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Medical school craze - [사설 읽기] 의대 진학 열풍

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 9. 30.



Medical school craze

Concentration of talent darkens Korea Inc.’s future 인재 편중 현상, 한국 기업의 미래 어둡게 해



Concentration of talent darkens Korea Inc.’s future
인재 편중 현상, 한국 기업의 미래 어둡게 해

craze = fever = fad = frenzy = vogue = fashion = trend 대유행, 열풍

concentration of talent 인재 편중

darken = cloud = cast a cloud over = deepen = become dark 어두워지다, 어둡게 만들다


Being a doctor is now the most desired career in the eyes of young Koreans and their parents.
의사는 오늘날 한국의 10대와 학부모의 눈에 가장 탐나는 직업이다.


the most desired 가장 탐나는, 가장 바라는

much-coveted 많이 탐내는

in the eyes of ~의 눈으로 볼때는, ~이 보는 바로는


The early admissions results for the 2024 school year showed the average competition rate of medical schools at 10 major universities was 46 to 1. For Inha University College of Medicine’s essay-based admission, the competition rate was a jaw-dropping 661 to 1.
2024년 대입 수시전형 결과를 보면 10대 주요 대학의 의대 경쟁률은 평균 46대1이었다. 인하대학교 의예과 논술 전형의 경우 경쟁률은 무려 661대 1이었다.


early admission 조기 입학

competition rate 경쟁률

medical school = med school 의과 대학

jaw-dropping (놀라서) 입을 떡 벌리게 만드는


In contrast, the competition rate for high-tech departments, including semiconductor majors, averaged 16.5 to 1. This was lower than the average of other natural science majors (19.2 to 1).
이와 대조적으로, 반도체 등 첨단기술학과 수시 평균 경쟁률은 16.5대 1이었다. 이 수치는 이들 대학의 자연계 학과 평균 경쟁률인 19.2대1보다도 낮았다.


high-tech department 첨단기술 학과

lower than the average 평균보다 훨씬 낮은

natural science majors 자연계학과, 자연과학 전공


Furthermore, three in 10 successful candidates for regular admissions at the nation’s three most prestigious universities, called “SKY” (Seoul National, Korea, and Yonsei), passed on enrollment offers. They appeared to shift to medical schools. Some freshmen at the SKY universities even moved to the medical colleges of nameless provincial universities.
뿐만 아니라 “SKY(서울대, 고려대, 연세대)”로 불리는 한국 3대 명문대 정시 합격자 10명 중 3명은 등록 제의를 거절했다. 이들은 의대로 몰려간 것으로 보인다. SKY 신입생 일부는 이름 없는 지방 대학 의대에 진학하기도 한다.


successful candidate 합격자

regular admission 정시 입학

prestigious = established = distinguished = named = famed = respected = esteemed = illustrious = eminent 저명한, 탁월한, 걸출한

pass on = pass away 사양하다, 전달하다, 물려주다, 넘기다, 포기하다

enrollment offer 등록 제의

nameless = unnaled = anonymous = unidentified = unknown 이름없는, 신원미상의

provincial universities 지방대학


Welcome to the paradise of doctors and patients!
의사와 환자의 천국에 온 것을 환영한다!


welcome to ~로 온걸 환영하다, ~로 맞이하다, ~을 자유로이 할 수 있는

doctor and patient 의사와 환자

paradise = heaven 천국, 전당, 지상 낙원, (특정한 활동·사람을 위한) 낙원


However, a closer look reveals things are far from what they seem. Above all, many of these would-be doctors are not aspiring to be Hippocrates. The most popular specialties among medical residents are dermatology, ophthalmology, and cosmetic surgery. They avoid internal medicine, surgery, ob-gyn, and pediatrics, which are essential but challenging and financially less rewarding. Physicians want easier, freer, and more profitable jobs.
그러나, 자세히 살펴보면 예상 외의 일들이 벌어지고 있다. 우선, 의사 지망생 중 다수는 “히포크라테스”를 꿈꾸지 않는다. 의대에서 가장 인기 있는 전공은 피부과, 안과, 성형외과다. 의예과 학생들은 내과 및 수술을 진행하는 외과, 산부인과, 소아과를 기피하는데, 필수적인 분야지만 전공하기 어렵고 돈을 더 적게 벌기 때문이다. 내과 의사들은 더 쉽고, 자유롭고, 돈을 많이 버는 일자리를 원한다.


a closer look 자세히 봄

be far from = be far cry from ~와는 현저한 차이가 있다

would-be = aspiring = aspirant  (장차)~이 되려고 하는, ~을 지망하는

speciallity  전문분야, 전공분야,  (식당의) 전문 음,요리, (지역의) 특산물, 명물

internal medicine 내과학, 내과

ob-gyn (obstetrics + gynaecology) 산부인과

pediatrics = paediatrics 소아과

essential = crucial = vital = indispensable = necessary = key 중요한, 필수적인

challenging = daunting = demanding = formidable = taxing = onerous = hulking 힘든, 어려운, 만만찮은

rewarding = profitable = lucrative 돈을 많이 버는, 수익이 많이 나는, 보람있는

profitable job 벌이가 좋은일









"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly




