Jocular : (사람/상황/사물)익살스러운, 유머러스한, 남을 잘 웃기는, 익살스러운
Jocularity : 우스꽝스러움, 익살, 우스개스러움
Jocularly : 우스꽝스럽게, 익살맞게, 유머러스하게, 기쁘게
Jocund : (사람) 명랑한, 쾌활한, 근심없고 유쾌한
jocundity : 명랑, 쾌활
jocundly : 명랑하게, 유쾌하게
jocular talks about jokes
soembody who is always making jokes, so it was a very jocular evening. we were making lots of jokes
you can also describe a person as jocular, they are humorous and amusing
they are happy and upbeat
he is known for his jocularity
I think jocularity is even more strongly associated with jokes
when the teacher fell over in class , there was great jocularity. there was making jokes about it
jocularity, I think this is where eveyone is laughing about something
whereas he jocularly hepled me, he happily and helpfully did this for me
jocund, on the other hand, I would only use to describe a person
I would use this more to describe a person whose upbeat and happy
somebody who is light-herated and merry in high spirits
eveybody was very jocund, really enjoyed themsleves
he is famous for his jocundity
you can use for both jocular and jocund
he is a jocular and jocund individual
jocular, jocund, they are slightly different adjectives but they are those both very close together
jocular is much more common than jocund
jocular and jocund, they are slightly different but you can use them more or less interchangeagly
I think jocular is more about making jokes and jocund is talking about more light-heartedness
jocular, characterized by joking and good humor or light-hearted as a joke
jocund, somebody who is got a humorous temperament. somebody who is happy and very upbeat
Formality : 5 for jocular
Formality : 6.5 for jocund