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SVB's collapse feared to trigger capital flight out of Korea - 실리콘밸리은행 파산, 한국에서 자본 유출 일으킬까

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 4. 1.



[BUSINESS] SVB's collapse feared to trigger capital flight out of Korea

Financial authorities wary of ripple effects of US lender's bankruptcy 금융당국, 미국 SVB 파산발 파급 효과 염려



Financial authorities wary of ripple effects of US lender's bankruptcy
금융당국, 미국 SVB 파산발 파급 효과 염려

collapse = fall = meltdown = ruin = crumble = dissolve = destroy = give way = cave in = disintegrate = crash = break up = dismantle = disorganize = disassemble = tear down 붕괴, 폭락, 하락, 무너짐, 폭락하다, 붕괴하다, 해체하다

be fearted to = be worried = be troubled = be distressed = be concerned ~할까봐 우려되다, 염려되다

capital fight = refugee capital = capital outflow (외국으로)자본 도피, 자본 유출

wary of = cautious of = worried of = uneasy at = leery of = careful of = watchful of = discreet = prudent = thoughtful = circumspect = deliberate = politic 조심스러워하는, 주의하는, 신중한

financial authorities 금융 당국

ripple effect = spill-over effect = domino effect = repercussion effect = spreading effect = knock-on effect = butterfly effect = cascading effect = echo effect = echo effect 파급효과, 연쇄반응

bankruptcy = insolvency 파산, 파산상태, 파탄

bank run = run of the bank 예금 인출 소동

The sudden bankruptcy of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), Friday, is sparking concerns in Korea of weakened investor confidence that could force foreign investors to scramble for safer assets and lead to a capital exodus from the Korean market.
금요일 실리콘밸리은행(SVB)의 갑작스러운 파산으로 한국에서 투자자 신뢰가 약화해 외국인 투자자들이 안전자산을 찾고 한국 시장에서 자본이 이탈할 수 있다는 우려가 생기고 있다.


spark = egg on = promote = bring about = cause = lead to = result in = wrought 초래하다, 불러일으니다

investor confidence 투자자 신뢰, 투자자 확신

scramble for = strive to be first = vie with one another 앞을 다투어 ~하다, 앞다투어 움직이다

safe asset 안전 자산

safe haven 안전한 피난처, 안전 자산

capital exodus = capital flight = refugee capital = capital outflow 자본 탈출, 자본이탈


Financial authorities said, Sunday, they are closely monitoring the effects of the U.S. lender's debacle, which could significantly increase market uncertainties.
일요일 금융 당국은 시장 불확실성을 크게 증가시킬 수 있는 이 미국 대출기관 파산의 영향을 면밀히 살피고 있다고 말했다.


monitor = observe = watch up = chain reaction = keep a beady eye on = see and wait = eye up 지켜보다, 살펴보다

debacle  = disruption = catastrophe = disaster = failure = mess = fiasco = pandemonium = chaos = hell = bedlam = turmoil = madhouse = ordeal = upheavel = calamity = apocalypse = mayhem = turbulence = burly-burly = commotion 낭패, 실패, 재앙, 혼란

market uncertainty 시장 불확실성

uncertainty = fluctuation = choppiness = volatility = instability = turbulence = tumult = tempest = fluidness = precariousness = variation = ups and downs = rise and fall = seesaw = tetter-totter 불확실성, 불안정함


"The possibility should not be ruled out that the closure of SVB due to a liquidity crunch can expand market volatility in Seoul," Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance Choo Kyung-ho said during a meeting attended by senior economic policymakers.
추경호 경제부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관은 이날 간담회에서 "유동성 경색에 따른 SVB 폐쇄가 서울에서의 시장 변동성을 확대할 가능성을 배제할 수 없다"고 말했다.


possibility = likelihood = potential = odds = probability = chance 가능성

potentiality = latency = dormancy 잠재력, 잠새정

rule out = exclude = eliminate 제외시키다, 배제하다, 제외시키다

closure = shutdown = closing 폐쇄

liquidity crunch 유동성 경색

credit crunch 신용 경색

liquidation 청산, 정리, 현금화, 제거

crunch (흔히 불쾌한) 중대 상황, 정보, 으드득, 뽀드득, (시끄럽게)아작아작 씹다, (단단한 것을)으드득 거리다

economic policymaker 경제 정책 담당자


"The government and relevant organizations will monitor the market around the clock, and if neededtake countermeasures promptlyso that any adverse effects (from overseas) do not spread to our economy," Choo added.
추 부총리는 "정부 및 유관기관은 시장 상황을 24시간 모니터링하고 필요시에는 신속히 대응해 (해외에서) 우리 경제에 악영향이 번지지 않도록 하겠다"고 덧붙였다.


relevant organization 관련 부처, 유관 기관

around the clock = round the clock 24시간 내내

take countermeasures 대응조치를 취하다

promptly = immediately = instantly = at once = without delay = quickly = swiftly = urgently = straight off = straight 즉시, 지체없이

adverse effect = unfavorable impact = disadvantageous effect = negative effect = negative shock 부정적 영향, 불리한 영향

spread to = permeate = infiltrate = be infused = be imbued = diffuse to ~로 퍼지다


Analysts said Sunday that although it is unlikely that the bankruptcy could turn into a full-fledged financial crisis, Korea's financial market can be adversely affected by the unraveling of SVB, noting that Asia's fourth-largest economy is still classified as an emerging market that tends to remain vulnerable to global economic risks.
분석가들은 일요일 파산이 본격적인 금융 위기로 전환될 가능성은 낮지만 아시아 4위 경제 대국인 한국이 여전히 글로벌 경제 리스크에 취약한 상태인 신흥 시장으로 분류되고 있다는 점에 주목하며 SVB 폐쇄가 한국 금융 시장에 부정적 영향을 미칠 수 있다고 말했다.


turn into = develop into = become ~로 변하다, ~사태로 번지다, ~이 되다

full-fledged = full-scale = full-blown 전면적인, 본격적인, 완전히 갖춘

financial crisis = financial shock = financial fiasco = financial peril = financial risk 재정적 위기, 금융 위기

adversely = unfavorably = negatively = disadvantageously = detrimentally 불리하게, 부정적으로

detrimental = harmful = damaging = prejudicial = deleterious = injurious = malign = sinister = mischiefful = bad 해로운, 유해한

unravel 흐트러지기 시작하다, (이해하기 어려운 것·미스터리 등) 풀다, 풀리다, (뜨개질한 것·엉클어진 것·매듭 등을)풀다

ravel (상황·문제를) 더 복잡하게 만들다, 꼬이게 만들다

emerging market 신흥시장

vulnerable = feeble = frail = fragile = weedy = weak = weakened = infirm= delicate = puny 취약한, 약한, 허약한


"Global investors, in search of safe haven assets, are likely to show a greater demand for U.S. dollars in response of the SVB crisis, and that they may sell off their financial assets here," said Joo Won, deputy director of Hyundai Research Institute. "Under the circumstances, it is foreseeable that Korean won's value against the U.S. dollar may weaken further."
현대경제연구원 주원 부원장은 "안전자산을 찾는 글로벌 투자자들은 SVB 위기에 대응해 미 달러화에 대한 수요가 더 커질 가능성이 있다"며 "여기서 금융자산을 매도할 수도 있다"고 말했다. 이어 "이런 상황에서 달러화 대비 원화 가치가 더욱 약세를 보일 가능성이 있다"고 말했다.


safe asset = safe asset = safe-haven asset 안전 자산, 안전 피난처

in search of ~을 찾아서

in response of ~에 응하여, ~에 답하여

sell off = dispose of = clear out = clear off = trade away ~을 싸게 팔아 치우다, (산업체·기업·토지를) 매각하다 

sell-off = selling spree = disposal 매각, 대량매각

under the circumstances = against the backdrop 이러한 상황에서, 이러한 배경에서

foreseeable = predictable = anticipated = projected = probable = likelly = expectable = presumable = guessable = surmisable = conjecturable = assumable 예상가능한, 추정가능한, 가정할 수 있는, 있음직한


The Korean currency, after rising to the 1,200 won level early this year, has been losing ground against the greenback and weakened to the 1,300 won level in recent weeks as the U.S. Federal Reserve is poised to resume steep rate hikes again.
올해 초 1200원대까지 오른 원-달러 환율은 미 연방준비제도(Fed•연준)가 가파른 금리 인상을 재개할 태세를 보이자 최근 몇 주 동안 약세를 보이며 1300원대까지 떨어졌다.


early this year 올초, 올해 초

lose ground 설자리를 잃고 있다, 지다

gain ground 더 강력해지다, 성공하다

against the green back = against the U.S. dollar 달러 대비

be poised to = be prepared for = be ready for = gear up for = brace for = make preparation for ~을 준비를 갖추다, ~할 태세를 갖추다, ~할 준비가 되다

rate hike = hike in interest rates = interest rate hike 금리 대폭 인상








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