95% of medical students refuse to take license tests as quota feud continues
The government has decided to drop all punitive measures against striking trainee doctors as it refocuses efforts on swiftly restoring the operation of medical services disrupted b...
United opposition by doctors, students adds complication to gov't plan to normalize hospitals
refuse = decline = turn down = disobey = reject = deny 거절하다, 거부하다
take the license test 면허 시험을 치르다
feud = confrontation = disharmony = row = strife = conflict = collusion = clash = squbble = bickering = wrangle = discord = struggle = dissension = tension 갈등, 불화, 부조
united opposition = concerted opposition 결연된 반대, 단일화된 반대
add complication to ~을 더 복잡하게 하다, ~에 복잡함을 더하다
A vast majority of Korea's medical students graduating next year have vowed not to take the medical license tests to become doctors as the feud continues over the government's decision to hike the nation's medical school enrollment quota. A survey released Thursday showed 95.5 percent of medical students expected to graduate early next year said they will not give their consent for the state-run administrator of medical license exams to handle their personal information, according to the Korean Medical School Association.
a vast majority of 대부분의, 대다수의
medical students 의대생
medical school enrollment quota 의대정원
give one's consent 승낙하다, 동의하다
handle one's personal information 개인정보를 다루다
Without their agreement, the test administrators cannot proceed with conducting performance and written tests for the students, scheduled from this September to January 2025, and they will remain ineligible to participate. This will add further complications to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, which is attempting to normalize the operations of medical services disrupted by a collective walkout by trainee doctors and new medical school graduates.
without one's agreement = without one's consent ~의 동의 없이
test administrator 시험 관리인
proceed with ~을 계속하다
ineligible 자격이 없는, 부적격의
add further complication to ~을 더 복잡하게 하다, ~에 복잡함을 더하다
normalize the operations of medical services 의료서비스 운영을 정상화하다
collective walkout 단체 시위, 단체 파업
Earlier this week, the ministry announced that it will not take punitive action against striking trainee doctors as it was shifting its focus to filling the big labor void left by them with newly graduated doctors — a plan that cannot succeed without the new doctors. This latest development shows a persistent and united opposition by physicians and aspiring ones. Many remain defiant despite the ministry approval that finalized an admissions quota hike of some 1,500 students for medical schools next year. Many say this would intensify competition among doctors and sap their average incomes.
take punitive action against ~에 대해 징계조치를 취하다
striking = walkout 파업
big labour void 큰 노동력 공백
aspiring = aspirant 장차 ~이 되려는, 출세지향적인
defiant 반항하는, 저항하는
addmission quota = enrollment quota 입학정원, 등록 정원
intensify = heighten = precipitate = escalate = compound = deteriorate 고조시키다, 악화시키다
sap = reduce = cut down = erode = deplete = wear down 약화시키다, 마모시키다, 줄이다, 감소시키다
average income 평균 소득
In protest of the decision made in February, many medical school seniors have since been refusing to attend classes. To placate them, the ministry offered not to take issue with their collective action as long as they return to school, saying it could allow them to graduate even if they failed to attend the required number of classes. So far, the offers have largely failed to change their minds.
in protest of ~에 항의하여
attend classes 수업에 출석하다
take issue with ~에 이의를 제기하다, 문제를 삼다, 트집을 잡다
collective action = united opposition = concerted oppositino 집단 행동, 집단 반대
so far = thus far = up to the present = until now = hitherto = heretofore = up to this time = before now 지금까지, 지금까지는
henceforward = hereafter = henceforth = from now on 이후로, 앞으로
change one's mind 생각을 바꾸다
After the release of the poll result, Park Dan, head of the Korean Intern Resident Association, said he "respects and supports" the will of the students and that he, too, will not return to his workplace as a trainee doctor unless their demands are met. In an overwhelmingly united response, doctors, including more than 13,000 trainees at 211 hospitals across the country, have demanded the ministry rescind the quota hike decision — and nothing less than that.
poll result 여론 조사 결과
return to workplace 직장에 돌아가다
meet one's demands = satisfy one's demands 요구를 들어주다
overwhelmingly 압도적으로
rescind = get rid of = remove = cancel = nullify = negate = defease = withdraw = revoke = repeal = abrogate = eliminate = do away with = take away = take back 없애다, 철회하다, 철수하다, 폐지하다, 무효화하다
nothing less than = nothing but = no less than = just = no other reason = no other than 그야말로, 다름아니라, 그야말로 순전히
nothing more than = only = little more than ~에 불과한
nothing more or less than = neither more nor lessl than ~에 지나지 않는
Since most of the trainees left their workplaces in protest of the decision, the operations of hospitals have been partially disrupted. Many patients have seen their appointments for surgery or other treatments canceled or delayed. According to the ministry, its center set up for complaints after the collective walkout by the trainee doctors on Feb. 19 has received more than 3,800 reports from patients nationwide so far. At Thursday's press briefing, a ministry official once again called on the trainees to return to work and vowed to make its utmost efforts to speedily recover the operations of the nation's health care system.
in protest of ~에 항의하여
partially disrupted 부분적으로 지장이 있는
collective walkout 단체 시위, 단체 파업
complaints = grievance = grouse = gripe = grumble = discontentment = discontent = dissatisfcation = quarrel = frustration 불평, 불만, 우는 소리
call on = ask for = demand = request = urge = exhort 요청하다, 요구하다, 촉구하다
make one's utmost efforts = do one's best = do everything one can = spare no efforts = leave no stone unturned 최선을 다하다
speedily recover 빠르게 회복하다
the nation's health care system 국가 의료 시스템
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