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Korea rolls out measures to fight suicide among teenagers, young adults - 한국, 증가하는 십대, 젊은 청년 자살 증가에 조치를 발표하다

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 6. 15.



Korea rolls out measures to fight suicide among teenagers, young adults

Korea has rolled out several comprehensive suicide prevention measures to help curb the country’s high suicide rate, the government said Friday.




Government to offer therapy; run suicide prevention and trauma recovery centers


therapy = remedy = healing = cure = remedical treatment = meathod of healing = solution 치료, 치유, 치료법

suicide prevention center 자살방지 센터

trauma recovery center 트라우마 회복 센터

roll out = launch = reveal = publish = issue = release 발표하다, 공개하다

face = confront = brave = face it head on 직면하다, 정면으로 맞서다


Korea has rolled out several comprehensive suicide prevention measures to help curb the country’s high suicide rate, the government said Friday. Presiding over the eighth Suicide Prevention Policy Committee meeting, Prime Minister Han Duck-soo pointed out that Korea has the highest suicide rate among OECD member states.


comprehensive measure 포괄적인 조치

comprehensive = complete = full-fledged = full-blown = full-scale = all-encompassing = all-embracing = full-dress = thorough = full  완전한, 포괄적인, 본격적인

outright = out-and-out = complete = all-out = wholehearted = full = sweeping = total = general = thoroughgoing 전면적인, 명백한, 철저한

curb = suppress = repress = oppress = rein in = keep in check = brake 억제하다, 줄이다

suicide rate 자살율

preside over = chair = head = lead 주재하다, 이끌다, 의장을 맡다

policy committe meeting 정책 위원회 회의

point out = criticize = blame = denounce = censure = condemn = reprimand = reprehend = reprove = rebuke = tell off = admonish 지적하다, 비난하다, 비판하다


A total of 13,770 people took their own lives in 2023, up 6.7 percent from a year earlier, according to tentative data released by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Split by gender, 9,626, or 70 percent of suicides in 2023 were by men and 4,144, or 30 percent, were by women. The total number of suicide deaths in the January to March period in 2024 tentatively stood at 3,794, up 4.7 percent from the same period a year earlier.


a total of = the aggregate total of = all told = altogether = in all = in total = tallied = the sum of = all-up 총계의, 총합의, 다합해서

take one's own life = suicide 자살하다

from a year earlier 1년전에 비해, 1년전으로 부터

tentative = provisonal = interim = temporary = pro tem 잠정적인, 임시적인, 당분간, 임시로

splite by gender = divided by gender 성별에 의해 나누어지는

suicide deaths 자살 사망

stand at = reach = arrive at = amount to = number = add up to = sum up to = tally ~을 나타내다, 달하다, ~에 이르다

fromt he same period a year earlier 1년 전 같은 동기 대비


The government found that in the two months after an actor died by suicide in December 2023, copycat suicides increased. To enhance suicide prevention efforts, it requested media professionals working in print, broadcast and online media to adopt guidelines when reporting on suicides.


copycat suicide 모방 자살

enhance = strengthen = reinforce = consolidate = solidify = beef up = amp up = ramp up = ratchet up = cement = stiffen = fortify = make firm = make solid = bolster = improve = ameliorate 강화하다, 굳건히다하다, 개선하다

adopt guidelines 지침을 채택하다, 가이드라인을 채택하다

report on = report about = describe = inform of = brief on ~에 대해 보고하다, ~에 대해 전하다


The most alarming trend was a rise in suicide attempts by teenagers and those in their 20s. The suicide attempt and intentional self-harm rates for teenagers and those in their 20s were 160.5 and 190.8 per 100,000 individuals, respectively. The same rate for those in their 30s was 91.5 per 100,000 individuals, while the overall average stood at 84.4, according to data from the National Medical Center.


alarming = startling = unnerving = shocking = hair-raising = worrisome = trying = perturbing = worrying 우려스러운, 걱정스러운

suicide attempts 자살 시도

intentional self-harm rate 고의적 자해율

overall average 전체 평균

stand at = reach = arrive at = amount to = number = add up to = sum up to = tally ~을 나타내다, 달하다, ~에 이르다

National Medical Center 국립의료원


“The proportion of emergency patients who have attempted suicide more than twice has increased. Because the physical and mental health in young adults impacts overall health and well-being, we will prioritize support for young people and provide psychiatric treatment to them regardless of their income level,” the prime minister’s office said in a statement.


emergency patient 응급 환자

attempt suicide 자살을 시도하다

physical health 신체 건강

mental health 정신 건강

psychiatric treatment 정신병 치료

regardless of = irrespective of ~와 관계없이

income level 소득 수준


The government found that when a suicide death occurs, negative emotions such as sadness, fear and anxiety can spread throughout the community, which potentially creates a copycat effect. The suicide rate spiked in Sejong City in 2022, up 22.8 percent from a year earlier. South Cheongcheong Province came in next, up 3 percent from a year ago and Daegu too was up 2.6 percent from a year ago.


negative emotion 부정적 정서, 부정적 감정

sadness 슬픔, 슬픈 일

fear = worry = anxiety = uneasiness = dread = terror = apprehension = misgivings = fright = panic = horror 공포, 두려움, 무서움

spread throughout 전역으로 퍼지다

copycat effect 모방 현상

copycat crime 모방 법죄

copycat suicide 모방 자살


Han advised provisional governments to establish and implement community-tailored suicide prevention measures. Factors such as social isolation, economic hardship as well as depression and anxiety caused by the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic were found to have a direct or indirect effect on the increase in suicide deaths.


advise = recommend = admonish = urge = exhort 충고하다, 권고하다, 권장하다

provisonal government 임시 정부

community-tailored suicide prevention measure 지역 맞춤형 자살방지 조치

social isolation 사회적 격리

economic hardship = economic recession = economic downturn = economic doldrums = economic stagnation = economic slump 경기침체, 경기곤란

prolonged = protracted = long-drawn-out = long-drawn = drawn-out = long-lasting = lingering = persisting 오래끄는, 질질끄는, 장기화된

direct or indirect effect 직간접적 효과

on the increase in ~가 증가하는


The government will offer psychological therapy to those affected to prevent depression and anxiety from worsening. It will also run suicide prevention and trauma recovery centers after catastrophic events in cooperation with local governments to help those affected. It also vowed to analyze root causes of suicide deaths by linking related data such as economic factors and health records.


psychological therapy 심리 치료

catastrophic = disastrous = apocalyptic = calamitous = devastating = cataclysmic 재앙적인, 재앙을 불러일으키는

in cooperation with = in collaboration with = in cahoots with = in partnership with = in alliance with ~와 협력하여, ~와 합심하여

root cause 근본 원인

economic factors 경제 인자

health record 건강 기록


Han said, "We plan to improve access to professional counseling by providing counseling services to 80,000 people this year and to all citizens in 2026. Suicide can be prevented if there is an increased awareness and social support."


professional counseling 전문 상담

counseling service 상담 서비스

social support 사회적 지지









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