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'Night Walk at Cheong Wa Dae' pre-opening event delights local residents - '청와대 밤의 산책', 지역 주민에게 즐거움 선사

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 6. 15.



[NATIONAL] 'Night Walk at Cheong Wa Dae' pre-opening event delights local residents

Residents living near Cheong Wa Dae, the former presidential office and residence for over seven decades, were invited to a special event on Wednesday night. 청와대 근처 거주 주민들은 70여 년간 대통령 사무실 및 거처로 사용된 이



Residents living near Cheong Wa Dae, the former presidential office and residence for over seven decades, were invited to a special event on Wednesday night.
청와대 근처 거주 주민들은 70여 년간 대통령 사무실 및 거처로 사용된 이 곳으로 수요일 밤 특별한 행사에 초대되었다.


night walk 밤 산책, 야간 산책

pre-opening event 사전공개 행사

delight = gladden = please 많은 기쁨을 주다, 아주 즐겁게 하다, 큰 기쁨을 주는 것, 크게 기쁜 일, 기쁨, 즐거움

resident = inhabitant = dweller = denizen = population 거주자, 주민

presidential office 대통령 집무실

special event 특별행사


The event served as a preview to the official opening of "Night Walk at Cheong Wa Dae" on Thursday, the presidential office's first nighttime display this year.
이번 주민 초청 행사는 목요일 ‘청와대 밤의산책' 공식 오픈에 앞서 올해 첫 청와대 야간 행사를 미리 선보이는 역할을 했다.


serve as = play a role as ~로서 역할을 하다

a preview to ~의 미리 보기, ~의 프리뷰, ~의 맛보기, ~의 시사회

official opening 공식 오프닝

nighttime 야간, 밤, 밤시간

dyatime 낮, 주간


The "Night Walk at Cheong Wa Dae," which takes place from June 8 to 19, is a program that allows 2,000 visitors per day to participate in an evening tour around Cheong Wa Dae for two hours, starting from 7:30 p.m.
‘청와대 밤의산책'은 6월 8일부터 19일까지 진행되는 프로그램으로 매일 2000명의 관람객이 저녁 7시 30분부터 2시간 동안 청와대 주변을 산책한다.


take place = happen = occur = transpire = open = break out = arise = be held 일어나다, 발생하다, 열리다

participate in = take part in = partake in = join in = engage in ~에 참석하다, ~에 참여하다

evening tour = night walk 야간 투어, 야간 산책


Following residents' concerns, such as noise and traffic congestion that arose after last year's public opening of Cheong Wa Dae, Wednesday's pre-invitation event was specifically organized for residents of five areas nearby: Cheongunhyoja-dong, Buam-dong, Sajik-dong, Gahoe-dong, and Samcheong-dong, all located in Seoul's Jongno District.
지난해 청와대 공개행사 후 발생한 소음 및 교통 혼잡 등 지역 주민의 우려를 고려해 수요일 사전 초청 행사는 주변 다섯 지역(청운효자동, 부암동, 사직동, 가회동, 삼청동) 주민을 위해 별도로 마련되었다.


following = in the wake of = after = as a result of ~이후에, ~의 결과로서

traffic congestion = traffic jams = traffic snarl = traffic chaos = bumper-to-bumper traffic = form a tailback 교통 혼잡, 교통 체증

public opening 공공 개방, 일반 공개, 개관공연

be organized for ~을 위해 마련되다


Around 620 residents attended the event at Cheong Wa Dae on Wednesday night.
수요일 밤에는 종로구 주민 620여명이 청와대에서 이 행사에 참석했다.


around = in the neighborhood of = in the order of = of the order of = approximately = roughly 대략, 대략적으로

attend = be present at ~에 참석하다


After entering through the main gate, they took a stroll through the expansive main garden and the main building. The group then explored the small garden, the presidential residence, another garden area, and Sangchunjae ― a traditional hanok-style building.
정문을 통과한 시민들은 대정원과 본관을 산책했다. 이어 소정원, 대통령이 거주했던 관저, 녹지원과 상춘재(전통 한옥)를 둘러봤다.


enter through ~을 통해 들어가다

main gate 정문

take a stroll = go for a stroll = go for a walk  = go for a wander 산책하다, 어슬렁거리다, 천천히 걷다

expansive = wide = a expanse of = open = spacious = vast = broad 툭트인, 광활한, 포괄적인, 광범위한, 속이 트인, 말을 잘 하는

traditional hanok-style building 전통 한옥, 전통적인 한옥스타일의 건물


This unique event provided visitors with a rare chance to admire the presidential residence illuminated at night, revealing its splendor in a new light.
이 독특한 행사는 관람객에게 빛나는 청와대 야경을 감상할 수 있는 희소한 기회를 제공했으며 청와대는 조명 아래서 경탄할만한 아름다움을 드러냈다.


unique = particular = peculiar = sui generis = uncommon = characteristic = special = distinctive 독특한, 특이한, 특유의

a rare chance 드문 기회, 보기드문 기회

admire = appreciate = enjoy = relish 감상하다, 진가를 알아보다, 즐기다

illuminated = luminous = bright = light 환한, 빛나는, 채색한, 조명으로 빛나는

splendor = majesty = brilliance = shine = brightness = luminosity = pomp = magnificence = gorgeousness = glory = sublimity = grandeur = greatness 훌륭함, 장려함, 화려함, 현저, 탁월, 영광, 영예



Each visitor also received a welcome gift consisting of an umbrella and a mosquito-repellent bracelet. Attendees appreciated this friendly gesture, remarking that it added a thoughtful touch to the event.
방문객은 우산과 모기 퇴치 팔찌로 구성된 환영 선물을 받았다. 관람객들은 이 친절한 선물에 고마워하며 이런 준비가 행사에 배려심을 더했다고 언급했다.


welcome gift 환영 선물, 웰컴 기프트

consist of = be composed of = be comprised of = be made up of ~로이루어 지다, ~로 구성되다

mosquito-repellent bracelet 모기 퇴치 팔찌

repellent = repelling = resistant= proof 방충제, 방수제, 스며들지 않게하는, 역거운, 혐오감을 주는

friendly = amicable = favorable = neighbory = genial = amiable = affable 우호적인, 친근한, 다정한, 상냥한, 친절한

remark = comment = state = utter = refer = observe = express one's opinion 말하다, 발언하다, 언급하다

thoughtful touch 사려깊은 점, 배려깊은 손길


Lee Jeong-hyun, 26, who attended the event with a friend, expressed satisfaction. "With a smaller crowd, it's much easier to look around and take photos," she said. "It was a nice surprise to receive a gift, too. I felt appreciated and it made the event more enjoyable."
친구와 함께 행사에 참석한 이정현(26)은 만족감을 표현했다. 그녀는 "사람이 적어서 둘러보고 사진 찍기가 훨씬 수월하다"며 "선물 제공도 기분 좋은 서프라이즈였다. 존중 받는 기분이었고 행사가 더 즐겁게 느껴졌다"고 덧붙였다.


express satisfaction = express gratification at[over] 만족감을 표하다

look around = sightsee = see the sight = explore the sight 둘러보다 

take photo = take photographs 사진을 찍다

nice surprise 정말 뜻밖에, 정말 깜짝 놀란

nice (형용사·부사 앞에 쓰여 아주 좋음을 강조함) 정말, 기분좋은, 멋진, 즐거운, 좋은, 친절한, 다정한

appreciated = thankful = obliged = grateful 감사하는, 고맙게 생각하는, 고맙게 여기는

enjoyable = joyful = delightful = pleasant = cheerful = merry = blissful =  entertaining = interesting = exciting = mirthful 즐거운, 신나는, 기쁜


Musical performances were held throughout the event in the small garden and at the presidential residence, providing delightful entertainment for the attendees.
행사가 진행되는 동안 소규모 정원과 대통령 거처에서 음악 공연이 진행되어 참석자들에게 즐거운 오락거리를 제공했다.


musical performance 음악 공연

delightful = enjoyable = joyful = pleasant = cheerful = merry = blissful = delightful = entertaining = interesting = exciting = mirthful 즐거운, 신나는, 기쁜

entertainment = reception = amusement 오락물, 여흥, 접대


The small garden, in particular, attracted visitors. Two musicians gave a 20-minute performance of traditional Korean music played on the "haegeum," a traditional Korean string instrument, and the "saenghwang," a reed instrument with various pipes of different lengths.
특히 작은 정원은 방문객들을 매료시켰다. 두 명의 연주가는 한국 전통 현악기 ‘해금'과 다양한 길이의 파이프로 구성된 대나무 관악기 ‘생황'을 연주하는 전통 음악 공연을 20분 간 선보였다.


in particular = particularly = notably = especially = specially 특히, 특별히

attact = mesmerize = enthral = enchant = cast a spell = be spellbound = fascinate = captivate = bewitch = entrance = enrapture = delight = allure = charm = lure = sweep off one's feet = fall under a spell 매료되다, 황활하게하다, 매혹시키다

string instrument 현악기

reed instrument 리드악기, 관악기









"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly




