Incessant : (못마땅한) 끊임없는, 쉴새없는, 그칠새 없는
incessantly : 끊임없이, 쉴새없이
if something is incessant, it doesn't stop, it doesn't pause
it's never-ending, it goes on and on and on
especially to the point where it gest up your nose, it annoys you
the incessant noise of her snoring kept me awake all night
incessant, contitunous, unceasing, without pause, without stop, unremitting
it's something that never stops
normally we use this critically to say that we don't like it
even if you say his incessant optimism, he is always optimistic but it's a bit annoying about things
incessant rain for the last three weeks
it hasn't stopped
incessant noise is the unceasing noise from the road
something that is constant, perpetual and that goes on and on and on but particularly of something unpleasant
incessantly, she talks incessantly about her ailments
to talk incessantly about something
if you use this word incessant, you are saying it is something that is rather unpleasant, constant, unabating and it never finishes
continuous continual, it just never stops
incessant march of time, time always goes forward and there is nothing that we can do to stop
everlasting, unremitting, never stops, never cease, endless
the incessant stream of people that came through the door
the incessant noise of the road next door
incessant rain
the incessant demands of my boss
an incessant process, it is something that continues without stopping
without cessation
without stopping
the incessant demands made from money
the incessant stress that we suffer in everyday life
unending, uninterrupted
Formality : 5.5