Solemn : 엄숙한, 침통한, 근엄한, 장중한
Earnest : 진심어린, 착실한, 성실한, 진정어린
if somebody is solemn or something is solemn, it's serious and dignified
it doesn't have any humor
it' very serious and a bit depressed
he had a very solemn face
everybody looked very solemn, they looked depressed
the mood was very solemn, it was very downbeat and dark
you could have a mass or a ceremony that is solemn, it's full of ceremony
it's full of dignified restraint
a solemn occasion, this is a solemn occasion so don't you dare laugh at it
following the ceremony
without humor, with full liturgical ceremony
I solemnly swear
a solemn oath
a solemn promise, is a very sincere and formal
I solemnly promise
solemn, characterized by seriousness
I think earnest is very different to the word solemn
if you are earnest, you are very determined and you strongly believe that what you are doing
a very sincere, you have a very intense conviction
if you do something in earnest, you are convinced that it's true and in a way you are very solemn about it, but solemn has the idea of depressed serious grave downbeat
whereas earnest is to have a very deep-seated belief in something, showing extreme sincerity
he is very earnest about his subject
they have a very serious and intent mental state
if you are earnest, this is for you strongly believe it
you study English earnestly, because you believe it's a good thing
his earnestness, he believes that his actions and his beliefs are important
Formality : 5 for solemn
Formality : 6 for earnest