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AI and ChatGPT - [사설 읽기] 인공지능과 챗GPT

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 6. 16.



AI and ChatGPT

Korea should double down on technological renovation 한국, 기술 혁신에 더욱 전념해야



Korea should double down on technological renovation
한국, 기술 혁신에 더욱 전념해야


double down on = beef up = step up efforts = strengthen = reinforce = exert oneself for (노력/시간)~을 늘리다. ~에 전념하다. 몰두하다

technological renovation 기술 혁신


Sam Altman, co-founder of OpenAI, met President Yoon Suk Yeol and representatives of domestic startups, Friday. After visiting Europe in May, Altman also traveled to Japan, Israel and the United Arab Emirates to meet with government and parliamentary authorities there. In an unprecedented move, he met with startup entrepreneurs in Korea.
오픈에이아이(OpenAI) 공동 창업자인 샘 알트만은 지난 금요일 윤석열 대통령 및 국내 스타트업 대표들과 면담을 가졌다. 알트만은 5월에 유럽을 방문한 후 일본, 이스라엘, 아랍에미리트 연방을 방문해 각국 정부 및 의회 당국자들과 면담했다. 알트만이 한국 스타트업 기업가들과 만난 것은 전례 없는 일이었다.


domestic startups 국내 스타트업

travel = visit = go on a trip = tour = journey = take a trip 여행하다, 방문하다, 탐방하다

parliamentary authorities 의회 당국

in an unprecedented move 전례없는 움직임으로서, 전례없는 조치로

unprecedented = unheard of = unparalleled = unexampled 전례없는, 사상초유의

unexpected = unanticipated = untoward = unlooked for = unforeseen = sudden = abrupt 예상밖의, 뜻밖의

entrepreneur = businesspeople = enterpriser = industrialist 기업가, 사업가


Altman, called the "father of ChatGPT," and also the CEO of the U.S.-based artificial intelligence (AI) technology company, said he would seek investment opportunities and expand cooperation with Korean firms.
‘챗GPT'의 아버지로 불리는 알트만은 미국 기반 인공지능 기술회사 CEO로 잘 알려져 있다. 알트만은 한국 기업들과 투자 기회를 모색하고 협력을 확대할 것이라고 밝혔다.


the father of ~의 아버지, ~의 창시자, ~의 조상

artificial intelligence technology (AI)인공지능 기술

seek investment opportunities 투자기회를 모색하다, 투자기회를 찾다

expand cooperation with ~와의 협력을 확대하다

cooperate with = collaborate with = team up with = work together = combine hands with = join hands with = join forces with = combine forces with = pitch in wit 협력하다, 함께 일하다, 힘을 합치다


"We are exploring investing more in Korean startups and are very excited to explore joint chip cooperation to develop AI accelerators," Altman told a group of some 130 startup leaders.
알트만은 "한국 스타트업 투자를 더욱 연구하고 AI 가속기 개발을 위한 공동 반도체 협력을 모색하는 일에 큰 흥미가 있다"고 스타트업 리더 약 130명에게 밝혔다.


explore = quest = seek for = pursue = search for = look around = fumble for = hunt for = look for = ransack = rummage 탐색하다, 구하다, 찾다, 강구하다, 뒤지다

joint chip cooperation 공동 반도체 협력

accelerator 가속기, 가속장치, 입자가속기


Attendees of the event, hosted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, showed keen interest in the direction, ethics and regulations of AI-related technology. Minister Lee Young pointed out that more than 200,000 AI-based startups are founded in Korea every year and sought more business opportunities between those companies and OpenAI.
중소벤처기업부 주최로 열린 이번 행사 참석자들은 AI 관련 기술의 방향성, 윤리의식 및 규제에 대해 큰 관심을 보였다. 이영 장관은 매년 한국에서 20만 개 이상의 AI 스타트업이 설립되고 있다고 언급하며 이런 기업들과 오픈에이아이 간애 더 많은 비즈니스 기회를 모색하고자 했다.


attendee = attender = participant = attendance = audience 참석자, 출석자, 관중

hosted by = preside by = led by = headed by = organized by ~가 이끈, ~가 연, ~가 주재한

show keen interest in ~에 열렬한 관심을 보이다

seek more opportunities 더 많은 기회를 모색하다, 더 많은 기회를 찾다

business opportunities 사업 기회, 비지니스 기회


Altman responded, "I think the next three years will probably be the greatest startup opportunity since the internet…" He also positively assessed possible collaborations with Korea's Big Tech companies such as Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motor Group and LG Electronics. He also met with Korean AI developers and founders during another event organized by Softbank Ventures.
알트만은 "다음 3년은 인터넷 발명 이후로 스타트업에게 가장 큰 기회일 것"이라며 삼성전자, 현대자동차, LG전자 등 한국 대기업들과의 협업 가능성을 긍정적으로 평가했다. 알트만은 또 소프트뱅크벤처스가 주최한 다른 행사에서 한국 AI 개발자 및 창업자들과도 만남을 가졌다.


probably = maybe = possibly = perheps = likely = in all likelihood = most likely 아마, 아마도

positively assess 긍정적으로 평가하다

assess = estimate = appraise = evaluate = judge = study = weigh up 평가하다, 살피다

collaboration with = cooperation with ~와의 협력 

cooperate with = collaborate with = team up with = work together = combine hands with = join hands with = join forces with = combine forces with = pitch in wit 협력하다, 함께 일하다, 힘을 합치다

organized by = hosted by = preside by = led by = headed by ~가 이끈, ~가 연, ~가 주재한


The potential collaboration between OpenAI and domestic startups is very meaningful in that it will help both expand business scope and items. As Altman put it, now is the opportune time for technological renovation. AI has become state-of-the-art and is poised to expand its ecosystem network at full throttle, reminiscent of the emergence of the internet and cellular phones, which ultimately overhauled the industrial landscape. It is heralding a "big bang" in the industrial paradigm with the possible advent of the 5th Industrial Revolution.
오픈에이아이와 국내 스타트업 간 잠재적 협력은 비즈니스 범위와 항목을 확대하는 데 의미가 크다. 알트만이 말한 대로 지금은 기술 혁신을 할 가장 적절한 시기다. AI는 최첨단 기술이 되었고 산업 풍경을 근본적으로 변화시킨 인터넷과 휴대폰 등장처럼 생태계 연결을 전속력으로 확장하려 하고 있다. 이는 제5차 산업혁명 도래 가능성과 더불어 산업 패러다임에서의 "빅뱅"을 예고하고 있다.


potential = possible = latent 가능한, 잠재적인

meaningful = significant = sensical = important = essential = indispensable = critical = vital = paramount = foremost 유의미한, 중요한, 그럴 듯한, 필수적인

expand business scope  비지니스 범위를 확대하다

as somebody put it ~가 말했듯이

now is the opportune time 지금이 적기이다

opportune = timely = favorable = well-timed 시기 적절한, 적기의, 적시의

technological renovation 기술 혁신

state-of-the-art = up to date = advanced = high-tech = sophisticated = highly advanced = the latest = the newest = modern = a la page 최첨단의, 최신식의, 첨단기술의

at full throttle =  at full stretch = at full tilt = at full pelt = at full blast 전속력으로, 최대로, 최대한도로, 전속력을 기울여

reminiscent of = reminding of = suggestive of = recalling of = recollecting of ~을 회상하게 하는

emergence = advent = appearance 출현, 도래

ultimately = eventually = in turn = lately = finally = in the long run = after all = in the end = at last = at long last 궁극적으로, 결과적으로, 최종적으로

overhaul = innovate = reform = reshuffle = rearrange = restructure = reorganize = regroup 점검하다, 정비하다, 개편하다, 재조직하다

herald 예고하다, 도래를 알리다, 알리다, 발표하다

industrial paradigm 산업적 패러다임

the 5th industrial revolution 5차 산업 혁명


In order to survive increasingly tougher global competition, enterprises should tackle diverse challenges. The Yoon Suk Yeol government, for its part, should roll up its sleeves to help companies leap forward on the global stage by assisting with technological developments and deregulation.
갈수록 심해지는 세계적 경쟁을 견디기 위해 기업들은 다양한 도전에 해야 한다. 한편 윤석열 정부는 기술 개발과 규제 완화를 지원해 기업들이 세계 무대에서 도약할 수 있도록 팔을 걷어붙여야 한다.


survive = subsist = outlive = endure = bear = stand = hold out = withstand = hang on in there = last = put up with 견뎌내다, 살아남다, 생존하다, ~보다 오래살다

global competition 글로벌 경쟁, 세계적 경쟁

tackle a challenge 문제를 해결하다, 문제에 맞서다

tackle = deal with = treat = handle = manange = cope with = address = navigate = settle = resolve = solve 다루다, 해결하다, 처리하다

roll up one's sleeves = embark on = plunge into (싸움 따위에서) 팔을 걷어붙이다; (큰 일의) 준비를 하다, 팔을 걷고 나서다

leap forward = go forward = move forward = go ahead = proceed = advance = move ahead 도약하다, 앞으로 나아가다

deregulation = decontrol (인허가 따위 정부의) 규제 완화[철폐], 자유화, 규제 해제


Altman praised Korea for taking the lead in the global AI ecosystem. Yet Korea needs to tackle tectonic challenges to lead the global AI market. Most urgently, it should nurture human resources. For instance, the U.S. federal government poured some 1 trillion won ($773 million) to establish an AI graduate school at MIT. China has been pushing for a project to raise some 5 million AI experts in the next five yearsIn contrast, Korea is suffering from a lack of professors and facilities despite sprouting AI-related departments and aspirants.
알트만은 한국이 글로벌 AI 생태계에서 선두를 잡은 점에 대해 칭찬했다. 그러나 한국은 세계 AI 시장 주도를 위해 구조적인 문제를 해결해야 한다. 가장 긴급한 것은 인력 양성이다. 예를 들어 미국 연방정부는 MIT에 AI 대학원을 설립하기 위해 약 1조원(773억 달러)을 투자했다. 중국은 다음 5년 간 AI 전문가 약 500만 명 양성을 위한 프로젝트를 추진하고 있다. 그러나 한국은 AI 관련 학과와 지망생이 생겨나는 중에도 교수진 및 시설 부족에 시달리고 있다.


praise = laud = applaud = acclaim = compliment = speak highly of = extol = rave = exalt = glorify 칭찬하다, 격찬하다, 찬양하다, 극찬하다

take the lead = be in the vanguard = spearhead = become the spearhead = take the helm = take the mantle = head = lead = have the upper hand 선두에 서다, 선봉에 서다, 이끌다, 선두가 되다, 우세한 위치에 서다

nurture = foster = cultivate = train = educate = rear = bring up = raise = promote 양육하다, 양성하다, 육성하다

pour money into = put money into ~에 자금을 쏟아 붓다, 집중 투자하다

push for a project = push ahead with a project 프로젝트를 밀고 나가다, 프로젝트를 추진하다

suffer from ~로 고통받다

a lack of = a shortage of = a scarcity of = insufficiency of ~의 부족 

sprouting = growing = mounting = increasing = emerging = up and coming 증가하는, 생겨나는, 떠오르는 


For starters, Korea should realign its education curriculum and other systems in universities while strengthening cooperation between industries and academia, thus laying the ground for creating AI experts and prompting relevant research and development. The administration should take measures to boost the technology renovation. Businesses should also sharpen their global competitiveness by applying AI in all processes of manufacturing and marketing as well as R&D.
먼저 한국은 대학교 교육과정 및 기타 체계를 재정비하고 산학 간 협력을 강화해 AI 전문가를 양성하고 관련 연구 및 개발 촉진을 위한 기반을 마련해야 한다. 정부는 기술 혁신 촉진을 위한 조치를 취해야 한다. 기업들은 제조, 마케팅 및 연구 개발 모든 과정에 AI를 적용해 글로벌 경쟁력을 강화해야 한다.


for starter = above all = on top of that = first of all = firstly = first 우선, 첫째로

realign = rearrange = restructure = reorganize 재조정하다, 재편성하다

education curriculum 교육 과정, 교육 커리큘럼

strengthen = enhance = reinforce = beef up = ramp up = amp up = cement = consolidate = solidify = stiffen = fortify = boost 강화시키다, 강화하다

lay the ground for = prepare the ground for ~을 위한 토대를 마련하다

take measures = take actions = take steps 조치를 취하다

shsarpen = hone 연마하다, 갈다, 날카롭게 하다

global competitiveness = global competitive edge 세계적 경쟁력


Altman reckons that semiconductors are the sector that Korea should designate as its first priority. He underscored the need for Korea to expand its capabilities in the production of system chips, the setup of an AI ecosystem through deregulation, and play a leading role in setting up an international standard.
알트만은 한국이 반도체를 최우선 과제로 지정해야 한다고 보고 있다. 알트만은 시스템 반도체 생산 능력 확대, 규제 완화를 통한 AI 생태계 구축, 국제 표준 설정에서 한국의 역할 강화가 필요하다고 강조했다.


reckon = consider = regard = deem = think = believe 고려하다, 여기다, 생각하다

designate as = appoint as = name as = nominate as ~로 지정하다

priority 우선사항, 우선

underscore = stress = emphasize = underline = accent = accentuate = play up = highlight 강조하다

setup = establishment 설립, 수립

international standard 국제 표준









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