감사를 표하다, 고마워하다

chip-making plant = semiconductor factory 반도체 공장

build = set up = erect = construct = found 세우다, 건설하다

receive a promise 약속을 받다

robotics 로봇공학, 로보틱스

autonomous driving 자율주행

software development 소프트웨어 개발

electric vehicle 전기차

car battery factory 자동차 배터리 공장

in addition to ~에 더하여, ~뿐아니라

in addition 게다가, ~에 덧붙여








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