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Discourteous and undiplomatic - [사설 읽기] 무례하고 비외교적인

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 5. 16.



Discourteous and undiplomatic

Discourteous and undiplomatic



China under fire for raising THAAD issue again
중국이 또 다시 사드 문제를 제기해 비난을 받고 있다


discourteous = impolite = rude = ill-mannered = ill-bred 무례한, 예의없는

courteous = polite = well-mannered 공손한, 정중한

courtesy = politeness 공손함, 정중함, (격식을 차리는 상황에서)예의상하는 말[행동], 무료의, 서비스의

by courtesy of ~의 호의로, ~의덕분에, ~의 양해를 얻어, ~이 제공한, ~의 허가로

undiplomatic 외교수완이없는, 요령이 없는

diplomacy 외교, 외교술, 사교능력, 외교수완

come under fire = be under fire 맹비난을 받다, 비판을 받다

raise an issue 쟁점을 제기하다


Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan has come under criticism for his seemingly inappropriate statement during his meeting with President Yoon Suk-yeol on Tuesday. Wang, who came here to attend Yoon's inauguration ceremony as Chinese President Xi Jinping's special envoy, offered a five-point proposal designed to promote bilateral relations further. Most notably, he cited the need for the two countries to "properly handle sensitive issues." China has used this expression when attempting to demand the withdrawal of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system from Korea.
왕치산 중국 국가부주석이 화요일 윤석열 대통령을 만난 자리에서 부적절한 발언을 해 비난을 받고 있다. 시진핑 중국 국가주석의 특사 자격으로 윤 대통령의 취임식에 참석하기 위해 방한한 왕 부주석은 양국 관계를 더욱 증진시키기 위해 고안된 5개항의 제안을 내놓았다. 특히 왕 부주석은 "민감한 문제를 적절히 처리해야 한다"고 말했다. 중국은 한국에 사드(고고도미사일방어체계) 철수를 요구할 때 이런 표현을 써왔다.


vice president 부통령, 부사장, 부주석

come under criticism = come under fire 비판받다, 비난받다

seemingly = apparently = outwardly = ostensibly = on the surface = externally 보아하니, 표면상으로, 겉보기에는

inappropriate = improper = inadequate = insuitable = unreasonable = unrighteous 부적절한, 부적합한, 부적당한

inauguration = inauguration ceremony = inaugural ceremony 취임식, 개관식, 개회식

special envoy = special emissary 특사

proposal 제안, 청혼

designed to do ~하게 되어있는, ~하도록 설계된, ~하도록 만들어진

bilateral relations 양자관계, 양국관계

bilateral = mutual = reciprocal 쌍방의, 상호간의, 서로의, 공동의

mutual relation = reciprocal relation = interrelation = reciprocity = correrlation 상호관계, 상관관계

notably = particularly = especially = remarkably 특히, 특별히

cite = utter = comment = remark = note = state = express one's opinion 언급하다, 말하다

handle = cope with = deal with = manage = treat = address = cover 다루다, 처리하다, 해결하다

sensitive = thorny = formidable = delicate = awkward 민감한, 곤란한, 다루기힘든, 만만찮은

attempt = try = plan = design 시도하다

demand = require = request = ask for = call on = call for 요구하다, 요청하다

withdrawal = retraction = recantation = retreat = pullout 취소, 철회, 퇴각

Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (THAAD) 사드, 고고도미사일방어체계


Seoul and Beijing agreed to terminate the dispute on THAAD issues and mend their soured relations in October 2017. Despite the agreement, China's Xi repeatedly called on former President Moon Jae-in to "properly handle the issue." It is inappropriate for Wang to raise the issue again in the meeting with Yoon as he was visiting to congratulate him on taking office. Critics said Wang's remark can be interpreted as bullying.
한국과 중국은 지난 2017년 10월 사드 문제에 대한 분쟁을 종결하고 악화된 관계를 개선하기로 합의했다. 시 주석은 이 합의에도 불구하고 문재인 전 대통령에게 ‘이 문제를 제대로 처리'해 달라고 거듭 촉구했다. 왕 부주석이 윤 대통령 취임을 축하하기 위해 방문한 자리에서 다시 이 문제를 제기한 것은 부적절하다. 비평가들 사이에서는 왕 부주석의 발언이 협박으로 해석될 수 있다는 비판이 나왔다.


agree to = assent to = consent to  = accord = concur ~에 동의하다

in unison = with one accord 한마음으로

terminate = come to an end = end = conclude = finish = complete = close 끝내다, 종료하다, 끝을 맺다

dispute = argument = controversy = confrontation = quarrel = row = briker = squabble = high words = altercation = friction = discord = conflict = feud = strife = collision 논쟁, 분쟁, 다툼, 충돌

mend relations = mend ties 관계를 회복하다, 관계를 계선하다

soured relations = broken relations 틀어진 관계

agreement = consensus = accord = concurrence = coincidence 동의, 합의, 일치

arrangement = agreement = pact = treaty = convention = settlement 협정, 합의, 조약, 협약

repeatedly = frequently = often = profusely = over and over again = again and again 반복해서, 자꾸, 되풀이하여

properly = reasonably = suitably = adequately = appropriately 적절히, 적당히, 적정하게, 합리적으로

inappropriate = improper = inadequate = insuitable = unreasonable = unrighteous 부적절한, 부적합한, 부적당한

raise an issue 쟁점을 제기하다

congratulate = celebrate = felicitate = offer congratulations 축하하다, 경하하다

take office = inaugurate = be inaugurated = take up one's post 취임하다

critics 비평가들

remark = reference = comment = utterance = statement 발언, 말하기, 말

interpret 설명하다, 해석하다, 이해하다, 통역하다

interpretation 해석, 이해, 설명, 해석

interpreter 통역사, (작품의 해석을 보여주는)연주자, 연기자, 해석프로그램

translate 번역하다, 통역하다, 옮기다translator 번역가, 통역사bullying = teasing 괴롭힘, 협박intimidation = blackmail = threat = menace 협박, 위협



It is also improper for Xi to convey his invitation for Yoon to visit China via Wang. This can be problematic in light of the strict principle of reciprocity in the diplomatic world. Xi has not visited Seoul since July 2014. In comparison, former President Park Geun-hye visited Beijing in September 2015, while Moon also visited China twice. Though Xi and other ranking Chinese officials revealed Xi's intention to visit Korea many times, they failed to put the pledges into practice.
시 주석이 왕 부주석을 통해 윤 대통령의 중국 방문 초청을 전달한 것도 부적절하다. 이것은 외교가에서 상호주의의 엄격한 원칙에 비추어 볼 때 문제가 될 수 있다. 시 주석은 지난 2014년 7월 이후 한차례도 한국을 방문하지 않았다. 이에 비해 박근혜 전 대통령은 2015년 9월 중국을 방문했고, 문 전 대통령도 두 차례 중국을 방문했다. 시 주석을 비롯한 중국 고위 관리들은 시 주석의 한국 방문 의사를 여러 차례 밝혔지만 실천에 옮기지 않았다.


improper = inappropriate = inadequate = insuitable = unreasonable = unrighteous 부적절한, 부적합한, 부적당한

convey = communicate = deliver = carry = pass sth on = report = let sb know 전하다, 전달하다, 실어나르다, 운반하다, 운송하다

conveyance 수송, 운송, 수송기관, 탈것, 양도증서

invitation 초대, 초청, 초대장

problematic 문제가 많은, 문제가 있는

unproblematic 문제가 안되는, 문제가 없는

in light of ~에 비추어, ~을 고려하여, ~을 감안하여

strict = stringent = rigorous = rigid = stern 엄격한, 엄한, 엄중한

reciprocity = mutual relation = reciprocal relation = interrelation = correrlation 상호관계, 상관관계

in comparison = by comparison (with/to) = in contrast = as compared ~와 비교하여, ~와 비교해보면

though = although = nevertheless = however = notwithstanding ~에도 불구하고, 그러나, 그렇기 하지만

ranking 최고위의, 고급의, ~의 등급의, 순위, 랭킹

put into practice = realize = carry into practice = bring into practice ~을 실행하다, ~을 실제로 옮기다


Against this backdrop, criticism has been growing that China was trying to use Xi's possible Korea visit as diplomatic leverage to drive a wedge between South Korea and the United States. China's official media outlets focused on the "sensitive issues" without referring to Xi's invitation to Yoon, which shows the real motives of Wang's visit here. China should have said that Xi wanted to meet Yoon at a convenient time, without specifying the exact place in consideration of Korea's stance. Given this, it was proper for Yoon to express his hope to meet Xi in Seoul while appreciating Xi's invitation.
상황이 이렇다 보니 중국이 시 주석의 방한 가능성을 외교적 지렛대로 삼아 한·미 간 균열을 꾀한다는 비판이 커지고 있다. 중국 관영 매체들은 시 주석의 윤 대통령 초청을 언급하지 않은 채 ‘민감한 사안'에 초점을 맞췄는데, 이는 왕 부주석의 방한의 진짜 동기를 보여준다. 중국은 시 주석이 한국의 입장을 고려해 정확한 장소를 특정하지 않고 편리한 시기에 윤 대통령을 만나고 싶다고 말했어야 했다. 이런 점에서 윤 대통령이 시 주석의 초청에 감사하면서 서울에서 시 주석을 만나고 싶다는 희망을 표명한 것은 적절했다.


diplomatic leverage 외교적 영향력

leverage = clout = influence 영향력

drive a wedge between ~사이를 이간시키다, ~사이를 틀어지게 하다

drive a wedge in ~에 쇄기를 박다

wedge 쇄기, 웨지, (좁은 틈사이에)끼워넣다, 밀어넣다, (문등이 열리거나 닫히지 않게)고정시키다

focus on = concentrate on = center on ~에 초점을 맞추다

media outlet 매스컴, 언론매체

real motive = real intention = underlying meaning = true motive = ulterior motive 본심, 저의, 속뜻

show one's ture colors = reveal one's real motive 본심을 드러내다

at a convenient time 편한시간에

in consideration of ~을 고려해 볼때, ~에 대한 보답[보수] 으로

appreciate = be thankful = be grateful 고마워하다, 고마움을 느끼다, 환영하다


China is installing a radar system, estimated to be far more sophisticated than THAAD, in Shandong province, only 500 kilometers from Seoul. Given this, it is totally inappropriate for China to continue raising the THAAD issue, citing security concerns. Worse still, China has remained silent on North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's statement indicating the possible use of nuclear weapons against South Korea. It has also blocked the move by the United Nations to take retaliatory measures against Pyongyang for its firing of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).
중국은 서울에서 불과 500km 떨어진 산둥성에 사드보다 훨씬 정교한 것으로 추정되는 레이더 시스템을 설치하고 있다. 이런 점에서 중국이 안보 우려를 이유로 사드 문제를 계속 제기하는 것은 전적으로 부적절하다. 더 나아가 중국은 한국에 대한 핵무기 사용 가능성을 시사하는 북한 김정은 위원장의 발언에 대해 침묵을 지키고 있다. 게다가 중국은 북한의 대륙간탄도미사일(ICBM) 발사에 대한 유엔의 보복 조치에 반대하고 있다.


install = set up 설치하다, 설비하다, 취임시키다, 임용하다

estimate = assess = reckon = calculate = judge = guess = make a guess 추정하다, 추산하다

sophisticated = elaborate = advanced 세련된, 정교한, 복잡한, 높은수준의, 섬세한

security concerns 안보우려

worse still = what's more worrisome = to make matters worse = to add insult to injury = what is worse 엎친데 덮친격으로, 더 우려스러운 것은, 설상가상으로

remain silent 침묵을 지키다

keep calm = keep cool 평정심을 유지하다

silent = quiet = still = calm 조용한, 차분한, 고요한

tacit 암묵적인, 묵언의

tranquil = serene = calm = quiet = peaceful 평온한, 조용한, 고요한, 평화로운

indicate = display = hint = imply = show = express = mean = suggest 암시하다, 나타내다, 내비치다, 의미하다

nuclear weapons = nuclear arsenal = nuke = atomic bombs 핵무기

block = cut sth off = hamper = hinder = prevent = head off 막다, 차단하다

take retaliatory measures 보복조치를 취하다

retaliation = reprisal 보복, 앙갚음

fire = launch = shoot 발사하다, 쏘다

intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) 대륙간 탄도 미사일

long-range ballistic missile 장거리 탄도 미사일

warhead (미사일의)탄두

atomic bombs 원자폭탄, 핵복탄, 핵무기


Moon deserves criticism for his low-profile attitude toward China, prompting it to take such "haughty" stances in its relations with Seoul. It is high time for the two countries to join efforts to open a new era of bilateral relations based on common prosperity and peace. This is all the more significant as this year marks the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two nations.
문 전 대통령은 중국과의 관계에서 저자세로 일관하여 중국이 이런 '거만한' 태도를 취하도록 원인 제공을 했다는 점에서 비판 받아 마땅하다. 공동 번영과 평화를 바탕으로 한 양국 관계의 새 시대를 열기 위한 노력에 양국이 함께 노력을 기울일 때다. 올해가 양국 수교 30주년이라는 점에서 그 의미가 더욱 크다고 볼 수 있다.

deserve criticism for ~을 비난할만 하다, ~을 비판할 만하다

low-prifile attitude 저자세

high-profile 세간의 이목을 끄는

low-profile 주목을 거의 못받는, 관심을 거의 못받는

haughty = arrogant 거만한, 오만한

relations with ~와의 관계

it is high time for ~해야할 적시다, ~해야할 적기다, ~해야할 때이다

join effort = join forces = cooperate = work together 협력하다, 힘을 합치다

joint effort = communal effort = united effort = collective effort = collaborative effort = concerted effort 공동의 노력, 협력, 단결된 노력

open a new era 새로운 시대를 열다

usher in a new era 새로운 시대를 맞이하다[안내하다]

bilateral relations 양자관계, 양국관계

bilateral = mutual = reciprocal 쌍방의, 상호간의, 서로의, 공동의

mutual relation = reciprocal relation = interrelation = reciprocity = correrlation 상호관계, 상관관계

common prosperity 공동 번영all the more 더, 더욱더, 오히려all the more because[as] ~이니까 더욱더mark the 30th anniversary 30주기를 기념하다diplomatic relations 외교관계







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