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Unionized workers at Samsung Electronics launch 3-day strike - 삼성전자 노조, 3일간 파업 돌입

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 7. 10.



Unionized workers at Samsung Electronics launch 3-day strike

Unionized workers at Samsung Electronics launched a three-day strike Monday, demanding a pay raise and additional bonuses, in the largest labor action in the technology giant's 55-year history.



Unionized workers at Samsung Electronics launched a three-day strike Monday, demanding a pay raise and additional bonuses, in the largest labor action in the technology giant's 55-year history. More than 6,000 union members at Samsung Electronics gathered for a rally to participate in the strike, following their one-day strike last month.


unionized worker 노조원

launch a strike  파업을 개시하다

strike = walkout 파업

candlelit vigil = candlelight vigil = candlelit rallies 촛불시위

demand a pay rise 임금 인상을 요구하다

additional bonus 추가적인 상여금, 추가적인 보너스

additional = extra = ancillary = auxiliary = supplementary = supplemental = further = collateral = incidental = subsidiary = added = subordinate = secondary 추가적인, 부수적인

superfluous = unnecessary 필요하지 않은, 불필요한

labour action 노조 행동

giant = behemoth = juggernaut 거대 기업, 거대조직

big player = magnate = bigshot = big gun = heavy hitter = baron = tycoon = mogul = nabob 큰손, 부호, 거물

participate in = take part in = join in = partake in = attend ~에 참가하다, ~에 참석하다


The National Samsung Electronics Union (NSEU), the largest labor union at the world's largest memory chipmaker, held the demonstration at the entrance of the company's facility in Hwaseong, 45 kilometers south of Seoul, to kick off the strike.


labour uniono = trade union = union 노동 조합

the world's largest 세계최대의

hold the demonstration = hold the rally 시위를 하다

rally = muster = marshal = mobilize = raise = call up = gather together = assemble 집결하다, 모이다

at the entrance = at the door 입구에서

kick off the strike = launch a strike  파업을 개시하다


"We desperately came out here with the determination that it's now or never," NSEU Chairman Son Woo-mok said. "We will continue to struggle until the company changes." The NSEU said that 6,540 members from operations in Giheung, Pyeongtaek, Cheonan, Onyang, Gumi and Gwangju attended the event, including 5,211 from the company's semiconductor division.


desperately 필사적으로, 극단적으로, 될대로 되라는 식으로

it is now or never 지금이 아니면 절대 못한다, 지금이 유일한 기회다

with the determination 결의를 가지고 

struggle to = grapple with = wrestle with = contend with = strive to ~하려고 애쓰다 

attend the event 행사에 참여하다

semiconductor divison 반도체 부서


The union emphasized that the planned strike will disrupt production as more people attended the first-day rally than expected. Since January, the two sides have held several rounds of talks but have been unable to narrow their differences over the wage increase rate, vacation system and bonuses.


emphasize = stress = highlight = accentuate = put an emphasis = put a stress on 강조하다

more than expected 기대 이상으로, 예상했던 것 보다 더

rounds of talks 여러차계의 회담

narrow the difference over ~에 대한 차이를 줄이다 

wage increase = pay rise = wage hike = salary raise 급여 인상

vacation system 휴가 시스템


The union has demanded a one-day vacation for all employees and a significant salary raise for the 855 members who did not sign the 2024 salary negotiation agreement. The union also demanded the company offer more paid leave and provide compensation for economic losses incurred during unpaid strikes. The NSEU claimed the company has refused to accept any of its demands in the two-week adjustment period that began June 13, holding the company solely responsible for any business losses incurred by the strike.


salary raise = wage increase = pay rise = wage hike 급여 인상

sign the salary negotiation agreement 급여 협상 동의서에 사인하다

paid leave 유급 휴가

provide compansation for ~을 위한 보상을 제공하다

economic losses 경제적 손실

incurred 발생된, 초래된

refuse = turn down = dismiss = reject = decline 거절하다, 거부하다

accept demands 요구ㅜ를 받아들이다

adjustment period 조정기간

hold sb solely resonsible for = hold sb solely accountable for ~을 ~에게 전적으로 책임을 묻다

business losses 사업손실



The union also warned that it would stage another five-day strike, starting July 15, if no progress is made during this week's strike. As of Monday, the NSEU reported a total membership of 30,000, accounting for approximately 24 percent of Samsung Electronics' total workforce of about 125,000.


stage a strike 파업을 행하다

stage = embark on = launch = hold = organize  (면밀한 계획이 필요한 일을, 특히 대중 시위로) 벌이다

warn that = give a warning that ~을 경고하다, ~경고를 주다

account for = occupy = constitute = take up = cover = make up 차지하다

total workforce 총 노동 인구









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