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Chun Doo-hwan's grandson arrested over suspected drug use - 전두환 손자 마약 투약 혐의로 체포

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 4. 3.



[NATIONAL] Chun Doo-hwan's grandson arrested over suspected drug use

Civic groups connected with the Gwangju Democratic Uprising said Tuesday that they will accept a proposed visit by the grandson of former authoritarian leader Chun Doo-hwan, as he has vowed to apologize to the bereaved families and victims of the governmen



Civic groups connected with the Gwangju Democratic Uprising said Tuesday that they will accept a proposed visit by the grandson of former authoritarian leader Chun Doo-hwan, as he has vowed to apologize to the bereaved families and victims of the government's deadly suppression of the pro-democracy movement.
광주민주화운동과 관련된 시민단체들은 화요일, 정부의 치명적인 민주화운동 탄압의 유족들과 희생자들에게 사과할 것을 약속한 전두환 전 권위주의적 지도자의 손자가 제안한 방문을 받아들이겠다고 전했다.


arrest = apprehend = seize = capture = pinch = nick = nab = collar 체포하다

suspected = dubious = suspicious = fishy 수상한, 미심쩍은, 의심스러운

purportedly = supposedly = allegedly ~라 알려진, 추정상, 아마

outwardly = externally = apparently = ostensibly = on the surface 표면상, 겉보기에는, 외견상으로는

uprising = coup = rebellion = revolt = riot = insurrection = insurgency = mutiny = upheaval 봉기, 폭동, 반란

authoritarian leader 독재적인 리더, 권위주의적 지도자

bereaved families 유가족

deadly = fatal = mortal = lethal 치명적인, 죽음을 초래하는

suppression = reppression = oppression = crackdwon = clampdown = subjugation 탄압, 억압, 억제

pre-democracy movement 민주화 운동


Members of the groups said they are willing to wait for the younger Chun even if his visit is postponed indefinitely due to an ongoing police investigation into his suspected use of illegal drugs.
5·18 시민단체 회원들은 비록 전두환의 손자가 불법 마약 투약 혐의에 대해 진행 중인 경찰 조사 때문에 그의 방문이 무기한 연기되더라도 기꺼이 기다릴 것이라고 밝혔다.


be willing to = be pleased to = be ready to 흔쾌히 ~하다, 기꺼이 ~하다

wait for ~을 기다리다

postpone = delay = hold off = deter = put off = procrastinate = pub back = table 미루다, 연기하다

indefinitely = for an indefinite period = forever = as long as one likes = for any length of times = for good = for good at all = eternally 무기한으로

illegal drug = dug = narcotic = gear = dope = ecstacy = heaven dust = shit = schmack 마약

happy smoke = marijuana = marihuana = cannabis = weed = pot = giggle smoke = indian hay 대마초, 마리화나


Woo-won, the son of Jae-yong, the second son of the former dictator, initially vowed to visit Gwangju to make an apology upon his arrival in Korea from New York where he lives.
독재자였던 전두환의 차남 전재용씨의 아들인 전우원씨는 앞서 자신이 살고 있는 뉴욕에서 한국에 도착하면 광주를 방문해 사과하겠다고 약속했었다.


dictator = tyrant = autocrat = despot = absolute monarch 독재자

initially = at first = at the start = at the outset = at the beginning = originally 당초, 본래, 처음에

make an apology for = apologize for ~에 대해 사과하다

upon one's arrival = as soon as one's arrival 도착하자마자


But he could not keep this promise as he was apprehended upon his arrival at Incheon International Airport earlier in the day for ingesting what he claimed was ecstasy and other narcotics while livestreaming on YouTube. In that video on March 17, he claimed he and his acquaintances had been using illegal drugs.
전우원씨는 그러나 유튜브 생중계 도중 엑스터시 등 마약을 투약한 혐의로 이날 오전 인천공항에 도착해 체포되면서 약속을 지키지 못했다. 3월 17일 유튜브 영상에서 전우원씨는 자신과 지인들이 불법 약물을 투약해왔다고 주장했다.


keep one's promise 약속을 지키다

earlier in the day = early in the morning 이날 오전, 아침 일찍

ingest (음식·약 등을) 삼키다, 먹다

ecstacy = narcotic = illegal drug = dug = gear = dope = heaven dust = shit = schmack 마약

livestream (인터넷에서) 실시간으로 방송하다, 실시간으로 사칭하다, (인터넷) 실시간 방송, 실시간 시청

acquaintance 아는사람, 지인, 면식, (약간의)친분, 지식

cronny (많은 시간을 함께 보내는) 친구

confidant (비밀도 털어놓는 절친한) 친구


Woo-won, 27, has been making media headlines since March 13 over his series of revelations about his family members through Instagram, YouTube and several media interviews, calling his grandfather a "mass murderer" and all of his family members "criminals."
전우원씨(27)는 지난 3월 13일부터 인스타그램과 유튜브, 여러 언론 인터뷰 등을 통해 가족에 대한 폭로가 잇따르며 할아버지를 '학살자', 가족 모두를 '범죄자'라고 부르며 언론의 머릿기사를 장식하고 있다.


make headlines = go into headlines = hit the headlines = grab the headlines = splash the news = crack the headlines 대대적으로 보도되다, 화제가 되다, 대서특필하다

revelation = disclosure = divulgence = exposure 폭로, 공개, 탄로, 노출, 드러냄

mass murderer 대량학살범, 여러사람을 살해한 살해범

massacre = slaugther = genocide 대학살, 집단 학살, 종족 학살

criminal = tormentor = abuser = perpetrator = culprit = assailant = murderer = assassin = killer = felonry 범죄자, 가해자, 킬러


Chun Doo-hwan is a former Army general who rose to power through a military coup in December 1979 and led an authoritarian government from 1980 to 1988.
전두환은 1979년 12월 군사 쿠데타를 통해 권력을 장악하고 1980년부터 1988년까지 권위주의 정부를 이끌었던 전직 육군 대장이다.


army general 육군 장관

rise to power = seize power = come to power 힘을 얻다, 권세를 얻다, 집권하다, 권좌에 앉다

military coup 군사 쿠데타

authoritarian government 권위주의 정부

authoritarian = dictatorial = autocratic = despotic = tyrannical 독재적인, 권위주의적인, 전제군주적인


During the Gwangju Uprising which began on May 18, 1980, thousands of Gwangju citizens rose up against the military junta led by Chun. More than 200 people were killed, with 1,800 wounded, according to official data.
1980년 5월 18일 시작된 광주 항쟁에서 수천 명의 광주 시민들이 전 씨가 이끄는 군사 정권에 대항해 들고 일어났다. 공식 자료에 따르면, 200명 이상이 사망했고, 1,800명이 부상을 입었다.


rise up against = stand up against = rebel agaoinst = rise up in rebellion against = rise up in revolt against = revolt against ~에 저항하다, ~대항해 들고 일어나다

military junta = military regime 군사 정권


The former dictator died at age 90 from chronic ailments in November 2021, having never apologized for his wrongdoings.
전두환은 지난 2021년 11월 자신의 잘못에 대해 한 마디 사과도 없이 90세의 나이에 지병으로 사망했다.


chronic ailment = chronic disease 만성 질환, 지병, 숙환

apologize for = make an apology for ~에 대해 사과하다

wrongdoing = crime = offence = misdeed = sin = delinqueyncy = evil deed = wicked act = vice = corrupt practices = bad custom 범법행위, 부정행위, 비행











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