Ravage : 황폐하게 만들다, 피폐하게 만들다, 유린하다, 파괴하다, (전쟁에서 군인이) 약탈하다, 훔치다
Ravages : 유린, 참화, 피해
Ravages of time : 세월의 유린, 세월의 황폐
Ravaged : 파괴된, 황폐화된
to ravage, means to devastate
to destroy something
to lay waste to it
to cuase destruction to it
the coast was ravaged by a ferocious storm
the area has been ravaged by cholera
the world was ravaged by the covid virus
to cause a great deal of damage to something
to damage severely
his football career has been ravaged by problems with injuries
the hurricane ravaged the whole area
the countryside was ravaged by a storm
the country has been ravaged by war
to ravage, it's almost completely destroyed
the economy has been ravaged by increased energy costs
we've been ravaged by political corruption
the storm ravaged the coast for 12 hours
ragave implies violent destruction, normally in a series of attacks or over an extended period of time
notice as well, an army can ravage a city
to lay waste
to devastate
to sack
to take everything they can and run away with it
to steal everything
to loot
the ravages, particuarly in the plural, you could use it the ravage but the ravages as a noun in the plural
this old book was made 600 years ago and has survived the ravages of time
the ravages of something, particularly this collocation, the ravages of time
the ravages of time, the damages caused by time
the industry has suffered the ravages of inflation and increasing costs
the ravages talks about the destructive effects of something
a face that has withstood the ravages of time
the ravages of war
the ravaged streets of the city after the storm
ravaged, wrecked
notice, don't comfuse this word ravage with " ravish "
meaning to rape or to get carried away with emotion
Formality : 5.5 - 6