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Korea wins gold medal in men's team Go - 한국 남자 바둑, 단체전 금메달

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 10. 8.



[SPORTS] Korea wins gold medal in men's team Go

Korea claimed the gold medal in the men's team competition of the board game Go at the 19th Asian Games in China on Tuesday, defending the title won in 2010.



Korea claimed the gold medal in the men's team competition of the board game Go at the 19th Asian Games in China on Tuesday, defending the title won in 2010.
한국이 화요일 중국에서 열린 제19회 아시안게임 남자 바둑 단체전에서 금메달을 목에 걸며 2010년 바둑 우승국 타이틀을 지켜냈다.


win gold medal = claim the gold medal = clinch the gold medal 금메달을 따다

defend the title 선수권을 방어하다

board game 보드 게임(판을 놓고 그 위에서 말을 이동시켜 가며 하는 모든 게임)


The team of Kim Myung-hun, Park Jeong-hwan, Shin Jin-seo, Byeon Sang-il and Shin Min-jun defeated China 4-1 in the final at Hangzhou Qi-Yuan (Zhili) Chess Hall in Hangzhou.
김명훈, 박정환, 신진서, 변상일, 신민준으로 구성된 남자 대표팀은 중국 항저우 치위안 체스홀에서 열린 결승전에서 중국을 4대1로 꺾었다.


defeat = beat = get the better of = vanguish = conquer (경쟁·전쟁 등에서) 이기다, 패배시키다, 완파하다

in the finanl = in the final match 결승전에서


Korea won the men's team title at the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou, China, when Go was last competed as a medal sport.
한국은 바둑이 마지막으로 정식 종목이었던 2010 광저우 아시안게임 대회에서 우승했다.


compete 경쟁하다, (시합·경기 등에서) (~와) 겨루다, (시합 등에) 참가하다

medal sport 메달 스포츠, 정식 종목


In the best-of-five final, the five matches all took place simultaneously. Byun lost to Li Qincheng in the first match that ended, but Shin Jin-seo, South Korea's No. 1 player, defeated Yang Dingxin to even the score. 결승전에서는 5개 대국이 동시에 진행됐다. 가장 먼저 끝난 대국에서 변상일이 리친청에게 패한뒤 한국 랭킹 1위 신진서가 양딩신을 이기며 동점을 만들었다.


the best-of-five = the best three out of five  (야구 등에서) 5판 (3승) 승부의, 5판 3선승

take place = happen = occur = be held = break out = come to pass = bechance = come about = transpire 일어나다, 발생하다

simultaneously = at the same time 동시에

lose to ~에 지다 

even the score = tie the score 동점이 되다, (자기에게 해를 입히거나 속임수를 쓴 자에게) 복수하다, 응징하다

end in a draw = end in a tie 무승부로 끝나다,동점으로 끝나다


Then the next two Korean players won their matches to close out China. Shin Min-jun got the better of Ke Jie, and Park got the gold medal-clinching win over Mi Yuting. 
이후 다른 한국 선수 두 명은 중국을 제쳤다. 신민준은 커제를 눌렀고, 박 선수는 미위팅을 꺾어 금메달을 확정했다. 

win one's match 경기에서 이기다
close out ~을 마무리짓다 = ~을 염가로[아주 싼 값에] 처분하다

closeout 정리 세일, 마감 세일

get the better of = defeat = beat = vanguish = conquer (경쟁·전쟁 등에서) 이기다, 패배시키다, 완파하다

get the gold medal-clinching win 금메달 확정 우승을 얻다








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Korea Times Weekly



