Pillage : (특히 전시에) 약탈하다, 강탈하다, 약탈, 강탈, (특히 전시의) 전리품, 노획물
to pillage, means to steal things and are using violence, particularly during a time of war
to pillage, to rob using violence
they stole everything that they could using violence to take anything they want
it's a group of people on the rampage, particularly during a war
to sack
to ransack
this is to pillage, to steal with violence
to loot, I think to loot, you can use with civil disobedience as well, there's a riot and the rioters looted the shops
you could say they pillaged the shops but pillage is more common during a war
particularly stealing during a war
booty, the things that you can get
a pillage, the act of pillaging or the booty what you've got
after the war in Iraq, a huge amount of antiquities were pillaged from Baghdad museums
the people were starving and they attacked the warehouse and pillaged it. they stole eveyrthing they could
after winning a battle very often in olden times, it was the soldier's right to pillage or loot everything they could as part of their pay
the Nazis are pillaged a large number of artworks from Europe
it's to steal things by force but particularly valuable things in a state of chaos
Formality : 6.5