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Mom's murder of 2 newborns reignites debate over anonymous childbirth - 산모의 영아 2명 살해, 익명출산제 논쟁 불붙여

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 6. 27.



[NATIONAL] Mom's murder of 2 newborns reignites debate over anonymous childbirth

Various values clash including rights to life, rights to know about roots 생명권과 친부모 알 권리 등 여러 가치 충돌



Various values clash including rights to liferights to know about roots
생명권과 친부모 알 권리 등 여러 가치 충돌

newborn = newborn baby = newly-born baby 갓난, 신생아

reignite debate over = rekindle the debate over ~에 대한 논쟁을 재점화하다

debate = dispute = controversy = arguement = discussion = forum = altercation = discourse 논쟁, 논의, 토론, 담화

anonymous = unnamed = nameless = unidentified = unknown = unrecognized 익명의, 이름없는, 알려지지 않은

value clash 가치 충동

rights to life 생명권

rights to know 알 권리

rights to know about roots 친부모 알 권리


The recent arrest of a mother accused of killing her two newborns and keeping their bodies in a freezer at home is reigniting a years-long debate over the need to enact a law allowing women to give birth anonymously in cases of unwanted pregnancy.
신생아 2명을 살해한 뒤 자택 냉장고에 시신을 보관해온 혐의로 최근 구속된 친모 사건이 원치 않은 임신을 한 경우 익명 출산을 가능케 하는 법 제정 필요성에 대한 수년간 논쟁을 재점화했다.


arrest = apprehend = seize = make a collar = get one's collar felt = have one's colar felt = collar = capture = catch = round up = haul in 체포하다, 체포

years-long = year's standing (현재까지 지속되고 있는) 수년간의

years of 수년의

enact a law = legalize = establish a law = legislate = codify = enshrine in law 법을 제정하다, 성문화하다, 법을 만들다

give birth to = bear ~을 낳다, ~을 출산하다

in case of 만일 ~한다면, ~의 경우에, ~이 발생할 시에

unwanted pregnancy = unwelcome pregnancy = unwanted conception 원치 않은 임신, 반갑지 않은 임신


According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Sunday, several related bills are currently pending at the National Assembly, including one submitted in December 2020 by Rep. Kim Mi-ae of the ruling People Power Party. Kim's bill is aimed at allowing pregnant women facing economic or social hardship to give birth without exposing their personal information and to hand their babies over to a local government.
일요일 보건복지부에 따르면 현재 국회에는 관련 발의안이 여러 건 계류 중인데, 여당 국민의힘 김미애 의원이 2020년 12월에 제출한 의안도 그 중 하나다. 김 의원의 법안은 경제적•사회적 곤경에 처한 임산부가 익명으로 출산한 후 지방자치단체에 해당 아동을 인도할 수 있게 한 의안이다.


related bill = relevant bill 관련 법안

be pending at the National Assembly 국회에 계류중이다

submitted in = handed in = turned in 제출된, 보내진

face economic harship 경제적 어려움에 처하다

face social harship 사회적 어려움에 처하다

expose one's personal information 개인정보를 노출하다

hand over = forward = turn over = pass on = transfer = concede 건네주다, 이양하다, 넘겨주다


Supporters say such a law would prevent women who have unwanted pregnancies from abandoning or even killing their babies, while objectors claim the law would take away children's right to be protected and to know their roots.
찬성측은 이러한 법안이 원하지 않는 출산을 한 여성의 영아 유기•살해 등을 방지할 수 있다고 주장하는 반면, 반대측은 아동의 보호받을 권리와 친부모를 알 권리를 박탈한다고 주장한다.


supporter = proponent = consenter = champion = backer 지지자

dissenter = objector = opponent = adversary = antagonist = rival = competitor = foe = enemy 적수, 반대자

unwanted pregnancy = unwelcome pregnancy = unwanted conception 원치 않은 임신, 반갑지 않은 임신

abandon 버리다, 유기하다, 떠나다, 버리고 떠나다, 방종, 자유분방

know one's root 뿌리를 알다, 조상을 알다, 부모를 알다


On Friday, the Suwon District Court issued a warrant to formally arrest the woman in her 30s, charged with strangling her two infants to death in 2018 and 2019, respectively, just one day after they were born. The suspect cited her poor financial condition as she was already raising three children, according to police.
지난 금요일 수원지법은 이 30대 여성 피의자에 대해 2018년과 2019년에 각각 출산한 아기 2명을 살해한 혐의로 구속영장을 발부했다. 경찰에 따르면 피의자는 이미 세 자녀를 양육하고 있어 경제적 어려움을 겪고 있었다고 밝혔다.


issue a warrant 영장을 발부하다, 영장을 청구하다

charged with = indicted on = accused of = found guilty on ~로 기소된

strangle sb to death = throttle sb to death ~을 목졸라 죽이다, ~을 교살하다

cite = quote = give an excuse = make an excuse = excuse 이유를 대다, 변명하다, 핑계대다

poor financial condition 나쁜 재정적 상황, 경제적 어려움

raise children = bring up children = rear children 아이들을 기르다, 아이들을 키우다


The two deceased infant bodies remained hidden for years in a freezer at the woman's home and were discovered during the audit by the Board of Audit and Inspection that investigated babies whose births had not been registered despite records of delivery from hospitals.
살해된 영아 시신 2구는 여성의 집 냉장고 안에 여러 해 동안 방치되었고 이는 감사원이 ‘병원 출산 기록은 있는데 출생신고가 되지 않은 영유아'를 조사하던 감사 중 발견되었다.


deceased = the late = died = fallen = passed away 사망한, 고인의

body = corpse = dead body = remains = cadaver = carcass = ahses 유해, 시신, 시체, 송장

remain hidden 숨겨져 있다, 모습을 드러내지 않고 있다

during the audit 감사기간에, 감사동안에

be resistered = be enrolled = be put on record 기록되다, 등록되다, 등재되다

records of delivery from hospitals 병원 출산 기록








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Korea Times Weekly



