Assemble : 모이다, 집합시키다, 모으다, 조립하다
Assembly : 집회, (학교에서의)조례, 조립, 의회, 입법기관, (컴퓨터)어셈블리(코드)
Assemblage : 집합, 모임, 집합체
Assembled : 모인, 집합된, 결집된
self-assembly : 직접 조립식의(구매자가 부품들을 사서 조립하는)
Assemble has two different meanings, either it means to put somehting together to make something by joining the different bits
to assemble, to bring together, particularly a meeting of people
school assembly, this is where all of the childeren of the school assemble in the same place and beryh often they have prayers or the headmaster says different things
we all are assembled in the meething room, but it doesn't have to be people
you could assemble data
to bring it all together
to collect it all together
to call people together as a group, as a whole
he assembled the model airplane
to gather together as a group to master
all of the candidates assembled in the hall
to put together
in case of fire, everybody should muster should, should assemble, should come together outside the building
to assemble, to fit together different components
he assembled a computer, having bought a motherboard, a chip, a ram and a hard disk
you buy a piece of furniture and on the packet it says self-assembly required
in computing, they use this meaning to translate from a assembly language to machine code, that is rather specific
you have an assembly, meaning a legislative body like some sort of parliament or something that an assembly of the United Nations
the boss talked to the assembled staff
the assembled crowd shouted when the politicians arrived
I did say an assemblage as well, which is either the process of putting things together, or even a collection of things that have been gathered together
I asssembled the piece of furniture but my assesmblage wasn't very good
I think a poet, needs to make his lines more than just an assemblage of interesting words they need to have meaning
Formality : 5
Formality : 6.5 for assemblage