On Your Soapbox : 자기주장이 강한, 강력히 의경표시를 하는
get on your soapbox / be on your soapbox : (특정 주제에 대해) 강력히 의견 표시를 하다, 자기주장을 내세우다
you can be on your soapbox
to get on your soapbox
this is to express your view, maybe self-importantly as well
to give your opinion that you feel really strongly about a subject
my grandma is on her soapbox about youth today
Get off your soapbox, I don't want to hear more about this subject
a soapbox is just a wooden box that they used to sell soap in these wooden boxes and speakers used to get up and stand on a soapbox to use it as a platform to give a speech
So, if you get on your soapbox, you start talking or going on about a subject that's really important to you
he is always on his soabox about pollitics
I am not going to get on my soapbox about how stupid brexit was
this is expressing your views
if sombody is on their soapbox or has got on their soapbox, you are being disparaging you are being a bit negative
Formality : 5
Pandora's Box : 판도라의 상자(를 여는 격인 것), 많은 문제를 야기할 수 있는 것
to open pandora's box : 뜻하지 않은 재앙을 초래하다, 긁어 부스럼을 만들다
this is to start something or to introduce something or to uncover something that gives a lot of unexpected problems
if you go into the pub and start talking about politics, you are going to open pnadora's box, you are going to all sort of different views and arguments
if you repair something very often, that opens pnadora's box because you suddenly realize it's not things you need to repair, there are about 10 different things to repair
to be opened a series of different problems
to be opened a load of problem that you didn't know
you'd have let sleeping dogs lie
Formality : 5
Think Outside the Box
to think in a way that is not normal that's not conventional not traditional to be innovative
If we are going to find a cheap soluton to this, we need to think outside the box
if you are unoriginal, the teacher's not going to give you a good mark, so you need to think outside the box
to think freely
not to be limited to old rules
Formality : 4.5
Off Your Box / Out of your box
to be out of your box
to be very drunk or to be crazy
to be very intoxicated by drugs
he was really out of his box last night
you can also use out of your box or off your box, meaning crazy
he's gone off his box, he's out of his box
Formality : 2.5