Increment : (수·양의) 증가, (정기적인) 임금 인상, (연속적인) 인상, 증가, (정기적/연속적)증가하다
Incremental : 서서히 증가하는, 조금씩 증가하는
Incrementally : 점차적으로, 점차, 점증적으로
Incrementalism : (사회적/정치적) 점진주의
an increment is just a posh way to say an increase or one of a series of increases
you will receive an increment your salary at the end of the year
an increment, an increase
an increment, an addition or a regular increase in something
his salary was incremented every six months
an increment, the amount by which something changes
I wonder what the total increment is so far
it's something that increases little by little
an increment, a minute increase, but it doesn't have to be minute
you can't learn English language all in one, you need to expand your vocabulary incrementally by small increments
there has been an increment in inflation
each time we learn something new, there is an increment in the knowledge of mankind
increase, gain, addition, supplement, extra
incremental something that increase that gets more piece by piece
when we use the phrase the word incremental as well, every often that gives the ideal of small tiny increases
but increment, an increase in addition particularly one of the series or the act of increasing something
I went saving money in increments, in small amounts
there will be an incremental increase in the advances made by the research project
the profitability of this company has increased incrementally
little by little by little
we are watching incremental increases in the average temperature of our planet
incremental change, a very small change
incremental gains, little by little
incremental improvements, piece by piece
in business, you could have the incremental cost of doing something
this meas, the cost of making one more unit
factory produces a thousand of these every day, the incremental cost are the cost to produce one more unit
incrementalism, this is a political term, which is talking about if you want to change things, you can't change things bang from day to night. you need to change things little by little by little working towards a goal
making cahngees but step by step
small steps that are perfectly sensible
bit by bit by bit
Formality : 6 - 6.5