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Daiso under fire for labor exploitation - 다이소, 노동자 착취로 논란

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 4. 26.



[BUSINESS] Daiso under fire for labor exploitation

Korea's largest one-dollar-store chain, Daiso, is facing fierce criticism for exploiting its workers at stores and warehouses. 국내 최대 '1000원숍’ 체이점 다이소가 점포 및 물류센터 근로자를 착취한 것으로 드러나 거센 비




Korea's largest one-dollar-store chain, Daiso, is facing fierce criticism for exploiting its workers at stores and warehouses, as well as infringing on their basic labor rights and freedom of thought and ideas in the company's employment regulations.
국내 최대 ‘1000원숍' 체이점 다이소가 점포 및 물류센터 근로자를 착취하는 것은 물론 회사 취업규칙에서 근로자의 기본 노동권과 사상의 자유를 침해한 것으로 드러나 거센 비판을 받고 있다.


be under fire = come under fire = take flak = draw criticism from 비난을 받다

hurl criticism at = level criticism at = accuse of = condemn = criticize ~에 비난을 하다

labor exploitation 노동 착취

one-dollar-store 천냥샵, 천원숍

infringe = transgress = violate = breach = go against = disobey = contravene = break = infract = run counter to 어기다, 위반하다, 벗어나다

intrude = trespass = invade = violate 침범하다, 침입하다

butt in = intervene in = interfere in = poke one's nose into other's business 참견하다, 간섭하다

basic labor rights 노동 기본권, 기본 노동권

freedom of thought 사상의 자유

employment regulation 취업규칙, 고용규정


Rep. Ryu Ho-jeong of the progressive minor opposition Justice Party and members of the Korean Public Service and Transport Workers' Union (KPTU) held a press conference at the National Assembly in Seoul, Monday, to condemn Daiso A-sung's (part of the Asung Group) alleged labor exploitation.
월요일 류호정 진보 정의당 의원과 공공운수노조 전국물류센터지부 조합원들은 서울 여의도 국회에서 아성다이소의 노동 인권 탄압을 규탄하는 기자회견을 열었다.


hold a press conference 기자회견을 열다

National Assembly = congress = council = parliament 국회, 의회

condemn = rebuke = criticize = chasten = censure = deprecate = reprimand = reprove = reproach = scold = blame = accuse = berate = chastise 비난하다, 꾸짖다, 질책하다

alleged = supposed = purported 추정되는, 제기된, 주장된


Daiso A-Sung is a Seoul-based distributor of the Daiso chain, the first and largest daily supplies supplier introduced to the country in 1997. The company operates 1,440 stores nationwide with over 10,000 employees working in the stores and warehouses combined.
아성다이소는 1997년 국내에 진출한 국내 최초이자 최대 규모의 생활용품 공급업체인 다이소 체인의 서울 지역 유통업체다. 다이소는 전국에 1,440개의 매장을 운영하고 있으며 매장과 창고를 합친 직원 수는 1만 명 이상이다.


distributor = distributing agency 배급사, 배급업자, 유통업자

supplier 공급업자, 공급회사, 공급자

daily supplies = all articles of daily use = vital commodities = essential commodities 생활 용품

daily necessity = daily necessaries 생활 필수품

introduce = institute = impose = bring in 도입하다, 시작하다, 시행하다

nationwide = across the country = across the nation = all over the nation = all over the nation 전국적으로

warehouse = storage = storehouse = depot = store 창고


However, behind the success of the one-dollar-store chain's ability to make a profit of nearly 3 trillion won ($2.25 billion) last year, was the company's exploitation of employees' overtime and intense labor practices, according to the union.
그러나 지난해 매출 3조원에 육박하는 ‘1000원숍' 다이소 성공의 이면에는 직원들의 장시간 및 고강도 노동 관행이 있었다고 노조는 밝혔다.


behind the success of ~의 성공 뒤에는

make a profit = make gains 이윤을 내다

nearly = almost = about = as good as = approximately = roughly = in the neighborhood of = in the order of 거의, ~에 육박하는, ~에 달하는, 대략

labor exploitation 노동 착취

overtime 초과근무, 잔업, 야근, 초과근무수당, (스포츠)연장전 (= extra time)

overwork 과로하다, 혹사하다, 과로, 혹사

labor practice 노동 관행

union = trade union = labor union 노동조합


According to the Korea Workers' Compensation and Welfare Service's report on Daiso's industrial accidents between 2017 and 2022, submitted at the request of Ryu, the chain saw a steep increase in industrial accident applications from 48 in 2017 to 114 cases in 2022.
근로복지공단이 류 의원의 요청으로 제출한 ‘2017~2022년 다이소 산업재해 처리 현황'에 따르면 다이소 산재 신청건수는 2017년 48건에서 2022년 114건으로 급증했다.


industrial accident 산업재해, 산재

submit = hand in = turn in = send in 제출하다

at the request of = as per the request of = in accordance with the request of ~의 요청에 따라

see a steep increase in ~에서 급격한 증가를 보이다


The company received a total of 478 applications regarding industrial accidents since 2017, the report showed, among which only 451 were recognized. Most cases were to do with middle-aged female workers, who were diagnosed with fractures and musculoskeletal diseases as a result of their demanding working conditions.
보고서에 따르면 2017년 이후 산재 관련 건수는 총 478건으로 이 중 451건만 인정됐다. 열악한 노동 조건으로 골절과 근•골격계 질환 진단을 받은 중년 여성 근로자들이 대부분이었다.


receive an application 신청서를 받다, 지원서를 받다

recognize = accept = approve = acknowledge = admit 공인하다, 승인하다, 인정하다, 받아들이다

be to do with = have to do with = be connected with = be related with = be associated with ~와 관련있다, ~와 관계가 있다, ~와 연관이 있다

be nothing to do with = have nothing to do with = be unrelated to = have little to do with ~와 관련이 없다, ~와 관계가 없다

middle-aged 중년의, 중년인 사람들, 약간 따분한, 구식인

be diagnosed with ~로 진단받다

diagnose (질병·문제의 원인을) 진단하다

prognosticate (전조에 의하여) 예지하다, 예언[예상]하다, 예측하다, ~의 전조가 되다, ~의 징후를 보이다

fracture 골절, 골절됨, 부러짐, 파열이 되다

musculoskeletal disease 골격계 질환, 근골격계 질환

demanding = cumbersome = daunthing = onerous = heavy = formidable = taxing = burdensome = hulking 힘든, 만만찮은, 어려운

working condition 업무 환경, 노동 조건


The employees working at warehouses were also exposed to dangerous working conditions, where fire prevention equipment was improperly installed, according to the National Fire Agency's inspection report on Daiso's warehouses between 2020 and 2022.
소방청의 ‘2020~2022년 다이소 물류센터 소방점검 결과'를 보면 물류센터 직원들도 화제 예방 및 및 경보 시스템이 부실하게 설치된 위험한 작업환경에 노출됐다.


be exposed to ~에 노출되다

dangerous working condition 위험한 작업 환경, 위험한 업무 조건

dangerous = perilous = detrimental = risky = chancy = critical = damaging = deleterious = poisonous = venomous = harmful = precarious = noxious = injurious = bad 위험한, 위태로운, 해로운

fire prevention equipment 화제 예방 시설, 방화 시설

improperly = inadequately = insufficiently = not enough = unsatisfactorily = short of = lack of = deficient of = inappropriately = unseemly = unreasonably 불충분하게, 부적절하게, 부적당하게

install = equip = embed = kit out = gear up 설치하다, 장비를 갖추다

inspection report 조사 보고서










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