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Korea has world's highest senior poverty rate - 한국, 노인 빈곤율 가장 높아

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 10. 7.



[NATIONAL] Korea has world's highest senior poverty rate

Korea has the highest poverty rate for elderly citizens among a number of major economies with the figure standing at 34.8 percent when net income is assessed, data showed on Monday. 월요일 발표된 자료에 따르면 순소득을 고려할 때 우리



Korea has the highest poverty rate for elderly citizens among a number of major economies with the figure standing at 34.8 percent when net income is assessed, data showed on Monday.
월요일 발표된 자료에 따르면 순소득을 고려할 때 우리나라 노인 빈곤율은 34.8%로 주요국 가운데 가장 높았다. (노인 빈곤율은 중위소득 50% 이하인 노인의 비율을 뜻한다.)


poverty rate 빈곤율

elderly citizen 노인들, 노인

stand at ~에 서다, ~을 나타내다, ~을 주저하다, ( 금리가) ~ 수준이다

net income 순수익

assess = rate = value = grade = evaluate = size up 평가하다


Released by the Korea Development Institute (KDI), a state-run think tank, the data also showed Korea, out of the eight countries, has the highest rate of poverty for those aged 65 and older. After deducting taxes, the report placed 43.4 percent of the cohort in poverty.
국영 씽크탱크인 한국개발연구원이 발표한 자료에 따르면 한국은 주요 8개국 가운데 65세 이상의 빈곤율이 가장 높았다. 처분가능소득을 기준으로 하면 우리나라의 노인 빈곤율은 43.4%였다.


state-run = state-operated = government-run = state-administered 국영의, 국책의

tax deduction = tax credit 세금 공제

tax examption 세금 감면, 면세

tax evasion 탈세

tax avoidance 절세


The findings come as the total number of elderly citizens surpassed 9 million for the first time in 2022 and is expected to increase at a faster rate moving forward.
이번 조사는 2022년 65세 이상 노인 인구가 900만 명을 돌파하고 추후 더 빠른 속도로 증가할 것으로 예상되면서 실시됐다.


the total number of ~의 총수

elderly citizen 노인들, 노인

surpass = outstrip = outdo = exceed = overtake = outrun = get the better of 초과하다, 능가하다

at a faster rate moving forward 추후 더 빠른 속도로


Older people are expected to account for more than 20 percent of Korea's entire population in 2025 and 49.8 percent by 2050.
2025년 노인인구는 한국 전체 인구의 20% 이상, 2050년에는 49.8%를 차지할 것으로 예상된다.


account for = stand at = constitute = take up = make up = occupy 차지하다

entire population 인구 전체


The KDI said Korea’s poverty rate of 34.8 percent concerning comprehensive net income was far higher than Germany's 11.8 percent, the United States' 10.8 percent and the United Kingdom's 9.8 percent.
한국개발연구원은 포괄 소득화 했을 때 한국의 빈곤율 34.8%는 독일의 11.8%, 미국의 10.8%, 그리고 영국의 9.8%보다 훨씬 높다고 전했다.


poverty rate 빈곤율

concerning = regarding = with regard to = as regards = with reference to = in relation to = as to = as for = with respect to = when it comes to = in terms of ~에 관해서, ~와 관련해서

comprehensive = blanket = complete = full = all-around = all-round = all-inclusive 모두를 포함한, 포괄적인, 종합적인


With regard to net disposable income, the 43.4 percent poverty rate for Korean seniors was the highest among OECD member states. The average rate for the 36 OECD member states was 13.1 percent.
처분가능소득 기준 한국 노인 빈곤율은 43.4%로 경제협력개발기구(OECD) 회원국 중 가장 높았다. OECD 회원국 평균 노인 빈곤율은 13.1%다.


with regard to = concerning = regarding = as regards = with reference to = in relation to = as to = as for = with respect to = when it comes to = in terms of ~에 관해서, ~와 관련해서

net disposable income 실질 가처분 소득, 처분가능 소득

OECD member states OECD 회원국








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