[NATIONAL] 4 in 10 Koreans experience overdue wages: survey
About four out of 10 surveyed workers in Korea experienced delay in wage payments, a survey showed, Sunday. 일요일 직장인 10명 가운데 4명이 임금을 제때 받지 못한 경험을 했다는 설문조사 결과가 나왔다.
About four out of 10 surveyed workers in Korea experienced delay in wage payments, a survey showed, Sunday.
일요일 직장인 10명 가운데 4명이 임금을 제때 받지 못한 경험을 했다는 설문조사 결과가 나왔다.
four out of 10 = 4 in 10 = four out of every ten people 10명중 4명
overdue wage = wage unpaid = delay in wage paymets 임금 체불
overdue (지불·반납 등의) 기한이 지난, 벌써 행해졌어야 할, 이미 늦어진
According to a survey of 1,000 Korean workers, conducted from Aug. 1 to 6 by Embrain Public, 43.7 percent of the respondents said they have experienced overdue wage issues.
지난 8월 1일~6일 여론조사업체 엠브레인퍼블릭이 직장인 1000명에게 설문한 결과에 따르면, 이들 가운데 43.7%가 임금체불을 경험했다.
respondent = answerer 응답자, 답변자
experience an overdue wage 임금체불을 경험하다, 임금체불을 겪다
The survey was carried out upon the request of a pro-labor civic group Gabjil 119 and the Beautiful Foundation.
이번 설문조사는 친노동단체 직장갑질119와 아름다운재단의 의뢰에 의해 실시됐다.
be carried out = be conducted by = be executed 행해지다, 수행되다
upon th request of = as per one's request = per one's request = in accordance with one's request = by request ~의 요청에 따라
pro-labor civic group 친노동단체, 친노동 시민단체
The most common overdue wage cases by frequency were basic pay at 30.2 percent, followed by overtime wages at 27.8 percent, extra allowances at 24.5 percent and annual vacation allowances at 23.2 percent.
체불된 임금 종류는 기본급이 30.2%로 가장 많았고, 이어 퇴직금 27.8%, 연장근무수당 24.5%, 그리고 연차수당 23.2% 순이었다.
by frequency 빈도에 따라, 빈도별로
basic pay = regular pay = fixed =pay = fixed salary 기본급
followed by 뒤이어, 잇따라, ~가 뒤를 이어
overtime wage 시간외임금
extra allowance 연장근무수당
annual vacation allowance 연차수당, 연차 휴가수당
allowance 용돈, (특정 목적을 위한) 비용, 수당, 허용량, 세금(공제액)
Temporary employees were more vulnerable to delays in wage payments, as 34.8 percent of respondents in non-regular employment said they have experienced such delays, which was higher than 27.2 percent of regular employees.
비정규직 응답자는 임금 체불에 더 취약한 것으로 드러났는데, 이들 중 34.8%가 체불을 경험했다고 밝혀 정규직 응답자의 27.2%보다 약 10%p 가량 높은 수치를 보였다.
temporary employee = non-regular employment = non-regular worker = temp 비정규직, 임시직
regular employee = permanent employee = regular worker 정규직 사원
more vulnerable to ~에 더 취약하다
delay in wage paymets = overdue wage = wage unpaid 임금 체불
By occupation, overdue wages were more common within the manufacturing industry compared to the white-collar jobs, as 37.7 percent and 40.2 percent of workers in the former group have received delayed basic and overtime wages, respectively. The figures were higher than office workers' 26.4 percent and 23.6 percent for each.
직종별로는 사무직보다 생산직의 임금체불 경험이 더 많았는데, 생산직은 37.7%가 기본급을, 40.2%가 연장근무수당을 제때 못 받은 적이 있다고 답했다. 해당 수치는 사무직의 기본급 26.4%, 연장근무수당 23.6%보다 높았다.
by occupation 직업별로, 직봉별로
overdue wage = delay in wage paymets = wage unpaid 임금 체불
manufacturing industry 제조업, 제조산업
white-collar job = clerical work = office job 사무직
blue-collar = manual 육체노동의
pink-collar 핑크 컬러의(사무실·식당 등에서 주로 여자들이 하는 저임금 일자리를 가리킴)
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