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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

673. Jetty - Differences - Maritime English - English Vocabulary - Port / Harbour / Wharf / Quay / Dock / Pier / Jetty

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 1. 17.



what is the difiference between these things
the main difference nowadays, it when people talk is talking about size

Let's see, in a port you will find the harbor and the harbor has a wharf if it's a very big harbor or a quay if it's a smaller one, and then sticking out from that you will have piers and a jetty, a jetty is like a appear but smaller
a yacht may tie up to pier or probably more commonly a jetty 
so effectively, that just a question of size




Port  :  항구,  항만, 항구도시, 항구시설, 항만시설

Harbour :  (방파제 시설이 되어 있는, 배가 대피할 수 있는) 항구, 항만

a port is normally a big place where you can bring ships in or boats from the sea
a port may have more than one harbor 
Dover is a port on the south east coast of the United Kingdom
Dover has two harbors
harbor is more like a curved area or an area where you can tie up you boat or you can moor your ship or your boat
a port is a big area whereas a harbor is slightly smaller





wharf : (큰 배나 보트를 위한) 부두, 선창

Quay :  (작은 배나 보트를 위한) 부두, 선창

Dock : 부두, 선창, (항구에서 선박 수리물품 보관 등을 위한) 독, 선거, (배를) 부두에 대다

now that harbor itself has a wharf or a quay
I think a wharf is normally along the side, it runs along the coast, and the quay run along the side as well
in my mind, a wharf if for a bigger boat than a quay
a wharf, it is a structure which is an area where the ships can dock and can come in, I think with a wharf can also go out into the sea, but I would generally say that the wharf is the bit that's along the side of the land
a quay is very similar to a wharf
it's similarly a structure along the sea 
to my minid, a wharf is something bigger than the quay
a wharf, you would take a great big ship into
a quay, it's maybe for slightly smaller boats
but I would say these two are interchangeable


a dock, is an area of water next to man-made structure invovled in the handling of boats
it also could be referred to a dockyard where they load and unload ships 
I think a dock is probably smaller than a harbor. but probably about the same as a wharf or quay 





Pier :  (해안선으로부터 길게 뻗어 돌출한 교량) 잔교, 선창

Jetty : (해변·강가의) 둑, 부두, 돌제

a pier, is definietely a structure which goes out from the shoreline
in many holiday towns in the UK, you have a pier
a piece, it's a raised structure, it rises above the water and juts out from the shore
it's normally supported by pillars of wood or piles 
it provides access to area further out  
I think you've normally got the quay or the wharf along the side and then you've got piers going out in to the sea

the last one, a jetty
I think a jetty is very similar to a pier, although I think a pier is probably slightly bigger and slightly stronger
I think a jetty is more of made up wood with planks 

Formality : 5 for all





