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Tyranny of majority - [사설 읽기] 다수당의 횡포

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 5. 8.



Tyranny of majority

Tyranny of majority


Unilateral legislation is insult to democracy
일방적인 입법은 민주주의에 대한 모욕


tyranny = dictatorship 압제, 폭압, 포학행위, 독재, 독재청지, 독재국가

tyrant = dictator = despot = oppressor = autocrat 폭군, 독재자

tyrannical = tyrannous = autocratic = dictatorial 폭군의, 압제적인

unilateral = one-sided = lopsided = biased 일방적인, 단독의, 판파적인

bilateral = muture = reciprocal = both 쌍방의, 양쪽의, 쌍무적인, 상호적인

trilateral 3자간의, 3자의, 3개국간의

multilateral 다자간의, 다국간의

legislation = enactment = lawmaking = legalization 입법, 입법행위, 제정법, 법제화

act = law = ordinance = legislation = statute 법령, 법률, 법규, 법

insult to ~에 대해 모욕하다, ~에 대한 모욕

democracy 민주주의

autocracy = absolutism 전제정치, 독제정치, 전제주의


The outgoing Moon Jae-in administration and the ruling Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) have completed a legislation process to deprive the prosecution of its investigative powers, despite strong opposition from the main opposition People Power Party (PPP) as well as prosecutors, lawyers and professors. The ruling camp cannot deflect criticism for railroading related bills through the National Assembly in an apparent bid to prevent the prosecution from investigating allegations of corruption and abuse of power raised against the Moon government.
제1야당인 국민의힘과 검찰, 변호사 및 교수들의 강력한 반대에도 불구하고, 퇴임하는 문재인 정부와 여당인 더불어민주당은 검찰 수사권을 박탈하는 입법 절차를 완료했다. 여권은 분명 문 정부에 제기된 부정부패와 권력 남용 의혹을 검찰이 수사하는 것을 막기 위해 국회에서 관련 법안을 강행 처리했다는 비판을 피할 수가 없다.


outgoing 떠나는, 물러나는, 나가는, 외향적인, 사교적인(= gregarious = sociable = extroverted)

incoming 새로 당선된, 새로 선출된, 도착하는, 들어오는

ruling party 제1당, 여당

opposition party 야당, 반대당

legislation process = enactment procesure = lawmaking process 입법과정, 입법절차

deprive of = disqualify from = strip of= divest of ~에게서 ~을 빼앗다, ~을 박탈하다

prosecution 기소, 소추, 고발, 기소자측, 검찰측

investigative powers 수사권, 조사권

prosecutor 소추자, 검찰관, 기소검사

lawyer = solicitor = counsel = attorney = barristor 변호사

ruling camp = ruling party = ruling bloc 여당

deflect = divert 방향을 바꾸다, (관심/비판)피하다, 모면하다, ~을 막다

railroad (결의안/법안)전격 통과시키다, (서둘러 강압적으로)몰아붙이다, 철로, 철길(=railway)

bill 법안, 계산서, 고지서, 청구서, 프로그램

in an apparent bid to 분명히 ~하기 위해서, 누가봐도 ~하기 위해서

allegation = accusation = indictment = arraignment 혐의, 주장, 기소, 제기

allege = accuse = charge = indict = arraign 제기하다, 주장하다, 기소하다

corruption = irregularity 부정, 부패, 비리

abuse of power 권력남용

influence peddling (정치가의) 불법적인 영향력 행사, 독직

bribery 뇌물수수


On Tuesday, President Moon promulgated the legislation in a Cabinet meeting, allowing it to become a law which will take effect in four months. He ignored demand by the prosecution and the PPP that he should exercise his veto power. The move came hours after the DPK passed a revision to the Criminal Procedure Act in a 164-3 vote with all PPP lawmakers abstaining in protest against the majority party's reckless and unilateral legislation process. On Saturday, the DPK also rammed through an amendment to the Prosecutors' Office Act that is aimed at limiting the prosecution's investigation to only two crimes ― corruption and economic crimes ― instead of the current six.
문 대통령은 화요일 국무회의에서 이 법안을 공포하여 4개월 후에 법이 발효되도록 했다. 그는 검찰과 국민의힘의 거부권을 행사 요구를 무시했다. 이러한 조치는 다수당의 무모하고 일방적인 입법 절차에 항의하여 모든 국민의힘 의원이 기권한 가운데, 민주당이 164-3 표결로 형사소송법 개정안을 통과시킨 지 몇 시간 만에 이루어졌다. 민주당은 토요일에 검찰의 수사를 현행 6대 범죄가 아닌 2대 범죄(부패와 경제범죄)로 제한하는 것을 목표로 하는 검찰청법 개정안도 통과시켰다.


promulgate = proclaim = issue = make public = declare (사상/신조)널리알리다, (법령/제도)반포하다, 공표하다

prclamation = promulgation = declaration 공표, 선언, 발표

Cabinet meeting 각료회의, 국무회의

become a law 법이되다, 법률이 되다

take effect = come[bring] into effect[force] = implement = be effective = become operative 시행되다, 발표회다

put into practice = put into action = carry out 실행에 옮기다, 실행하다, 시행하다

ignore = disregard = take no notice of 무시하다, 묵살하다, 못본 채 하다

ignorant = uncouth 무식한, 무지한, 무학의, 무지막지한

ignorance 무지, 무식

veto = rule out = eliminate = exclude 거부권, 금지, 거부하다, 기각하다, 제외시키다

exercise one's veto power 거부권을 행사하다

revision = amendment 개정안, 개정, 수정

revision to ~의 개정, ~의 개정안

Criminal Procedure Act 형사소송법

abstain (투표에서)기권하다, (좋아하는 것을)자제하다 삼가다, 불참하다

abstinence 절제, 금욕

abstention 기권, 자제

majority party 다수당

reckless = rash = impetuous = imprudent = foolhardy 성급한, 무모한, 신중하지못한

unilateral = one-sided = lopsided = biased 일방적인, 단독의, 판파적인

bilateral = muture = reciprocal = both 쌍방의, 양쪽의, 쌍무적인, 상호적인

trilateral 3자간의, 3자의, 3개국간의

multilateral 다자간의, 다국간의

legislation process = enactment procesure = lawmaking process 입법과정, 입법절차

ram 쑤셔넣다, 밀어넣다, (일부러 다른 차량/선박)들이받다

ram through = railroad 가결시키다, 통과시키다, 관철시키다

amendment = revision 개정안, 개정, 수정

Prosecutors' Office Act 검찰청법

be aimed at = be targeted at ~을 목표로 하다, ~을 타겟으로 하다

limit to ~을 ~로 제한하다, ~으로 한정하다

economic crimes 경제범죄 (공금 횡령·수회·밀수·부정 축재 등)

instead on = in lieu of ~대신에


The legislation also calls for the complete deprivation of the prosecution's all investigative powers that will be handed over to a to-be-created investigative unit resembling the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in one year and six months. The DPK argued that the legislation was inevitable to prevent the prosecution from abusing its power for political purposes. But the PPP criticized the DPK for attempting to protect the ruling elite from possible investigations over corruption and abuse of power just before Moon's term ends May 9.
또한 이 법안은 검찰 수사권의 완전 박탈을 요구하고 있는데, 1년 6개월 안에 미연방수사국(FBI)과 유사한 수사기관을 설치하여 모든 수사권을 이관하는 것으로 되어 있다. 민주당은 검찰이 정치적 목적을 위해 권력을 남용하는 것을 막기 위해 입법이 불가피하다고 주장했다. 그러나 국민의힘은 문 대통령의 임기가 5월 9일 종료되기 전에 민주당이 부패와 권력 남용에 대한 조사로부터 집권 엘리트를 보호하려고 한다고 비난했다.


call for = ask for = call on = request = demand = require 요구하다, 요청하다

complete = tatal = all = utter = absolute = perfect = outright = out-and-out = thorough = downright 순전한, 완전한, 속속들이

deprivation (필수적인 것의)박탈, 부족

deprive 빼앗다, 허용하지 않다, 주지않다, 파면하다, 면직하다, 박탈하다

deflect = divert 피하다, 모면하다, ~을 막다, 방향을 바꾸다

investigative powers 수사권, 조사권

hand over = transper to = turn over = pass = inherit 이양하다, 인도하다, 양도하다

handover 이양, 인도, 제출, 인계, (경영권·재산 등의) 양도, 인도, 이양

to-be-created 설치될, 마련될, 만들어질

investigative unit 조사기관, 수사기관

resemble = be similar to = be analogous = be alike = be akin to 닮다, 비슷하다, 유사하다

resemblance = likeness 닮음, 유사함, 비슷함

U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 미연방수사국, 미연방정보국

inevitable = unavoidable = essential = indispensable 피할수없는, 필수적인, 불가피한

political purpose 정치적 목적

political interests 정치적 이익, 정치적 이해관계

attempt to ~하려는 시도

elite 엘리트, 엘리트계층

corruption = irregularity 부정, 부패, 비리

abuse of power 권력남용

influence peddling (정치가의) 불법적인 영향력 행사, 독직

bribery 뇌물수수

just before = shortly before ~직전에


It is wrong for the DPK to neutralize the prosecution by taking advantage of its majority power. The governing party has not done anything at all to have discussions with the opposition parties. Nor has it made any effort to build a social consensus over the issue. What the DPK has done over the last three weeks was to flex its muscle as a majority party which holds 171 seats in the 300-member Assembly. It has only used tricks and loopholes to get rid of obstacles to its unilateral legislative push.
민주당이 다수당의 힘을 이용해 검찰을 무력화시키는 것은 잘못된 일이다. 여당은 야당과의 어떤 논의도 하지 않았다. 또한 이 문제에 대한 사회적 공감대 형성을 위한 노력도 기울이지 않았다. 민주당이 지난 3주 동안 한 일은 300석 국회에서 171석을 차지하고 있는 다수당으로서 힘을 과시한 것뿐이다. 일방적인 입법 추진을 방해하는 장애물을 제거하기 위해 속임수와 법적 허점만을 이용했을 뿐이다.


neutralize = nullify = cancel out = offset = invalidate = negate = do away with 무효화하다, 상쇄시키다

take advantage of = exploit = make use of ~을 이용하다, 착취하다, 악용하다

governing party = ruling party 집권당, 여당

opposition party 야당

at all 조금도, 전혀, 조금이라도, 도대체

have discussions = discuss = debate = have talks 논의하다

make an effort = strive = endeavor = try 노력하다, 애쓰다

build a consensus on[over] ~에 대한 합의를 이루다

social consensus = great compromise 사회적 합의, 사회적 공감대

flex = show off = flaunt = display = showcase = boast = tout = bag = ostentate 자랑하다, 선보이다, 과시하다

muscle = might = force = power = energy = strength = influence 힘, 권력, 위력

majority party 다수당

assembly 의회, 입법기관, 집회, 조례

trick = deception = trickery = cheat 속임수, 장난, 혼란스러운것, 속이다, 속임수를 쓰다, 요령(=knack = know-how)

tricky = crafty = sneaky = deceptive = misleading (다루기)힘든, 까다로운, 교묘한, 교활한, 기만적인

formidable = thorny = knotty = tricky = brambly 만만찮은, 다루기힘든, 곤란한, 까다로운

loofhold (법률/계약서등의 허술한)구멍, 빠져나갈 구멍

legal loofhold 법률상의 빠져나갈 구멍

get rid of = eliminate = do away with = remove = take sth away 제거하다, 없애다

obstacle = stumbling block = hindrance = obstruction = hurdle = impediment = encumbrance = roadblock 장애물, 걸림돌, 방해물

push = drive = propel = plan 추진


On April 22, the DPK and the PPP agreed to accept a compromise proposal presented by Assembly Speaker Park Byeong-seug. But the PPP retreated from the agreement, caving in to mounting criticism for colluding with the DPK in stripping the prosecution of its investigative power. Then, the DPK sped up the legislation in the face of opposing voices from all walks of life, including legal experts and civic activists who express concerns about the weakening of the criminal justice system.
4월 22일 민주당과 국민의힘은 박병석 국회의장이 제시한 타협안을 수용하기로 합의했다. 그러나 국민의힘은 수사권을 박탈하는 과정에서 민주당과 공모했다는 비판이 거세지자 합의를 철회했다. 그러자 민주당은 형사사법제도의 약화에 대해 우려를 표명하는 법조계 전문가와 시민운동가 등 각계각층의 반대 목소리에 맞서 법안 통과에 속도를 냈다.


agree to = embrace = accept = ~에 동의하다, ~에 합의하다

compromise proposal 타협안

retreat = pull back = withdraw = revoke 철수하다, 후퇴하다, 퇴각하다, 물러서다

cave in to sth (강력히 반대하던 것에)응하다, 굴복하다, 무너지다, 함몰하다

mounting = growing 커지는, 증가하는

collude = conspire = plot 공모하다, 결탁하다

collusion = conspiracy = plot 공모, 음모, 결탁

strip = remove = eliminate = rub 벗기다, 제거하다

prosecution of its investigative power 검찰수사권

speed up = accelerate = pick up speed 속도를 올리다

speed - sped/speeded - sped/speeded

in the face of ~에도 불구하고, ~에 직면하여, ~을 앞두고(= in the lead-up to = prior to )

opposing voices 반대하는 목소리, 반대의 목소리

from all walks of life = from every walks of life 각계각층의, 모든분야의, 모든계층의

legal experts 법조계 전문가

civic activist 시민운동가

express concerns about ~에 대해 염려를 표하다, ~에 우려를 표명하다

weaken = undermine 약화시키다

criminal justice system 형사사법제도


In every respect, the DPK's legislation is seen as the tyranny of the majority. It is apparently an insult to the rule of law and democracy. The DPK and the Moon government have trampled on the spirit of the National Assembly Act which was revised in 2012 to block a majority party from railroading bills through the Assembly. They have left an indelible mark in the history of the country's parliament history.
어느 모로 보나 민주당의 입법은 다수당의 횡포로 여겨진다. 이는 법치와 민주주의에 대한 모독임이 분명하다. 민주당과 문재인 정부는 2012년 다수당이 법안의 국회 강행 통과를 막기 위해 개정된 국회법의 정신을 짓밟았다. 그들은 우리나라 의회 역사에 지울 수 없는 흔적을 남겼다.


in every repect = from every point of view = in every point = in all points = in all respects 모든점에서, 모든면에서

tyranny = dictatorship 횡포, 압제, 폭압, 포학행위, 독재, 독재청지, 독재국가

tyrant = dictator = despot = oppressor = autocrat 폭군, 독재자

tyrannical = tyrannous = autocratic = dictatorial 폭군의, 압제적인

apparently = obviously = seemingly = ostensibly = outwardly = on the surface 분명히, 확실히 보아하니, 겉보기에는

insult to ~에 대해 모욕하다, ~에 대한 모욕[모독]

rule of law 법치, 법규

constitution = constitutional law 헌법, 체질, 구조

according to the constitution 헌법에 따르면

trample on = tread on = stamp on = step on 짓밟다

tread - trod - trod/trodden

revise = amend 개정하다, 수정하다

block = prevent = ban = prohibit = head off = forbid = curb = contain 금지하다, 막다, 차단하다

railroad = ram through 가결시키다, 통과시키다, 관철시키다

indelible = permanent 잊을 수 없는, 지울 수 없는, 지워지지않은

indelible mark 지울 수 없는 자국, 지울 수 없는 흔적

irreparable = irrevocable 회복할 수 없는, 돌이킬 수 없는, 변경할 수 없는(=final)

parliament = national assembly = council = congress = legislature 의회, 국회

in the history of ~의 역사에서


Now, the Constitutional Court should decide whether the legislation is lawful. It is also urgent to lay the legal groundwork to prevent a majority party from abusing its legislative power.
이제 헌법재판소는 이 검수완박 법안이 적법한지 여부를 판단해야 한다. 다수당이 입법권을 남용하지 못하도록 법적 기반을 마련하는 것 또한 시급하다.

constitutional court 헌법재판소

legislation = lawmaking = enactment 법률제정, 입법, 법률, 법안

lawful = legal = legitimate = just = vaild 합법적인, 정단한, 법에 맞는

urgent = imminent = pressing 긴급한, 시급한

lay the groundwork 토대를 마련하다, 기반을 마련하다

lay the legal groundwork 법적인 토대를 마련하다, 법적인 기반을 마련하다

majority party 다수당

abuse = miseuse 남용하다, 악용하다, 학대하다(=ill-treat = mistreat = treat sth cruelly)

exploit = take advantage of = capitalize on 악용하다, 착취하다, 이용하다

legislative power 입법권

executive power 집행권

exercise = exert = wield = brandish = swing = use 행사하다, 가하다







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Korea Times Weekly





