Serpentine : 구불구불한, 굽이굽이한, 복잡한, (마치 뱀처럼) 교묘하게 유혹적인, 교활한, (특히 과거 건물 속에 불연재·단열재로 쓰이던 잿빛 물질)석면, (런던의 하이드파크의) 서펜타인 호수
Serpentine, this comes from the word serpent, a snake
something that is serpentine, soemthing that twists backwards and forwards like a snake
the river went backwards and forwards following a serpentine route
twisting backwards and forwards
wandering from side to side
we followed the serpentine path that took us through the forest
it's something that's winding backwards and forwards
it comes backwards and forwards
something that coiles backwards and forwards like a snake
the serpentine front of a building
the serpentine shape of an old-fashioned sofa
serpentine sideboard
the shape move bavk and forward
a winding path
you can also use the word serpentine, to mean something that is complicated
it's not obvious
the logic he used was extremely serpentine
he came to the conclusion by very serpentine logic
you can use this word serpentine meaning something that is tempting
it's like the snake tempting Eve to bite the Apple
the serpentine allure of the big city
the serpentine power of advertising
snake-like, that is why you can use it in tha that way
it's something that is treacherous and it's evil but very tricky and very subtle
serpentine something that is very attractive but maybe rather evil and going to draw you in and trick you
his character is very serpentine, crafty and deceitful
serpentine behavior
serpenine as well can actually be a type of rock or a mineral
asbestos is a type of serpentine
hydrated magnesium silicate
if you've ever been to Hyde Park in London, there is a great big lake in the middle of Hyde Park and that is called the sepertine or the serpentine river
Formality : 6.5