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Yoon set to travel to US for NATO summit with focus on Russia-N. Korea ties - 윤석열 대통령, 북한과 러시아 관계에 중점을 둔 북대서양조약기구(NATO·나토) 정상회의 참석차 미국 방문 예정

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 7. 10.



Yoon set to travel to US for NATO summit with focus on Russia-N. Korea ties

President Yoon Suk Yeol is set to embark on a trip to the United States on Monday to attend a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Washington, where he will address concerns over deepening defense cooperation between North Korea and Russia.




President Yoon Suk Yeol is set to embark on a trip to the United States on Monday to attend a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Washington, where he will address concerns over deepening defense cooperation between North Korea and Russia.


focus on = concentrate on = centre on = centre around ~에 초첨을 맞추다, ~에 집중하다

embark on ~에 나서다, ~에 착수하다

address concerns over ~에 대한 우려를 다루다

defense cooperation 방위협력


Yoon will visit Washington from Wednesday and Thursday to meet with NATO leaders for discussions on the ongoing war in Ukraine and enhancing cooperation between the transatlantic security alliance and the Indo-Pacific region. South Korea was invited to the NATO summit for the third consecutive year as one of four Indo-Pacific partners, dubbed IP4, which also includes Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

enhance cooperation between ~사이에 협력을 강화하다

transatlantic security alliance 대서양 횡단 동맹

Indo-Pacific region 인도-태평양 지역

dub = title = call = name = refer 별명을 붙이다, 불리다


"We will send a strong message regarding the military cooperation between Russia and North Korea, and discuss ways to enhance cooperation among NATO allies and IP4," Principal Deputy National Security Adviser Kim Tae-hyo said in a briefing Friday.


send a strong message 강한 메세지를 전달하다

military cooperation 군사협력

defence cooperation 국방협력, 방위협력

enhance = strengthen = increase = reinforce = amp up = ramp up = beef up = consolidate = solidify = fortify = cement 강화하다, 굳건히하다

Principal Deputy National Security Adviser 국가 안보 수석 부보좌관

said in a briefing 언론브리핑에서 말했다


Stakes are high for this year's summit as South Korea has said it would consider sending weapons to Ukraine in a warning to Russian President Vladimir Putin's signing of a mutual defense treaty with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un during their summit last month.


stakes are high 리스크가 크다, 위험성이 높다, 잃을 것이 많다, 판돈이 너무 크다

send weapons to ~에 무기를 보내다

in a warning to ~에 대한 경고로서

mutual defense treaty 상호방위조약


On Wednesday, Yoon will have a series of bilateral talks with his counterparts from the Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland and Norway as well as NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Possible bilateral summits with the U.S. and Japan as well as a trilateral one have yet to be arranged.


a series of = a train of = a string of = a chain of = consecutive = straight = continual = sequential = in a row = back-to-back = one after another = successive 연이은, 잇따른, 연속적인

bilateral talks = mutual talks 양자회담

bilateral summits 양국 정상 회담

trilateral summits = trilateral talks = three-way talks = tripartite talks = three-party talks 3자 회담, 삼국회담

counterparts = opposite number 상대, 대응 관계에 있는 사람

arrange the meeting 회의를 준비하다


Later Wednesday, Yoon and first lady Kim Keon Hee will attend a welcome dinner hosted by U.S. President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden at the White House. On Thursday, Yoon is scheduled to join a session of NATO allies and partners and hold a four-way meeting with leaders from Indo-Pacific partner nations to discuss security cooperation.


attend a welcome dinner 환영만찬에 참석하다

the White House 백악관

be scheduled to = be slated to = be supposed to = be set to = be due to = be expected to ~하기로 예정되다, ~하기로 되어 있다

hold a four-way meeting 4국 회담을 열다

security cooperation 안보협력


Yoon also plans to speak at a NATO public forum, an event co-hosted by NATO and five think tanks from Europe and the U.S. Ahead of the summit, Yoon will stop in Hawaii on Monday and Tuesday for a security briefing at the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command and a meeting with Korean residents on the island.


co-host an event 행사를 공동주최하다 

think tank 싱크탱크, 두뇌집단

ahead of = prior to ~에 앞서

security briefing 안보 브리핑, 보안 브리핑



"His visit to the Indo-Pacific Command will demonstrate the strong alliance between South Korea and the U.S., and provide an opportunity to elevate the bilateral cooperation for peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region," Kim said. The U.S.-led joint maritime exercise, Rim of the Pacific Exercise, has been under way in Hawaii since late June, involving 29 countries, including South Korea.


Indo-Pacific Command 인도-태평양 사령관

demonstrate = illustrate = display = show = exhibit = showcase = manifest = articulate 분명히 보여주다, 드러내다

elevate the bilateral cooperation 양자협력을 강화하다

elevate = enhance = strengthen = increase = reinforce = amp up = ramp up = beef up = consolidate = solidify = fortify = cement 강화하다, 굳건히하다

peace and stability 평화와 안전

joint maritime exercise 합동 해상 훈련

Rim of the Pacific Exercise 환태평양합동연습

be under way = be under way at way = be in progress = be on foot = be well under way = make progress = go well 진행중이다, 진척중이다









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