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No. of foreigners entering Korea for job hits 2nd largest ever in 2023 - 취업을 위해 입국하는 외국인 수 2023년 역대 2위 기록

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 7. 12.



No. of foreigners entering Korea for job hits 2nd largest ever in 2023

The number of foreigners who came to Korea to get a job rose more than 25 percent on-year in 2023 to reach the second-largest figure ever, data showed Thursday.




The number of foreigners who came to Korea to get a job rose more than 25 percent on-year in 2023 to reach the second-largest figure ever, data showed Thursday. The number of incoming foreigners increased 16.2 percent on-year to 480,000 last year, and 36.1 percent of them, or 173,000, came here for a job, according to the data from Statistics Korea.


incoming = entering = inbound = arriving = coming in = coming = approaching 들어오는, 도착하는, 새로당선된

get a job = find a job = find work = obtain employment = find employment = find a position 직장을 얻다, 취업하다

on-year = year-on-year = over the previous year = compared to last year 전년 대비


The number of foreign job seekers who arrived here last year marked 25.5 percent on-year growth, and reached the second largest ever since 2000, when the agency began compiling the relevant data. Korea saw the largest number of foreigners of 176,000 coming here for jobs in 2008.


job seeker 구직자

on-year growth 전년 대비 성장

compile data 자료를 편찬하다, 자료를 엮다


The growth came as the government expanded the quota for non-professional employment visas (E-9) for foreign workers and eased rules on employment of overseas Koreans, according to agency officials. Some 21 percent of the foreign entrants last year came here for a short-term stay, followed by 17.3 percent for study and other training programs and 12.1 percent for marriage and permanent residency.


expand the quota 할당량을 늘리다, 한도를 늘리다

overseas Korean 재외동포, 해외동포

entrant 입국자,  (어떤 직종·대학 등에) 갓 들어온 사람, 합류한 사람, 출전자, 참가자

short-term stay 단기 체류

sojourn = stay = stopover = stop = visit 체류

permanent residency 영주권


By nation, 132,000 Chinese entered Korea last year, followed by 71,000 people from Vietnam and 35,000 from Thailand. The number of foreigners who left the country last year advanced 30.5 percent to 319,000, resulting in a net inflow of 161,000 foreigners.


leave the country = go abroad 고국을 떠나다, 그 나라를 떠나다

result in = lead to = arouse = come to = turn to = develop into = change into = stir up = arise = bring about ~을 초래하다, ~이 되다

net inflow = net influx 순유입

inroad = foray 진출, 진입, 시도, 급습


The number of incoming Korean nationals rose 13.2 percent to 219,000, and the number of outbound Koreans fell 5.6 percent to 258,000. Accordingly, the country saw a net outflow of 39,000 Koreans in 2023. Including both Korean passport holders and foreigners, the number of international migrants rose 13.5 percent on-year to 1.28 million last year.


outbound = outgoing 떠나는, 나가는

inbound = incoming = entering = arriving = coming in = coming = approaching 들어오는, 도착하는, 새로당선된

net outflow = net outflux 순 유출

drain = exodus 유출, 탈출, 이동

pasport holders 여권 소지자

international migrants 국제이주자, 국제 이주민


International immigrants mean those who made cross-border movements while staying for more than 90 days here. Of the total, the number of entrants climbed 15.2 percent on-year to 698,000, and the number of those who left the country moved up 11.4 percent to 577,000 last year, leading to a net inflow of 121,000, the second yearly gain after the COVID-19 pandemic, the data showed.


immigrant  (다른 나라로 온) 이민자, 이주자

emigrant  (다른 나라로 가는) 이민자, 이주자

migrant (특히 일자리를 구하기 위한) 이주자

cross-border movement 국경을 넘나드는 이동

climb = increase = steadily increase = inch up = move up 오르다, 증가하다

yearly gain 연간 증가치, 연간 증가액







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