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Korea to lift mask mandate on public transportation starting Monday - 한국, 20일부터 대중교통 '노마스크’

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 4. 1.



[NATIONAL] Korea to lift mask mandate on public transportation starting Monday

The government has decided to lift the mask mandate on public transportation, including buses, subways and airplanes, starting Monday.



The government has decided to lift the mask mandate on public transportation, including buses, subways and airplanes, starting Monday as the COVID-19 situation continues to stabilize, health authorities said Wednesday.
15일 보건 당국은 코로나19 유행 상황이 안정적이라는 판단에 따라 20일부터 버스, 지하철, 비행기 등 대중교통에서 마스크 착용 의무를 해제하기로 했다고 밝혔다.


mask mandate = mask requirement = mandatory mask-wearing 마스크 착용 의무화

public transportation = public transit = public transport = mass transportation[transport] 대중교통

stabilize = calm down = abate = languish = soothe = relieve = ease = ebb = decrease = alleviate = lessen = subside = blow over = die out = subdue = moderate = soften = diminish = flag = dwindle = wither = droop = wilt = weaken 안정화되다, 사그라들다, 감소하다, 줄어들다, 누그러지다

health authorities 보건 당국


The mask mandate was enforced in Korea starting in October 2020 when the pandemic raged.
마스크 착용 의무는 코로나19 팬데믹이 유행하기 시작한 2020년 10월부터 한국에 도입되었다.


enforce = push = implement = execute = carry out = go into effect = take effect = become effective = become operative = put in force = bring into effect = put into effect 시행하다

introduce = impose = institute = bring in 도입하다, 시행하다

rage 맹렬히 계속되다, (계속)맹위를 떨치다, 격렬한 분노, 격분, 몹시 화를 내다, 휘몰아 치다

enrage = infuriate 격분하게 만들다

be all the rage 대유행하다, 엄청나게 유행하다

pandemic 전국적인 유행병, 전 세계적인 유행병

endemic (특정 지역·집단) 고유의, 고질적인, 풍토적인

epidemic 유행병, 유행성 전염병,  (흔히 나쁜 것의) 급속한 확산, 유행


During a government meeting on COVID-19 responses, Vice Interior Minister Han Chang-seob said the decision was made in consideration of the COVID-19 infection numbers, which have continued decreasing even after the government lifted most of the mandatory indoor mask-wearing rules on Jan. 30.
한창섭 행정안전부 차관은 코로나19 확진자가 지난 1월 30일 실내 마스크 착용 의무 해제 후에도 지속적으로 감소하고 있는 상황을 고려해 이러한 결정을 내렸다고 밝혔다.


make a decision 결정을 하다

in consideration of = in view of = given that = inasmuch as = considering that ~을 고려해 볼때

infection number 감염 수치, 감염자 수

lift = scap = remove = rescind = abolish = do away with = get rid of = negate = annul = repeal = revoke = withdraw = recant = retract = cancel = invalidate = abrogate = nullify = void = discard = ditch 없애다, 철폐하다, 철회하다, 취소하다, 무효화하다

mandatory = compulsory = obligatory = statutory = required 의무적인

indoor mask-wearing 실내 마스크 착용


"The daily average number of virus cases has decreased by 38 percent even after mask-wearing requirements were adjusted on Jan. 30, while the number of new seriously ill patients has fallen by 55 percent," Han said.
한 차관은 "지난 1월 30일 실내 마스크 착용 의무 조정이 있고 난 후에도 일평균 확진자 수가 38%, 신규 위중증 환자 수는 55% 감소했다"고 밝혔다.


daily average number of virus cases = daily average number of infactions 일평균 확진자수

mask-wearing requirement = mask mandate = mask requirement = mandatory mask-wearing 마스크 착용 의무화

adjust = fine-tune = modify = revise = rearrange = control = regulate = trim = tidy (약간)조정하다, 적응하다, (매무새 등을)바로잡다, 정돈하다

seriously ill patient = critically ill patient 중증환자, 중환자

intensive care unit (ICU) 중환자실

hospice care 호스피스 치료, 말기 환자용 병원 치료


"Plus, mutant virus variants have not been discovered in recent weeks. The virus situation has been in a stable condition."
"또한 최근 신규 변이도 나타나지 않았다. 안정적인 방역 관리가 가능한 상황이다."


mutant virus variant = subvariant = mutated virus = mutant = mutated strain 변이 바이러스 변종

be in a stable condition 안정기에 있다. 안정적인 상태에 있다


Han, however, added that the government still "actively recommends" people who use public transportation during rush hour as well as those who are in high-risk groups or have symptoms associated with COVID-19 to continue to wear masks on public transportation.
그러나 한 차관은 혼잡 시간대에 대중교통을 이용하거나 고위험군에 속한 경우, 코로나19 관련 증상이 나타나는 경우에는 대중교통 이용 시 여전히 마스크를 착용할 것을 정부는 "적극적으로 권장한다"고 덧붙였다.


actively recommend 적극 권장하다, 적극 추천하다

during rush hours = during the commute time 붐비는 시간 동안에, 러시아워 동안에, 출퇴근 시간에

high-risk group patient 고위험군 환자

underlying disease 기저질환

associated with = connected with = related with = linked to = involved in ~와 관련된


In May last year, the government lifted the outdoor mask mandate in a major step toward a return to pre-COVID normality.
지난해 5월 정부는 코로나 전 일상으로 돌아가기 위한 중요한 진전으로 실외 마스크 착용 의무를 해제했다.


lift = scap = remove = rescind = abolish = do away with = get rid of = negate = annul = repeal = revoke = withdraw = recant = retract = cancel = invalidate = abrogate = nullify = void = discard = ditch 없애다, 철폐하다, 철회하다, 취소하다, 무효화하다

outdoor mask mandate 실외 마스크 착용 의무화

indoor mask-wearing requirement 실내 마스크 착용 의무화

in a major step toward = in a major step forward ~향한 큰 발걸음으로, ~향한 중요한 진전으로

return to normality = return to nomalcy = return to normal condition 정상으로 돌아가다, 일상으로 돌아가다


Then on Jan. 30, most of the mandatory indoor mask-wearing rules were lifted. But the mandate has still remained in place at hospitals, pharmacies, other vulnerable facilities such as geriatric hospitals and public transportation.
지난 1월 30일에는 대부분의 실내 마스크 착용 의무가 해제되었다. 하지만 병원, 약국, 혹은 요양병원이나 대중교통과 같은 다른 취약 시설에서는 여전히 의무가 유지되고 있었다.


remain in place 가동 유지되다, 계속 운영되다, 지속 재직하다

vulnerable facilites 취약 시설

geriatric 노인병원, (심신이 쇠약한) 늙은이

geriatrics = geriatric medicine 노인병학

gerontology 노인학

geriatic hospital 노인 병원, 노인전문 병원

paediatrics 소아과, 소아과학

gynecology 부인과

obstetrics 산과








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