Deus Ex Machina : 데우스 엑스 마키나(특히 극이나 소설에서 가망 없어 보이는 상황을 해결하기 위해 불가능한 개념이나 신적 인물이 등장/동원되는 힘이나 사건)
this is a noun, a countable noun
this is something that they use in plays and films
this is a resolution to a story
a way to finish a story which is very improbable
it's like god suddenly comes down
resolves the whole situation
a way to resolve a story, and maybe it doesn't really think about the internal logic of the story
Very often authors use a deus ex machina, ending to finish a story in the way they want to finish it even though it's very improbable and very unlikely
I think they couldn't find a way to resolve the film so they invented a deus ex machina solution
In the film, you suddenly find wonderful artificial device to resolve the problem
it's something magic that suddenly provides a solution to the story or to a situation which seems totally impossible
an unexpected event or an unexpected power that comes to save a hopeless situation
especially as a way to contrive the end or the resolution to a problem or to a solution
In English you will criticizing the ending or you are criticizing this bit you are saying it's a bit unoriginal that it sounds like the author just wanted to finish there , he couldn't find a way to devoloping the end fo the story
so just some magic solution
I am wondering what the difference between a plot twist and deus ex macina
I think a plot twist is something that adds to the story and makes it more interesting, it alters the story
whereas Deus Ex Machina , it's just some sort of magic solution and it was all a dream , just a weird way to provide a solution to something that is unfinishable
Formality : 6.5 - 7