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Pet-friendly apartment complexes draw mixed reactions - 반려동물 친화적인 아파트 복합단지 엇갈린 반응 보여

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 6. 14.



Pet-friendly apartment complexes draw mixed reactions

It is not unusual to encounter more people walking their dogs than parents pushing baby strollers at most apartment complexes in Korea, the country which has over 12 million pet owners and the world’s lowest birth rate of 0.72.




Facilities for dogs, cats cause conflicts between neighbors


apartment complex 아파트 단지, 아파트 복합단지

pet-friendly 반려동물 친화적인

draw mixed reactions 엇갈린 반응을 보이다

cause = arouse = lead to = stir up = provoke = result in = produce = give rise to = brinng about = raise = egg on = scpark = prompt 일으키다, 발생시키다, 초래하다

conflict = confrontation = friction = tension = dissension = feud = row = strife = clash = discord = disagreement = contradiction = collision = objection 충돌, 갈등, 상충, 반대


It is not unusual to encounter more people walking their dogs than parents pushing baby strollers at most apartment complexes in Korea, the country which has over 12 million pet owners and the world’s lowest birth rate of 0.72.


not unusual = common = normal = ordinary = run-of-the-mill = unexceptional = typical = ubiquitous = omnipresent = prevalent = pervasive = all-pervading = all-pervasive = ever-present = present everywhere 흔한, 평범한, 어디에나 존재하는, 만연한

push baby srollers 유모차를 밀다

pet owner 애완동물 주인, 반려동물 주인

birth rate = childbirth rate 출생율, 출산율


Although the trend has prompted major construction firms here to install amenities for dogs and cats at the apartment complexes they build, the growing number of pet-friendly facilities has also led to various types of conflicts between neighbors.


construction firm 건설 회사, 건설사

install = position = place = set in place 설치하다, 위치시키다

amenities = accommodation = comforts = convenience = convenient facilities 생활 편의시설

the growing number of = an increasing number of 점점 증가하는 수의

pet-friendly facilities 반려동물 친화적인 편의시설



Future residents of Olympic Park Foreon, an apartment complex under construction in southeastern Seoul by Hyundai E&C and three other companies, were embroiled in a dispute recently with the construction firms that proposed the installation of shower booths for pets.


resident = inhabitant = dweller = householder = occupant = local 주민, 거주자

be embroiled in = be dragged into = be drawn into = be entangled in = be caught up in = get caught up in = get involved in ~에 휘말리다, ~에 말려들다

dispute = argument = controversy = altercation = bicker = squabble = wrangle = spat = strife = feud = conflict = contention = quarrel = row = shoutin match 논쟁, 언쟁, 다툼

propose = suggeset = put forth = put forward = set forth  = come up with 제안하다, 제시하다

shower booth 샤워실


Hyundai E&C installed similar facilities in The H Firstier I’Park built late last year in Seoul’s Gangnam District, as well as several other apartment complexes under the brand name Hillstate. Although the construction firms emphasized the luxurious image that the pet-friendly facility can bring, Olympic Park Foreon’s future residents expressed concerns over hygiene and inflow of pet owners who do not live in the apartment complex.


emphasize = stress = underscore = accentuate = highlight = underline 강조하다

luxurious = opulent = sumptuous = affluent = expensive = rich = wealthy = gorgeous = fancy = eleborate = lavish = lush = luxuriant 호화로운, 비싸보이는, 부유한, 풍성한, 멋진

express concerns over = express worries over 염려를 나타내다, 우려를 표하다

hygiene = sanitation = cleanliness 위생, 청결

inflow = influx = inroad = foray 밀어닥침, 유입, 급습, 침습

outflow = drainage = outflux = exodus = withdrawal = retreat = drain 유출, 철수, 이탈


“How will you clean hair and remove odors?” one of the incoming residents wrote on their online forum. “The installation of shower booths will make more outsiders walk their dogs at our apartment complex.” Since Daewoo E&C built a playground for dogs at the Uiwang Station Prugio La Foret apartment complex in Gyeonggi Province, which was built in 2019, Hanwha E&C, Kolon Global and many other construction firms have vied to attract pet owners by providing facilities friendly to animals.


odor = odour = smell  냄새, 악취, 기미, 낌새, 평판, 명성, 인기

scent = fragrance 향, 향내, 향기

snetch = reek = stink = odor 악취, 불쾌한 냄새

via = contend = compete = contest 경쟁하다, 겨루다

friendly to ~에 우호적인, ~에 친절한


Last year, Daewoo E&C advertised Sihwa MTV Prugio the Ocean, which will be built by 2026 in Siheung, Gyeonggi Province, as an apartment complex that will provide comprehensive services for pet owners, including a hotel and a hospital for animals. Hanwha E&C also installed playgrounds for dogs at apartment complexes under the brand name Forena. In 2022, Kolon Global came up with Hanulchae Pet Gym, which includes a playground for dogs, as well as toilets and water fountains for animals.


comprehensive services 종합 서비스, 포괄적인 서비스

full-blown = comprehensive = full-fledged = full-scale = complete 완전한 조건을 다 갖춘, 전면적인, 완전한

come up with =  propose = suggeset = put forth = put forward = set forth 제안하다, 제시하다

playground 놀이터, 운동장

water fountain = drinking fountain 분수식 식수대


“There will be an increasing popularity of apartment complexes equipped with pet-friendly facilities,” a construction industry official said. However, residents of new apartment complexes that are friendly to pet owners have become more hostile these days toward outsiders who walk their dogs at their apartment complexes.


increasing popularity 커져가는 인기

equipped with = built in = provided with ~을 갖춘, ~가 내장된

hostile = belligerent = warlike = aggressive = bellicose = warring 호전적인, 싸우기 좋아하는


Last month, residents of Gaepo Xi Presidence in Gangnam District started selling dog tags to their neighbors having pets, in order to prohibit outsiders from walking their dogs at the apartment complex. Helio City in Songpa District and Raemian Caelitus in Yongsan District also ban the entry of dogs whose owners do not live in the apartment complexes.


dog tag 인식표

prohibit = ban = bar = forbid = prevent = head off = curb 막다, 금지하다

ban the entry of ~의 출입을 금지하다, ~의 입장을 금지하다








"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly




