Malediction : 저주, 악담, 비방, 욕
Benediction : 축복, 축복의 기도
a meladicition is like curse
it's a set of words intended to bring bad luck to somebody or experssing the hope that somebody has bad luck
I left the room muttering maledictions against him
it's magical word or phrase with the intention of cursing somebody
a malediction, an invocation for bad for evil
after the fight, he left screaming maledictions
with a maledictory attitude
calling down a curse on them
calling down evil on them
maledictory talk
a curse
an imprecation
an execration
calling down the evil eye
to revile
a benediction, I asked the priest for his benediction
it's a prayer asking god for help and protection for yourself or for somebody else
a blessing
particularly, at the end of a religious service
it's like an indication for good
an invocation for something good to happen
a benediction, something that is good
a little bit of sunshine in during these winter days would be like a benediction
it would be like a blessing and something special
it's a kind of prayer askiing for the benediction
he asked for the blessing of the pope, for the benediction of a pope
a favor
a grace
something to make people things go well
asking for divine help
Formality : 6.5 for both