Benighted : 무지한, 미개한, 무지몽매한, 계몽되지 않은, 낙후된, 원시적인
if you describe a place as benighted, you are syaing that it's unfortunate and it's uncivilized
i's not a nice place. it's crude and very primitive and very backwards
you could say that the Middle Ages was a benighted period in Enuropean history and then you came the renaissance and the society was reborn
let's see, literally benighted means that night has come over the place
the benighted scene but we don't use benighted like that really anymore. that's obsolete that the night has come
but we using it metaphorically, to talk to say that a place is backwards and uncivilized
the benighted practices that go on in an uncivilized and ignorant place
benighted, lacking culture and lacking morals
existing in a state of darkness
these poor benighted people, these are people who are suffereing who are living ina state of ignorance or in a state of backwardness or people lving in the stone age or in a pitiful state
the missionaries went to latine America to the Amazon jungles to bring christianism to the benighted tribes who lived there
early explorers considering the local people as benighted savages to be exploited
benighted, in a state of moral or intellectual darkness, unenlightened, ignorant
a place that lacks morals, crude, uncivilized, backwards, uncultured, unenlightend
I felt that it was my duty to help these poor benighted people
benighted, exhibiting a lack of education
showing ignorance
not lacking knowledge
without morality
the opposite of it, unbenighted
children are unbenighted by society when they are small but very soon that unfortunately changes
Formality : 7 - 7.5