LG employee surprised by unexpected attention to his donation pledge
An LG Electronics employee has become the talk of the town, as the number of subscribers to his personal YouTube channel has soared to over 10,000 within a week after he promised to donate 1,000 won ($0.7) per subscriber to neighbors in need.
An LG Electronics employee has become the talk of the town, as the number of subscribers to his personal YouTube channel has soared to over 10,000 within a week after he promised to donate 1,000 won ($0.7) per subscriber to neighbors in need.
unexpected attention 뜻밖의 관심, 예상치못한 관심
be surprised by ~에 놀라다
unexpected = unlooked-for = unforeseen = unanticipated 예상치 못한, 뜻밖의, 예상외의, 의외의
donation pledge 기부서약
become the talk of the town 장안의 화제가 되다
soar = surge = go through the roof = burgeon = skyrocket = rocket = jump = proliferate 급증하다
promise to = pledge to = swear = make an oath = make a swaer = vow 약속하다, 맹세하다, 서약하다
in need = destitute = in poverty = poor = impoverished = bad off = badly off = needy = indigent = in want of 가난한, ~이 없는, 궁핍한, 넉넉하지 못한
To fulfill his promise, he will now have to donate over 10 million won. Choi Jung-hyun, an employee at LG Twin Towers in Seoul, made the pledge in a video clip while introducing a kiosk machine installed in the building. This kiosk was set up to enable the conglomerate’s employees to donate money more conveniently to families in crisis, undernourished children and injured firefighters.
fulfill one's promise = keep one's word = keep the promise 약속을 지키다
make the pledge = pledge = make an oath = make a vow = promise = swear to 약속하다, 맹세하다, 서약하다
video clip 비디오 클립
donate money 돈을 기부하다
families in crisis 위험에 처한 가정
undernourished children 영양부족 아동
injured firefighters 부상당한 소방관
LG employees can make limitless donations by tapping their employee identification cards on the machine. “Perhaps 50 subscribers will be the best,” Choi said in the video clip uploaded on July 4. “I did not talk with my wife about this plan.”
limitless donation 무제한 기부
tap one's identification card 신원확인을 찍다, 신분증을 탭핑하다
upload video clip 비디오 클립을 업로드하다
However, after another YouTuber, who has more than 440,000 subscribers, shared Choi’s video clip, the LG employee’s promise has unexpectedly gone viral on social media. Choi therefore uploaded another video clip, Monday, to humorously ask his subscribers to unsubscribe from his channel.
unexpectedly 예상치 못하게
go viral = become the talk of town = make headline = get the spotlight 입소문이 나다, 장안의 화제가 되ek
humorously 재미있게, 유머러스하게
unsubscribe 구독취소하다
“If the size of donation becomes much larger than my monthly salary, I cannot afford it alone,” he wrote on his channel. “I will ask for support from my company’s executives.” In response, LG Electronics said that the company is considering supporting Choi, so that his good deed does not weigh too heavily on him.
monthly salary 월급
cannot afford it alone 혼자 그것을 할 형편이 안된다
ask for support 지원을 요청하다
good deed 선행
weigh too heavily on ~에게 크게 부담을 주다, ~에게 크게 짓누르다
“Once the size of the donation is fixed, we will search for an appropriate donee,” the company said. “We are reviewing whether our company’s financial support for the employee is legal and how we can provide such support.”
donee 증여받는 사람, 구호받는 사람
review = look through = examine = inspect = consider = check = study 검토하다, 살펴보다
financial support 재정적 지원
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