Entrust : (일/임무/책임/귀중품/비밀) 맡기다
to entrust, this means to give somebody a duty or responsibility
to give something that they are responsible for
to entrust something to somebody
to entrust somebody with the reponsibility of doing something
you can use this also with a responsibility
to make somebody responsible for something
to give sombody a duty or a responsibility
to entrust sb with sth
to entrust sth to sb
to entrust sb to do sth
to give something over to somebody for their care and for their protection
to give somebody custody of something
to confer a trust on somebody
to commission somebody to do someothing
to assign care of somehting to somebody
to turn over for safe keeping
I am going swimming so I am going to entrust my car keys to you
I entrusted the watering of my plants to my neighbor while I was away
they entrusted the feeding of the animals to me
I am going to entrust you with organizing the food for the party
I am going to entrust you with picking up my children from school today because I've got to work late
the boss entrusted me with opening the shop in the morning
he entrusted me with the key
he entrust me to open the business in the morning
would you entrust your darkest secrets to somebody that you didn't know?
I was very reluctant to entrust my children to anybody else's care
to put something into somebody's care
you entrust your health or your life to the medical team
the prime minister is entrusted with the saafety of the nation
I am going to entrust the cooking to you
I am going to entrust the setting up of the dining table to you
he entrusted his money to me while he was not there
you entrust someone with your lives
Formality : 6.5 - 7