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정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스

People hesitant to dine out as food prices soar - 치솟는 식품 가격, 망설여지는 외식

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 5. 6.



People hesitant to dine out as food prices soar

People hesitant to dine out as food prices soar


A 32-year-old office worker surnamed Kim said he has been bringing homemade lunches to work for about a month because nearly all the restaurants near his office have increased prices sharply.
회사원 김 씨(32)는 사무실 근처 거의 모든 식당이 가격을 급격히 올려 집에서 만든 도시락을 회사에 가져온 지 한 달 정도 됐다고 말했다.


hesitant = reluctant = afraid = indecisive = irresolute = wavering = vacillating = shilly-shallying = dither = in the two minds = dilly-dallying 머뭇거리는, 망설이는, 우유부단한

hesitate = waver = silly-shally = dawdle = slow = dither =be indecisice = dilly-dally 망설이다, 머뭇거리다, 꺼리다

dine out = eat out = go out for dinner 외식을 하다

soar = surge = jump = leap = skyrocket = go through the roof[ceiling] = hit the roof[ceiling] 급등하다, 급증하다

office worker 사무직 근로자, 사무원

homemade = made by myself = of one's own making 집에서 만든, 손수만든, 자가제의, 검소한, 국산의

work 일, 직장, 직업, 업무, 직무, 작품, 공사작업, 부품, 모든것, 공장, 제작소

nearly = roughly = almost = approximately = about = virtually = practically 거의, 사실상

sharply = rapidly = drastically = sweeply = greatly = keenly = clearly = distinctly 급격히, 확연히, 대단히, 격렬히

exponentially 기하급수적으로

fairly = quite = rather = pretty = considerably = tolerably = significantly = vastly = widely = meaningfully 꽤, 상당히


"I don't eat expensive food or go to fancy restaurants, but because everything on the menu costs over 10,000 won ($7.90) these days, I decided to bring my own lunch to work. It's the only way to live with my current salary, which didn't rise in tandem," Kim said.
김 씨는 "비싼 음식을 먹거나 고급 레스토랑에 가지도 않는데 요즘 메뉴가 다 만원(7.9달러)이 넘어서 회사에 점심을 챙겨가기로 했다. (물가와) 함께 오르지 않은 내 현 월급으로 살아갈 수 있는 유일한 방법"이라고 말했다.


expensive = costly = high-priced = exorbitant = pricey 값비싼, 돈이 많이드는, 고가의

cheap = inexpensive = dirt cheap = low-priced 값싼, 돈이 적게드는, 저가의

at a low price = at a bargain = cheap 염가로, 저렴한 가격으로

fancy = splendid = showy = glamorous 값비싼, 고급의, 화려한, 현란한

fancy 원하다, 하고싶다, 공상, 상상, 바람, 욕망

fanciful = imaginative = imaginary 상상의, 공상의, 상상속에 나오는 것 같은

fancy restaurant = high-class restaurant 고급 레스토랑

cost (값/비용)이 들다, (~을)희생시키다, 잃게하다

bring 가져오다, 데려오다, 가져오다주다, 제공해주다, 야기하다

live with ~을 감수하다, ~을 수용하다, ~을 용납하다, ~와 동거하다

in tandem ~와 동시에, ~와 나란히, ~와 협력하여, ~와 제휴하여


It has been a while since a 43-year-old breadwinner surnamed Kang dined out with his family due to the surging restaurant prices over the past few months.
최근 몇 개월 동안 급등한 외식 가격 때문에 한 가정의 가장인 강 씨(43)가 가족들과 외식을 한 지는 한참이 되었다.


it has been a while 꽤 된것 같다, 꽤 오래 된것 같다

breadwinner = head of household 가장, (집안의)생계비를 버는 사람

dine out = eat out = go out for dinner 외식을 하다

surge = soar = jump = leap = skyrocket = go through the roof[ceiling] = hit the roof[ceiling] 급등하다, 급증하다

over the past few months 지난 몇달간


"I have two children and a wife and if we go out for dinner, I have to spend at least 150,000 won these days. Let's say if we eat out once a week, it would cost 600,000 won per month and this is only what I have to pay for dining out. There is no way I can afford it when I have to pay rent, my children's private education fees and other living costs," he said.
강 씨는 "아내와 아이 둘이 있는데 요즘 다 함께 외식을 하면 최소 15만원이 나온다. 일주일에 한 번 외식을 한다고 가정하면 한 달에 60만원이 나오는데 단지 외식을 위해 써야 하는 양이다. 집세와 아이들 사교육비 및 다른 생활비도 내야 하는 상황에서 도저히 감당할 수 없다"고 말했다.


at least = at the very least = at the lowest estimate 적어도, 최소한

at most = at the very most = at the highest estimate 최대한, 기껏해야, 아무리 많이 잡아도

let's say = let us say = for example 가정해보자, 예를들어보자

let's say if ~라 가정해보자, ~라 예를 들어보자

one a week 일주일에 1번

there is no way ~할 수 없다, ~할 방법이 없다

afford 여유가 되다, 형편이 되다, ~하면 안된다, 제공하다

cannot afford to do ~할 여유가 없다

pay rent 집세를 내다, 임대료를 내다

private education fees  사교육비

living cost = cost of living 생계비


With the dining-out price index rising year-on-year in April by 6.6 percent, the highest increase in 24 years, it has become more difficult for Koreans like Kim and Kang to dine out. Statistics Korea expects the price index will likely accelerate its increase in the coming months in line with soaring international grain prices and rising wages.
지난 4월 외식 물가지수가 전년 대비 6.6% 올라 24년 만에 최고치를 기록하면서 김 씨와 강 씨 같은 한국인들은 외식을 하기가 어려워 졌다. 통계청은 국제 곡물 가격 급등과 임금 인상에 따라 향후 수 개월 동안 물가 지수의 상승세가 가속화될 것으로 예상하고 있다.


dining-out 외식

year-on-year = year-of-year 전녀대비, 연간대비

on a year-on-year basis 연간기준으로

become difficult to ~하는게 어렵게 되다

price index = price index numbers 물가지수

likely = perhaps = probably = possibly = maybe 아마도, 아마

accelerate = pick up speed = speed up = gain the momentum = spur 가속화 하다, 속도를 내다

in line with = in accordance with = coupled with = along with ~와 함께, ~에 따라

international graini prices 국제곡물가격

wages = pay = salary = remuneration 임금, 금료


Among food items, prices for "galbitang" (short rib soup) increased by the highest rate of 12.1 percent, followed by sashimi at 10.9 percent and "gimbap" (Korean-style seaweed and rice roll) by 9.7 percent. The prices of pizza and fried chicken also rose by 9.1 percent and 9 percent from a year ago, respectively.
품목별로 보면 갈비탕(12.1%)의 인상폭이 가장 컸고, 이어 생선회(10.9%), 김밥(9.7%) 등의 순이었다. 피자와 프라이드 치킨 가격도 1년 전보다 각각 9.1%, 9.0% 올랐다.


food items 식품, 음식, 식료품

increase by = rise by ~만큼 증가하다

increase to = rise to ~로 늘어나다, ~로 증가하다

followed by ~가 잇다, ~가 따르다, 뒤이어, 잇달아

sashimi 사시미, 회

gimbap = Korean-style seaweed and rice roll 김밥

from a year ago = from the previous year = compared to last year = year on year 전년대비

respectively = each 각각 

apiece 각각~씩







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