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Tesla regains top spot as Koreans' favorite foreign stock - 테슬라, 한국인이 가장 좋아하는 외국인 주식 1위 탈환

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 7. 9.



Tesla regains top spot as Koreans' favorite foreign stock

Tesla stocks have reclaimed their long-standing title as Koreans' favorite foreign stock earlier this month, a position temporarily lost to Nvidia in May.




Tesla stocks have reclaimed their long-standing title as Koreans' favorite foreign stock earlier this month, a position temporarily lost to Nvidia in May. According to the Korea Securities Depository, the total holdings of Tesla stocks by Korean investors amounted to about $14.67 billion as of Thursday, topping the chart of local investors' aggregate foreign stock holdings.


regain the top spot 정상을 되찾다, 1위를 탈환하다

regain = reclaim = recover = take back = claim back 되찾다, 회복하다

long-standing title 오랜 타이틀

foreign stock 해외주식

temporarily = momentarily = tentatively = provisionally 일시적으로, 잠정적으로, 임시적으로

lose to ~에 지다

Securities Depository 증권예탁원

the holdings of stocks = stock holding 주식 보유, 지주

amount to = stand at = arrive at = run into = reach = number = total up to = add up to = sum up to ~에 이르다, ~에 달하다

top the chart 차트 정상에 오르다

aggregate = total = all told = in all = altogether = in total = the aggregate total of = a sum of 총, 다합해서, 총계의


With the U.S. electric vehicle maker regaining its title, Nvidia stocks were pushed to second place, as their total holdings by Korean investors stood at around $13.42 billion. Nvidia had temporarily overtaken Tesla for the top spot in terms of Koreans' foreign stock holdings at the end of May, a position Tesla had held for over four years.


electric vehicle maker 전기차 제조사, 전기차 업체

regain the title 타이틀을 얻다, 명성을 얻다

be pushed to ~로 밀리다, ~로 몰리다

stand at = amount to = arrive at = run into = reach = number = total up to = add up to = sum up to ~에 이르다, ~에 달하다

overtake = outstrip = exceed = surpass = outdo = outrun = overrun = outshine = be superior to = beat = outclass 능가하다, 추월하다



However, just over a month later, Tesla has reclaimed its position, thanks mainly to its recent bullish movements. Since June 25, Tesla has achieved a seven-consecutive-day winning streak, surging 34 percent in its price during this period.

reclaim one's position = regain one's title = regain the top 1위를 탈환하다

thanks mainly to 주로 ~덕분에

bullish movement 강세 움직임

bearish movement 약세 움직임

winning streak 연승

losing streak 연패

surge = soar = increase sharply = rise rapidly = go through the roof = rocket = skyrocket 급등하다, 급증하다



Particularly, Tesla stocks rose by 10.2 percent in a single trading session on Tuesday as the electric vehicle company announced the results of its second-quarter delivery of about 444,000 vehicles, which significantly surpassed market expectations.

in a single trading session 1일 장중, 1일 개장중

market expectations 시장 기대치

surpass = overtake = outstrip = exceed = surpass = outdo = outrun = overrun = outshine = be superior to = beat = outclass 능가하다, 추월하다



In contrast, Nvidia stocks remained within the $120 range during the same period. Analysts anticipate that downward pressure on Tesla's stock price will be limited, given the company's upcoming robotaxi technology unveiling scheduled for early August as well as the markets' expectations for the roll-out of its full self-driving service in China.


in contrast = contrary to = on the contrary = conversely = on the other hand = as opposed to = compared with = in comparison with ~와는 대조적으로, ~와는 달리

anticipate = expect = look forward to 예상하다, 기대하다

downward pressure on ~에 대한 하방 압력

stock price 주식가격

upcoming = coming = forthcoming = imminent = impending = at hand = to come = happening soon 곧있을, 다가올, 임박한

unveiling = roll-out = launcing 제막식, 첫 공개, 첫 출시

robotaxi texchnology 로보택시 기술

scheduled for = slated for = set to = due to = planned = expected ~로 예정된

full self-driving service 완전 자율 주행 서비스


"Announcements of the full self-driving system in China could provide momentum for Tesla to be recognized as a leading AI software company," said Yim Eun-young, an analyst at Samsung Securities. Song Sun-jae, another analyst at Hana Securities, said that Tesla has passed through its short-term bottom, adding "the ramp-up of Cybertruck production, the launch of next-generation low-cost models in 2025 and additional new factory expansions will strengthen Tesla's bullish moves."


provide momentum = speed up = gather speed = pick up speed = gain traction = accelerate 모멘텀을 제공하다, 견인력을 얻다, 속도를 얻다

be recognized as ~로 인정되다, ~로 인식되다

pass through ~을 빠져나가다, ~을 지나가다

short-term bottom 단기 바닥

ramp-up (제품/용역 생산/출하량의) 대폭 증가

ramp up = amp up = beef up = enhance = strengthen = reinforce = consolidate = solidify = fortify = stiff = cement 강화하다, 굳건히하다

low-cast models 저가 모델

factory expansion 공장 확장








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