Jumble : 뒤죽박죽 섞인것, (마구)뒤섞다, (자선 바자에 보내기 위해 모아 놓은) 헌 물건들
a jumble is a mixture of different things
an untidy confused mess of different things, ideas, feelings
there always seems to be a jumble of papers on my desk
if you look at the bottom of my wardrobe there, definitely clothes all jumbled together waiting to be washed
he didn't explain his ideas very clearly in class and his thought or his ideas were all jumbled together
a jumble of ideas
a jumble, untidy piles of things
a chaotic jumble
mybe sort of like clutter or confusion
disorganized and confused muxture of things/ideas
jumbled explanation
a jumble of papers
a mixture of unrelated things
a mess, a disorder, chaos, clutter, a pure disarray
jumble as an uncountable noun
there is loads of jumble in the attice that we really have to get rid of
to jumble, to muddle up, to mix up
to mix together
to disorganize
he was a bit drunk and he started to get his words jumbled
that would be jumbling your words
I jumbled together a few things that were in the fridge but it wasn't really very nice
everything was jumbled up into a heap
I got my ideas jumbled up
all jumbled together, all muddled together
all mixed together
to confuse
to disorder
to shuffle your papers
to muddle up
you also have a thing in the UK, called a jumble sale
a jumble sale, the American would call it a rummage sale
an event to make money for an organization, particularly a church
people give the stuff that they don't want to the organization and then they hold a jumble sale
you can also call it a white elephant sale as well.
Formality : 5 for jumble