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Population over age 65 surpasses 10 million - 65세 이상 인구 1000만명 돌파

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 7. 12.



Population over age 65 surpasses 10 million

The population aged 65 or older has surpassed 10 million, accounting for 19.5 percent of the total officially registered population, the interior ministry said Thursday.




The population aged 65 or older has surpassed 10 million, accounting for 19.5 percent of the total officially registered population, the interior ministry said Thursday. The population of those aged 65 or over reached 10,000,062 as of Wednesday, out of a total population of nearly 51.27 million, according to the ministry.


surpass = exceed = outperform = outdo = outstrip = outrun = overrun = beat = be greater than 넘어서다, 초과하다

account for = occupy = take up = make up = constitute 차지하다

registered population 등록 인구, 등록한 인구

interior ministry 내무부

nearly = almost = about = approximately = in the neighborhood of = in the order of = of the order of = circa = c. = roughly 거의, 대략, 약

total population 총 인구


This means Korea is just shy of becoming a "super-aged" society, defined as having more than 20 percent of the population aged 65 and over. In the age group, women numbered about 5.57 million, exceeding their male peers at about 4.43 million.


just shy 단순한 부끄러움이다

super-aged society 초고령화사회

define as ~으로 정의하다

number = amount to = arrive at = run into = come to = reach = add up to = tally = total up to = sum up to ~에 이르다, ~에 달하다

exceed = surpass = outperform = outdo = outstrip = outrun = overrun = beat = be greater than 넘어서다, 초과하다


Of the total, 5.51 million were living outside the broader Seoul area, surpassing those living in the capital region at 4.49 million. People in the age group represented 17.2 percent of the total population in the capital area and 21.8 percent in non-capital areas.


live outside the broader Seoul area 서울 외 지역에 살다

live in the capital region 수도권에 살다, 수도권에 거주하다

surpass = exceed = outperform = outdo = outstrip = outrun = overrun = beat = be greater than 넘어서다, 초과하다

capital area 수도권

non-capital areas 비수도권


South Jeolla Province had the highest ratio of people in the age group at 26.7 percent, followed by North Gyeongsang Province at 25.4 percent and Gangwon Province at 24.7 percent. The city of Sejong had the lowest ratio of 11.3 percent, while Seoul had nearly 19 percent.


the highest ratio 가장 높은 비율

the lowest ratio 가농 낮은 비율

followed by 뒤이어, 잇달아

nearly = almost = about = approximately = in the neighborhood of = in the order of = of the order of = circa = c. = roughly 거의, 대략, 약


The population aged 65 or over accounted for 11.8 percent in 2013 and has since gradually increased to reach 15.5 percent in 2019 and 17.5 percent in 2022. 


the population aged 65 or over = the pouplation aged 65 or older 65세 이상 인구

account for = occupy = take up = make up = constitute 차지하다

gradually increase = steadily increase = climb = inch up = move up 서서히 증가하다, 점점 증가하다

reach = number = amount to = arrive at = run into = come to = add up to = tally = total up to = sum up to ~에 이르다, ~에 달하다








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