Plunge : (빠르게/격렬하게)뛰어들어가다, 뛰어들다, (갑자기/통제불가능하게) 급락하다, 떨어지다, 고꾸라지다, 낙하하다, (성급하게/무모하게 어떤 일/활동) 들어가다, 착수하다, 뛰어듦, 착수, 개입함, (빠르게)찔러넣다, 집어넣다, (액체에 빠르게) 담그다, (상황에) 돌입하다, 들어가다, 던져지다
Take the plunge : (오랜 궁리 끝에) ~을 단행하기로 하다, (두렵고 초조하지만) 실행하기로 하다
Plunger : (손잡이 끝에 흡착 고무판이 붙어 있는 부엌·목욕탕) 배관 청소 용구, 플런저(피스톤/주사기 같은 것을 밀어내리도록 되어 있는 기기)
Plunging : 하락하는, 떨어지는
to plunge, means to jump into water
to dive into water energetically
it was a really hot day and we all plunged into the swimming pool, we jumped into quickly and energetically
he plunged his donut into his coffee, dipped it very energetically and quickly
I plunged into the cool water
I plunged into the sea
then we can also use to plunge meaning to fall suddenly and uncontrollably
the two men were fighting and they plunged off the edge of the cliff
a sudden movement downwards
to fall a long way
Angel Falls plunges 120 meters
the water plunged over the edge of the waterfall
the plane plunged into the mountain
you can use this meaning metaphorically
the price of the pound plunged on the uncertainty of the British government
a rapid decrease in value
to plunge, to drop very suddenly in value
demand plunged and there were problems
people's ability to pay bills has plunged
unemployment has plunged, it's gone down rapidly
a plunge, a large fall in the value of something
to plunge, to drop, to decrease, to jump into
the value of currency plunged
there was a plunge in the value of shares
you can plunge into an action
you can start to do something energentically and maybe impetuously as well
he decided to plunge in before he changed his mind, this is where we have the phrase to take the plunge to commit yourself to doing somehting but you are a bit nervous about it
I've never been bungee jumpipng but I decided to take the plunge this weekend to do it
he's never studied Japanese before but he took the plunge and embarked upon it
to take the plunge, it's to commit yourself to a course of action or to do something that you are a little bit nervous about it
to take the plunge, this idea of jumping into something
to plunge into an activityis you suddenly start doing it
you go in full of enthusiasm and energy
to act with haste maybe recklessly
we plunged into the project although we weren't probably ready
to take the plunge, to do something for the first time
and I guess, to plunge to put something inside something quickly and with force to thrust, to push into
he plunged his hands into his pockets
he plunged the money into the back
to thrust, to ram, to drive somethinig in
to put something quickly or forcibly into something
he plunged the dagger into his victim
they plunged bayonets into ther enemy
to plunge to quickly immerse in liquid
he plunged the vegetables in boiling water for a minute just to parboil them
he plunged his face into the water
to plunge, to suddenly change a situation
the electricity went off and we were plunged into darkness, we were thrown into darkeness
to sudenly enter a situation
everything was plunged into chaos
it's like jumping into a situation
the nation was plunged into a revolution
to cause to enter into a state
we were plunged into a world of violence
the world economy may be plunging into a recession
the situation will plunge into war
a plunger, the first thing of when you've got your sink or a basin is stuck, it unblocks the drain. that is actually a plunger
but, a plunger as well, a syringe for example, the plunger is the bit that goes in. it's the bit that you push down
Formality : 5 for both to plunge and a plunger